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Important Seqs Of Biochemistry For 1st Year Mbbs Students

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  IMPORTANT SEQs OF BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 1ST YEAR MBBS STUDENTS1. What are the three stages of cellular respiration? Describe the first stage briefly.Q.1.a): define pH. What is the influence of pH on the structure and function of biologicalmolecules? 0.5, 1.5 B). Name the processes which help in the transport of substances across the cell membrane.Enumerate four important factors that determine net diffusion of a substance across thebiological membrane. 1, 1. Q2. A. Write Henderson Hasselbalch equation. B. Give its applications. (1, 4) Q3: Explain briefly how volume of water is regulated in the body. (5) Q.4: a). what are G proteins? How are G proteins activated and inactivated? 2 B). Define pH and buffer solution. Give four examples of body buffers along with the site wherethey act the best? 2 Q.5: a).What are intracellular events following the activation of Gq proteins? 2 Q6. Patient was brought in OPD with the history of excessive urination for the last 24 hours. Onexamination he was dehydrated. His urine was diluted and specific gravity was below normal.His renal profile was found to be normal. A. What is the most probable diagnosis? B. What would be the effect on extracellular osmolarity of this patient? C. How cells will respond to this change? 1, 2, 1 Q.7 : b). Define osmotic pressure. What is the importance of osmotic pressure exerted by plasmaproteins? 2 Q.8.a): Define isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions. 1.5 B). Enumerate body buffers. How do these help in buffering volatile acids. 2.5 Q.9.a): enumerate the ways by which acid base balance of the body is maintained. 2 B). Enlist the processes which help in transport of the substances across the cell membrane. 2 Q.10: a). Define disaccharides. Give three examples. Write down their products of hydrolysis. 2 B). Draw the structure of cholesterol. Give its three physiochemical properties and functions inthe body. 2 Q.11: a). A young lady presents to a clinic with complaints of alternating diarrhea andconstipation. She complains of abdominal discomfort and bloating that is relieved with herbowel movement. She states that her episodes are worse at times of stress. She denies of anyblood in her stool. Her physical examination is all within normal range. She has been prescribedcellulose containing dietary supplement, which her doctor says will increase the bulk of stools.She was diagnosed as a case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I). what is the bioche mical mechanism of this dietary supplement’s effect on the intestine? 1  Ii). what is the structure of cellulose? 0.5 Iii). what is hemicellulose? 0.5   Q.12: (a). Differentiate between homopolysaccharides and heteropolysaccharides. (1 marks) (b). Describe briefly the functions of glycosaminoglycans in our body. (3 marks) Q.13:b).What do you understand by omega- 3 fatty acids? What are the principal biologicalfunctions of prostacyclin and leukotriene B4? 2 Q.14.a): define isotonic solution. Give normal value and importance of plasma colloidal osmoticpressure. 1, 2, 1. Q.15. A): define disaccharides. Give one example. What is meant by lactose intolerance? 1, 2, 1. Q.16. A): define homoplysaccharides. Name four of them with one major function they perform.2 B): classify phospholipids and write down their four important biological functions. 2 Q.17: define with examples: A). Saturated fatty acids. 1 B). Unsaturated fatty acids. 1 C). nutritionally essential fatty acids. 2 Q.18. A): Give the chemistry of sucrose and lactose.1,1 B): What is lactose intolerance? 2 Q.19: Describe oxidation and reduction of monosaccharides along with examples. Describeimportant functions of hyaluronic acid in body? 1+1 Q.20: what are glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)? Enumerate various classes of GAGs. 1, 3. Q.21: A female patient was brought to outdoor department with generalized edema which wasof gradual onset. She belonged to a poor family having six children. The youngest one was 1year of age and was being breastfed. On clinical examination she looked pale andmalnourished. Her heart was normal with no history of blood pressure (hypertension). Her labsshowed low plasma albumin levels (proteins). Explain biochemical cause of edema in thispatient. 5 Q.22: classify amino acids on the basis of their side chains(R groups). What are standar6d and non standard amino acids”? 3, 1.  Q.23: Classify amino acids on the basis of their side chains (R groups). What are standard andnon standard amino acids? 