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Java Fundamentals Final-version 2 | Inheritance (object Oriented ...

A. Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste>isk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 5 (Answer all questions in this section) 16. All of the following are essential to initializing a for loop, except which one? 1!1..·0 Secbon ~ - tmng Eclipse. Initializing the iterator(i). Having a conditional statement.


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1H Facebook x TM Mesaje primrte - ionicalu D Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [ UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L ~ 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline 1~ 0 . ? Outline • X Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste1isk (*) indicates a correct answer. EJ···() 2013·201 5 Oracle kademy Em:ll' 1!1··· e Section 0 · Cou1.,. Resources 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. Section 4 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. You need to - - - - - - J a v a code to generate a .class file 1!1···• Secbon 2 • tmng AliCe 3 1!1···0 Secbon ~ - Using Eclipse Collect • Compile (*) Package Assemble 1!1···0 Secbon 5 • U5\ng Control State ~ 1!1···• Section 3 · Using Green foot 0 ··& Java Fundamentals Midterm [ 1!1···0 Section 6 · l!singArra'}Sand Correct 2. You can return to the Eclipse Welcome Page by choosing Welcome from what menu? 1!1···0 Section 7- Using Recursion, 0 ·· ·• Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS ~ 3. For eve1y opening curly brace { there does not need to be a closing curly brace} for the program to compile without error. True or False? 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' True • False (*) 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C ~ 4. A workspace can not have more than one stored projects. True or false? 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II True • False (*) 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ ~ Mark for Review ( 1) Points Correct 5. In the image below, identify the components. 1 2 3 4 5 Mark for Review ( 1) Points C01rect 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C for Review ( 1) Points Correct 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 ~lark File Edit • Help (* ) Close • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L Mark for Review ( 1) Points / ** * @par am args *I Mark for Review ( 1) Points -- 1H Facebook TM Mesaje primrte - ionicalu D Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o ilearn/en/ learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline Outline Correct X 3. For eve1y opening curly brace { there does not need to be a closing curly brace} for the program to compile without error. T111e or False? 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. True • False (*) 1!1···• Secbon 2 • tmng Allee 3 ~ • • 1m • Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 ··& Java Fundamentals Midterm [ True • False (*) 1!1···0 Secbon ~ - Using Eclipse 1!1···0 Secbon 5 • U5\ng Control State ~ 1!1···0 Section 6 · l!singArra'}Sand Correct 5. In the image below, identify the components. 1!1···0 Section 7- Using Recursion, ? -- C01rect 4. A workspace can not have more than one stored projects. True or false> 1!1···• Section 3 · Using Green foot • ... 0 Mark for Review (1) Points EJ···() 2013·2015 Oracle kademy Em:ll' 1!1···• Section 0 · Cou1.,. Resources 1: 34 • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 ·· ·• Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C ~lark pac kage studyTool; ~ public c l as s Study Pa ge { / ** * @param args AJ __./ (B) *I public sta tic void main(String[] args ) { //TODO Auto-generated method stub } for Review ( 1) Points ~ f'- ~ __./ } A-Main Method, B-Ciass, C-Package A-Class, B-MainMethod, C-Package • A-Package, B-Main ~tethod, C-Ciass (* ) None of the above ~ Page 1 of 10 •. ... ';! • Correct I Next I I Summary I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~ ul 13:34 ' > ·~ v '=' · 16.05.2015 1H Facebook x TM Mesaj e primrte - ionicalu D Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline X EJ···() 2013·201 5 Oracle kademy Em:ll' Outline Section 4 (Answer all questions in this section) 6. The following defines a class keyword: 1!1···• Section 3 · Using Green foot G 1!1···0 Section 7- Using Recursion, • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa ~ 0 · ·• Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V ~tark 8. Select the declaration and initialization statement that will hold the letter J. 0 · ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II ~ 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' 0 · ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide S 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' Mark for Review ( 1) Points C01rect 9. What is the output of the following lines of code? Mark for Review ( 1) Points int j=6,k=8,m=2,result; result=j-k%3* m; System .out. println( result); 6 0 -42 2 (* ) 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 ··0 for Review ( 1) Points int letter='J'; float letter='J'; String letter='J'; • char letter='J'; (* ) 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C • Correct 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide S 0··0 1m - • Contains a main method and other static methods. (*) Contains classes that define objects. Contains a main method, a package, static methods, and classes that define objects. None of the above. 1!1···0 Section 6 · Using Arrays and Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V • • Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 2. 7. Which of the following defines a driver class> 1!1···0 Secbon 5 · U5\ng Control State 0··0 ? -- Provides the compiler information that identifies outside classes used within the current class. Precedes the name of the class. (* ) 1!1···• Secbon 2 . tmng Allee 3 1!1···0 Secbon ~ - Using Eclipse 0 o Defines where this class lives relative to other classes, and provides a level of access control. 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. ··& Java Fundamentals Midterm [ • ... 34 Mark for Review ( 1) Points 1!1···e Section 0 · Cou1.,. Resources 0 1: Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C ~ C01rect 10. Which of the following instantiates a String named name to Oracle> Mark for Review ( 1) Points St1ing name; St>i ng Oracle="name"; St1ing name="name"; o St>i ng name="Oracle"; (* ) •. ... 'l' ~ SnapShot: printscreen Correct • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...__ UC >l 13:34 r, ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaje primrte - ionicalu C) Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline >< 0 ? • • -- 1m - Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste1isk (*) indicates a correct answer. e Section 0 - CoUI' • True (*) False 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II ~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C Correct 13. The following code is an example of instantiating a String object: String str ~tark for Review ( 1) Points ~tark for Review ( 1) Points = String( "Hello" ); True or false> True • False (*) ~ Correct 14. Given the code: •. ... 'l' 0 String s = new String(" abc"); • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...__ Ul 13:34 ' ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaje primrte - ionicalu D Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline System.out.print l n ( "Equal" ); 3 4 X 1!1···e Section 0 · Cou1.,. Resources 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. 0 ? • • -- 1m • System.out.print l n ( "Not Equal "); True or false? 1!1···• Secbon 2 • tmng Allee 3 1!1···• Section 3 · Using Green foot • True (*) False 0 ··& Java Fundamentals Midterm [ ~ 1!1···0 Secbon ~ - Using Eclipse • ... 34 el s e 5 6 EJ···() 2013·201 5 Oracle kademy Em:ll' Outline 1: C01rect 13. The following code is an example of instantiating a String object: 1!1···0 Secbon 5 · U5\ng Control State String str Mark for Review ( 1) Points = String( "Hello" ); 1!1···0 Section 6 · Using Arrays and True or false? 1!1···0 Section 7- Using Recursion, True • False (*) • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 0 · ·• Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 0··0 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide S 0 ···0 ~ Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 14. Given the code: Which of the following statements will change the length of s to the largest length? Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II s.trim() s.replace("a", "aa") s.substring(2) s.toUpperCase() • None of the above will change the length of s. (*) 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C 0 · ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 0··0 Mark for Review ( 1) Points String s = new String("abc"); Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L 0 · ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0··0 Con·ect Appendix P:. Self Study Guide S ~ Con·ect 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 · ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C Section 5 (Answer all Questions in this section) 15. Which of the following is true about a do-while loop? ~tark for Review ( 1) Points It is a post-test loop. It is a modified while loop that allows the program to run through the loop once before testing the boolean condition. • It continues looping until the condition becomes false. All of the above. (*) 0 Previous •. ... 'l' Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 2. I Page 3 of 10 I Next I I Summary I 0 ~ x • The screen shot has succesfully been saved to disk • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SnapShot: p rintscreen ...