3, 1. Q.24: what is the role of amino acid side chain (R group) in protein folding? Briefly describe therelationship of protein structure to its functions. Give at least one example. 2 Q.25: a). What is selenocsteine? Write down its significance. 1.5 B). A young girl consulted nutritionist to discuss about vegetarian diet to loose weight. Headvised her diet which contained sufficient amount of essential amino acids along withcarbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins and minerals. He also advised that she must take sixclasses of water daily, so that she can keep up good health. I). What do you understand by nutrition ally essential amino acids? 0.5 Ii). Enlist essential amino acids for humans? 1.5   Iii). Which of the essential amino acids contains sulphur in its structure? 0.25 Iv). Which of the essential amino acids is purely ketogenic? 0.25  Q.25:a). Define Secondary structure of proteins. Differentiate between alpha α helix and beta β pleated sheets. B. Give biochemical basis of (i) Alzheimers disease (ii) Creutzfeldt  –  Jacob disease 2+2 Q.26: a). what is the role of amino acid side chain (R group) in protein folding? Briefly describethe relationship o protein structure to its functions. Give at least one example. 2 B).What are the different types of immunoglobulins? Give clinical significance of IgG and IgE. 1,1 Q.27: a).name different types of secondary structure present in proteins. Explain any two of them.0.5, 2 B). Define and enlist essential amino acids. 1 C). Define and write four non- standard amino acids. 0.5 Q.28: a). what are simple proteins? 2 B). Give structural and chemical characteristics of collagen. 2Q.29: a).Define and enumerate essential amino acids.2 B).How secondary structure of proteins is formed? 2Q.30: define and classify phospholipids. Enlist their biochemical functions. 2, 2Q.31: a).Draw structure of cholesterol. Enlist its biochemical functions.2 B). Enumerate bile salts .what is their function? 2Q.32: a).name the nitrogenous bases found in RNA. What are the major classes of RNA? Writedown characteristic features of any two classes. 2 B). what is lactose intolerance? 2Q.33: a). What are the characteristic structural features and functions of m RNA and t RNA? 2 B). GIVE BIOCHEMICAL FUNCTIUONS OF THE FOLLOING MINERALS: iron and calcium. 2Q.34: a). Define nucleosides and nucleotides. Write down the important functions of nucleotides  in human body. 2 B). Write down the role of selenium as antioxidant. 2 Q.35: a).What is the structure of DNA? 2 B). what are mutations? List various types. 2 Q.36: draw the structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) .enumerate four functions of ATP. 2, 2 Q.37: A person wakes up from his sleep due to severe excruciating pain in the ball of his big toe.His serum level of uric acid is raised. And the synovial fluid aspirated from affected joint showsneedle shaped crystals. What is your most probable diagnosis? What are the causes of thisdisease? What is treatment of this disease? 1+1+1 Q.38: A young male of age 6 years presents in Psychiatry department of a hospital withcomplaints of mental retardation, aggressive behavior, learning disability and involuntarymovements. A) What will be your probable diagnosis? (1 mark) B) What blood test will you suggest in this case? (1.5 mark) C) What is the biochemical cause of disease? (1.5 mark) Q.39: a). Define with one example of nucleoside and nucleotide. 2 B). Give four functions of nucleotides inhuman body. 2 Q.40: (a). A person wakes up from his sleep due to severe excruciating pain in the ball of his bigtoe. His serum level of uric acid is raised. And the synovial fluid aspirated from affected jointshows needle shaped crystals. (1+1 marks) I- What is your most probable diagnosis? II- What are the causes of this disease? (b). Differentiate between various types of jaundice in a tabulated form. (2 marks) Q.41: Define and explain allosteric regulation of enzyme activity. What do you understand by Kmvalue of enzymes? 3+1 = 4 marks Q.42: a). Give diagnostic importance of the following enzymes: ALP, ALT, amylase. 1.5 B). How does covalent modification of enzyme molecule influence the enzyme activity? 2.5 Q.43: a).what do you understand by coenzymes and isoenzymes. 1.5, 1.5 B). Give diagnostic importance of alkaline phosphates. 1 Q.44: differentiate between the following: A).competitive and non- competitive inhibitors. 2 B). Isoenzymes and coenzymes. 2 Q.45: A). How can you differentiate competitive inhibition from non- competitive inhibition ofenzyme activity? 2 B). Enumerate two clinically important enzymes inhibitors along with example of enzymesinhibited by them.2 Q.46: a). what are isoenzymes? How do they help in the clinical diagnosis of myocardial