__ UC >l 13:34 ' ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaj e primrte - ionicalu x C) Student Sign In x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [ UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline >< EJ... () 2013-201 5 Oracle kademy Em:ll' I!J... e Section 0 - CoUI'isk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 5 (Answer all questions in this section) 16. All of the following are essential to initializing a for loop, except which one? 1!1..·0 Secbon ~ - tmng Eclipse Initializing the iterator(i). Having a conditional statement. Updating the counter. • Having an if statement. (*) 1!1.. ·0 Secbon 5 - U5\ng Control State ~ I!J.... Section 3 - tmng Green foot 0 .. f) Java Fundamentals Midterm [ Mark for Review (1) Points Correct 17. How many times will the following loop be executed> What is the value of x after the loop has finished? What is the value of count after the loop has finished? 1!1..·0 Section 7- tmng Recursion, • ... 0 ~~~ert ~:~Ja~v~a~F~u~l~ l d~~~~~~ ~~~l~s~f~il~l~ ~~ ~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I!J.... Secbon 2 - tmng Allee 3 1!1.. ·0 Section 6 - tmngArra'}5and 1: 34 ~lark for Review ( 1) Points • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 0 .... Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L int count= 17; int x = 1; while( count > x){ x*=3; count-=3; } 4; 8; 27 3; 27; 8 (*) 5; 27; 8 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 5; 30; 5 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C 3; 9; 11 ~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS C01rect 18. Which of the following are relational operators in Java? Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II (Choose all correct answers) ., < (*) ., <= (*) 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C ., ! = (*) All of the above. ~ Correct 19. The six relational operators in Java are: ~lark for Review ( 1) Points >, = • - . ... ~ >, = • (*) ~ ~ ------- ----- - - - -------- ------, RO '""" s """' ..... ·~ v G I"• •• '=' >C ,; . 13:34 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaj e primrte - ionicalu D Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline X Outline x* =3; count-=3; } EJ... () 2013·2015 Oracle kademy Em:ll' 1!1·.. e Section 0 • Cou1.,. Resources 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. I!J.... Secbon 2 • tmng Al>ee 3 I!J.... Section 3 · tmng Green foot 0 .. f) Java Fundamentals Midterm [ 4; • 3; 5; 5; 3; 8; 27 27; 8 (*) 27; 8 30; 5 9; 11 ~ Correct 18. Which of the following are relational operators in Java? 1!1..·0 Secbon ~ - tmng Eclipse 1: • ... 34 0 ? • • -- 1m • ~lark for Review ( 1) Points 1!1.. ·0 Secbon 5 · U5\ng Control State (Choose all correct answers) 1!1.. ·0 Section 6 · tmngArra'}Sand ., < (*) 1!1·.. 0 Section 7- tmng Recursion, ., <= (*) • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 0 .... Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V ., ! = (*) 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V All of the above. 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L ~ C01rect 19. The six relational operators in Java are: Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II >, <, =,~, < =,> = 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' • >, <, ==,!=, <=,> = (*) >, <, =,!=, <=,> = >, <, =,!=, =<, => 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 ~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' Correct 20. The following prints Yes on the screen. True or false? 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 1 String [] words={ "Yesn, 11 No"}; 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 2 3 4 String s= (wo rds. length C >l 13:34 ' , ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook x TM Mesaj e primrte - ionicalu C) Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L ~ 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline >< 0 . -- ? Outline • ~~~ert ~:~Ja~v~a~F~u~l~ l d~~~~~~ ~~~l~s~f~il~l~ ~~ ~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­ Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste>isk (*) indicates a correct answer. EJ... () 2013-201 5 Oracle kademy Em:ll' I!J... 1~ e Section 0 - CoUI' Mark for Review (1) Points I!J.... Secbon 2 - tmng Allee 3 • True (*) False I!J.... Section 3 - tmng Green foot 0 .. f) Java Fundamentals Midterm [ ~ 1!1..·0 Secbon ~ - tmng Eclipse 1!1.. ·0 Secbon 5 - U5\ng Control State 22. Which of the following best describes lexicographical order> 1!1.. ·0 Section 6 - tmngArra'}5and ~lark • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 0 .... Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V ~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V Correct 23. Binary searches can be pe>formed on sorted and unsorted data. True or false> Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L True • False (*) 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II ~ 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C C01rect 24. A sequntial search is an iteration through the a>ray that stops at the index where the desired element is found. True or false? Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 • True (*) False 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' ~ 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ for Review ( 1) Points A simple so>ting algorithm that is inefficient on large a1rays. • An order based on the ASCII value of characters. (*) A complex sorting algorithm that is efficient on large a1rays. The order of indicies after an a1ray has been sorted. 1!1..·0 Section 7- tmng Recursion, 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS Correct Correct 25. Which of the following declares and initializes a one dimensional array named words of size 3 so that all entries can be Strings? Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C String strings=new String[ 3]; String[) word ={ "Over","the","mountain"}; (*) • String[) word =new String[ 3); String[) words={"Oracle","Academy"} ); G Previous I Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 1. Page 5 of 10 I Next I I Summary I 0 •. ... 'l' ~ x • The screen shot has succesfully been saved to disk • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SnapShot: p rintscreen ...__ UC >l 13:34 ' , ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaj e primrte - ionicalu C) Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline >< • ... 34 0 ? • • -- 1m - ~~~ert ~:~Ja~v~a~F~u~l~ l d~~~~~~ ~~~l~s~f~il~l~ ~~ ~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ A Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste1isk (*) indicates a correct answer. EJ... () 2013-201 5 Oracle kademy Em:ll' I!J... Outline 1: e Section 0 - CoUI'l 13:34 ' ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook x TM Mesaj e primrte - ionicalu D Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L ~ 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline X 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. 0 • ~lark ~ Correct 28. Which of the following declares a one dimensional array name scores of type int that can hold 14 values? ··& Java Fundamentals Midterm [ Mark for Review ( 1) Points int scores; int[] scores=new int[14]; (* ) int[] scores=new scores int[14]; int score= new int[14]; 1!1···0 Secbon ~ - Using Eclipse 1!1···0 Secbon 5 · U5\ng Control State 1!1···0 Section 6 · Using Arrays and ~ 1!1···0 Section 7- Using Recursion, • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa for Review ( 1) Points • True (*) False e Section 0 • Cou1.,. Resources 1!1···• Section 3 · Using Green foot -- ? double[)[] a=new double[ 4][5]; 1!1··· 1!1···• Secbon 2 . tmng Allee 3 0 . Outline 27. The following segment of code initializes a 2 dimensional arrav of ptimitive data types. True or false? EJ···() 2013·201 5 Oracle kademy Em:ll' 1~ C01rect 29. What is wrong with this code? 0 · ·• Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 1 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide S 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L 0 · ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' Mark for Review ( 1) Points t r y{ i f (x < 0 ) t hr ow new Exception ("Your a nswer i s nega t i ve")i catch { System. out.print l n ( "Enter your v alue a g ain."); 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide S It is missing a semicolon. • It does not compile. (* ) It gives you an out of bounds exception. There is nothing wrong with this code. 0 ··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I ' ~ 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C 0 · ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 Con·ect 0 ···0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 · ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 0··0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C Section 7 (Answer all Questions in this section) 30. What operator do you use to call an object's constructor method and create a new object> ~lark for Review ( 1) Points + • new(* ) instanceOf ~ Previous •. ... 'l' Correct I Page 6 of 10 I Next I Summary I 0 ~ x • The screen shot has succesfully been saved to disk • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SnapShot: p rintscreen ...__ UC >l 13:34 ' , ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaj e primrte - ionicalu C) Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline >< ? • • -- 1m A e Section 0 - CoUI' Mark for Review ( 1) Points I!J.... Secbon 2 - tmng Allee 3 True • False (*) I!J.... Section 3 - tmng Green foot 0 .. f) Java Fundamentals Midterm [ ~ 1!1..·0 Secbon ~ - tmng Eclipse 1!1.. ·0 Secbon 5 - U5\ng Control State 1!1.. ·0 Section 6 - tmngArra'}5and 1!1..·0 Section 7- tmng Recursion, • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa for Review ( 1) Points ~lark for Review ( 1) Points Classes cannot include strings. Classes cannot include mixed data types. • The constructor method has no definition. (*) There is nothing wrong. 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L ~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C Correct 33. Which of the following creates an instance of the class below> 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 1 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C p ublic c la ss Th i sC la ss priv a t e i nt a=4, b=S; Th i sCla ss ( i n t x ) ( a=x *b ; 2 3 4 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 5 6 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ ThisCiass t=new ThisCiass(); ThisCiass t; ThisCiass t=new ThisCiass(3,4); • ThisCiass t=new ThisCiass(S); (*) 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C ~ Con·ect 34. All objects, in Java, are created using int. True or false? True • False (*) ~ • ...__ Uivate int number; p1ivate String name;; public Account; } 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II Correct 32. What is wrong with the following class declaration? 0 .... Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 'l' 0 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste>isk (*) indicates a correct answer. 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. •. ... • ... 34 ~~~ert ~:~Ja~v~a~F~u~l~ l d~~~~~~ ~~~l~s~f~il~l~ ~~ ~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ EJ... () 2013-2015 Oracle kademy Em:ll' I!J... Outline 1: I ._ . _- _UU« _ __ __ _ RO~ . ~ I·· •• >C >l 13:34 ' , ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaje primrte - ionicalu D Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [UO x C ~ I D ilea rning learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline ~ X Outline Correct 32. What is wrong with the following class declaration? EJ... () 2013·2015 Oracle kademy Em:ll' 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. I!J.... Secbon 2 • tmng Al>ee 3 I!J.... Section 3 · tmng Green foot 1!1..·0 Secbon ~ - tmng Eclipse 1!1.. ·0 Secbon 5 · U5\ng Control State ~ 0 ~tark for Review ( 1) Points ~tark for Review ( 1) Points ? • • -- 1m • Correct 33. Which of the following creates an instance of the class below? 1!1·.. 0 Section 7- tmng Recursion, 34 Classes cannot include st>ings. Classes cannot include mixed data types. • The constructor method has no definition. (* ) There is nothing wrong. 0 .. f) Java Fundamentals Midterm [ 1!1.. ·0 Section 6 · tmngArra'}Sand • ... class Account{ ; private int number; private String name;; public Account; } 1!1·.. e Section 0 • Cou1.,. Resources 1: • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 1 publ ic c lass Th i sC la ss 0 .... Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 2 3 4 priv a t e i nt a=4 , b=S; 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS Th i sC la ss ( i nt x ) ( a=x ....b ; 5 6 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C ThisCiass t=new ThisCiass(); ThisCiass t; ThisCiass t=new ThisCiass(3,4); • ThisCiass !=new ThisCiass(5); (* ) 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 ~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS Correct 34. All objects, in Java, are created using int. True or false? Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ True • False (*) 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C ~ Correct 35. A constructor is used to create objects. True or false? ~tark for Review ( 1) Points • True (*) False ~ Previous •. ... 'l' Correct I Page 7 of 10 I Next I Summary I 0 ~ x • The screen shot has succesfully been saved to disk • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SnapShot: p rintscreen ...__ UC >l 13:34 ' ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaje primrte - ionicalu x C) Student Sign In x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [ UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline >< Outline 1: • ... 35 0 ? • • -- 1m - ~~~ert ~:~Ja~v~a~F~u~l~ l d~~~~~~ ~~~l~s~f~il~l~ ~~ ~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ A Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste1isk (*) indicates a correct answer. EJ... () 2013-2015 Oracle kademy Em:ll' I!J.... Section 0 - CoUI' Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ Yes. A subclass inherits full access to all contents of its super class. Yes. Any variable passed through inheritance can be changed, but private methods cannot • No. A private variable can only be modified by the same class with which it is declared regardless of its inheritance. (* ) No. Nothing inherited by the super class can be changed in the subclass. 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C ~ 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II COITeCt 40. It is possible to return an object from a method. True or false> ~tark for Review ( 1) Points True (*) False 0 Previous • . ... 'l' I Incorrect Refer to Section 7 Lesson 2. Page 8 of 10 I Next I I Summary I 0 ~ x • The screen shot has succesfully been saved to disk • ~~---------------~ SnapShot: p rintscreen ...__ UC >l 13:35 ' , ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaje primrte - ionicalu C) Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [ UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline >< ? • • -- 1m A e Section 0 - CoUI' ~lark 1!1..·0 Section 7- tmng Recursion, 0 .... Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L ~ Correct 43. Which segment of code represents a correct way to call a variable argument method counter that takes in integers as its variable argument parameter> Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II counter(St>ing a, int b); counter(int[] numbers); o counter(!, 5, 8, 17, 11000005); (* ) counter("one","two",String[] nums); 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 ~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' C01rect 44. Which of the following is the correct definition of a parameter? Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II • A keyword that specifies accessibility of code. A way to call a method with a va>iable number of arguments using an elipse. A variable in a method declaration that gets passed into the method. (*) A type of access specifier. It is used to assign initial values to instance variables of a class; the structure is very similar to that of a method. 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C 0 Incorrect. Refer to Section 7 Lesson 2. 45. Non-final static class variables should be private to prevent changes from other classes. True or false> • True (*) False ~ • ...__ Uformance than returning a primitive type. • The method makes changes to the object and you wish to continue to use the updated object outside of the method. (* ) None of the above. It is not possible to return an object. • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 'l' 0 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste>isk (*) indicates a correct answer. 8 ···• Section 1 ~ 'Welcome and lntlu. •. ... • ... 35 ~~~ert ~:~Ja~v~a~F~u~l~ l d~~~~~~ ~~~l~s~f~il~l~ ~~ ~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ EJ... () 2013-201 5 Oracle kademy Em:ll' I!J... Outline 1: I ._ . _- _UU« ______ RO ~ . ~ I·· •• >C >l 13:35 ' , ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM M esaj e primrte - ionicalu C) x Studen t Sign In x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [ UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline >< 0 ? • • -- 1m A Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An aste>isk (*) indicates a correct answer. e Section 0 - CoUI'uctor. True or false? ~lark for Review ( 1) Points Section 6 - tmngArra'}5and • True False (*) 1!1..·0 Section 7- tmng Recursion, • 0 Java Ftmdamentats Fmal Exa 0 .... Appendix P:. Self Study GUide V 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide V 0 48. If an abstract class does not have implemented constructors or methods, it should be implemented as an interface instead. True or false? 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS Mark for Review ( 1) Points True (*) False 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide L 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide C 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II Incorrect. Refer to Section 7 Lesson 3. ~ C01rect 49. Would this code be co>rect if a Dog is a HousePet? Why or Why not? Mark for Review ( 1) Points 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C HousePet Scooby Yes, because it is an abstract class. Yes, because polymorphism allows this since Dog is a subclass of HousePet. (*) No, because ref must be declared either a HousePet or a Dog, but not both. Maybe. There is no way to tell without seeing the methods for Dog and the methods for HousePet. 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide 1 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GuideS 0 .. 0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide I' ~ 0 ..·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide II 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study GUide~ 0 .. ·0 Appendix P:. Self Study Guide C = new Dog(); Correct 50. Consider the following method of the class Test: Mark for Review ( 1) Points public static List returnlist(List list) { return list; } Which of the following program segments in Test's client class will compile with no errors? •. ... ';! • I. List nums = new Arraylist(); nums = Test.returnlist(nums); II. A>raylist nums = new Arraylist(); ( Ill l Ill ""I __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~~~-R o_'""' ~s~ ,.... ~ . -.,.~~ G ~I" -.~ ., ~,C,,~~ 13 :3_ 5 _' ~ ...__ ueo _'9_ • ' _ - - ._ . _- _um_• _ _ _ _ _j ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015 1H Facebook TM Mesaj e primrte • ionicalu D Student Sign In x x D 2013-2015 Oracle Acader [ UO x C ~ I D ilea rning .o learner/jsp/playerJsp ?rco_id = 1340353197 &classroom_id = 1361817065&scorm_attem pt= 143176954275S&sessionld =4256988481L +~ x 2013·2015 Oracle Academy English Java Fundamentals- Student Outline X G 1!1... e Section 0 • CoUI'C >l 13:35 ' , ·~ v '=' . 16.05.2015