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Legal Remedies In Tort.docx




TORTS PROJECT WORK ON- Legal Remedies in Tort SUBMITTED TO  Mr! "#RIS" S#L$E %&#CULT' O& TORTS( S)*mitted B+S)d,aar Mis,ra Roll No!- ./0 B!#! LLB 1st Sem   Session-2013-14 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In a student’s academic journey, project ritin! is one o" t#e most si!ni"icant c#a$$en!es t#at a student "aces% I am presentin! t#is project &ut t#is ou$d not #a'e &een possi&$e it#out t#e !uidance and &$essin!s o" so many peop$e% I ta(e t#is opportunity to e)press my pro"ound !ratitude and deep re!ards to my !uide Mr% *aris# +a$'e "or #is e)emp$ary !uidance, monitorin! an d constant encoura!ement t#rou!#out t#e course o" t#is project% T#e &$essin!, #e$p and !uidan ce !i'en &y #im time to time s#a$$ carry me a $on! ay in t#e journey o" $i"e on #ic# I am a&out to em&ar(% I ta(e t#is t#is opport opportunit unity y to t#an( a$$ my senior seniorss and "or t#eir t#eir constan constantt suppor supportt and !uidance !uidance t#rou!#out t#e ma(in! o" my project% I a$so ta(e t#is opportunity to t#an( our co$$e!e $i&rarian "or #is constant #e$p in "indin! and  pro'idin! &oo(s on t#e topic% I ou$d ta(e t#is opportunity to t#an( t#e sta""s at K#uda&a(s# $i&rary, atna "or t#eir #e$p in "indin! materia$s on t#e topic% Last$y, I t#an( a$mi!#ty, my parents, &rot#er, sisters and "riends "or t#eir constant encoura!ement it#out #ic# t#is assi!nment ou$d not &e possi&$e% 2 CONTENTS A&&re'iation Ta&$e o" Cases -%Introduction ./0 1%Dama!es 23/-. 4%Injunction and speci"ic restitution o" property -5/-3 6%Constitutiona$ and E)tra judicia$ remedies 12/11 7%Conc$usion 14 .%8i&$io!rap#y 16 3 #BBRE$I#TION -% 1% 4% 6% 7% .% 5% 0% A%I%9%/ A%I%9%/ A$$ A$$ India India 9eport 9eporter  er  +%C%I +%C%I : +upre +upreme me Court Court o" o" India India *%C% *%C%// *i!# *i!# Cou Court rt ;%/ ;%/ ;ust ;ustic icee <%/ 'ers 'ersus us Go't%/ Go't%/ Go'er Go'ernme nment nt Art% Art%// Art Artic ic$e $e +ec% +ec%// +ec +ecti tion on 4 Ta*le Ta*le o5 o 5 Cases -%Constantine '% Imperia$ London *ote$s Ltd 1%As#&y '% W#ite 4% 8#im +in!# '% +tate o" ;ammu and Kas#mir  6% +u&#as# C#ander '% 9am +in!# 7%=%+% Kumar '% Ku$dip +in!# .% La)minarayan '% +umitra 8ai 5% Go&a$d Motor +er'ice Ltd% <% t#e means &y #ic# a ri!#t is en"orced or t#e 'io$ation o" a ri!#t is pre'ented, redressed, or compensated%? T#e ord >remedy? in a $e!a$ conte)t #as 'irtua$$y t#e same meanin! in a medica$ conte)t, name$y, to cure% In a $e!a$ conte)t remedy cures t#e 'io$ation o" a $e!a$ ri!#t% T#e ru$e o" $a re@uires t#at ron!s s#ou$d not remain unredressed% A$$ indi'idua$s or persons committin! ron!s s#ou$d &e $ia&$e in an action "or dama!es "or &reac# o" ci'i$ $a or "or crimina$ punis#ment% T#e $a o" tort is "ounded on t#e  princip$e t#at e'ery injury must #a'e a remedy% remed y%- nder t#e o$d En!$is# $a a man cou$d &e said to #a'e a ri!#t on$y i" t#ere e)isted a reco!niBed procedure a$$oin! #im a remedy% T#is is not so in ci'i$ $a systems% T#e terms ri!#ts and remedies are not e@ui'a$ent o" eac# ot#er% One must remem&er t#at a remedia$ ri!#t arisin! on &reac# o" a primary ri!#t is as muc# a $e!a$ ri!#t as t#e  primary ri!#t% rocedura$ $a mere$y dea$s it# mac#inery #ic# dec$ares and ma(es e""ecti'e t#e remedia$ remedia$ ri!#t% ri!#t%1 9emedies ma(e !ood t#e de"au$t o" one party% T#ey di""er "rom pena$ties,  punis#ments and sanctions% In t#e ot#er ords o" ;o#n 8ur(e4 >remedy is t#e means &y #ic# t#e 'io$ation o" a ri!#t is pre'ented, redressed or compensated%? 9emedies are most necessary in tort% tort% A"ter t#e tort is committed committed t#en t#erea"ter t#erea"ter to restore restore t#e person person to pre'ious situation situation t#ere are certain remedies a'ai$a&$e to peop$e in cases o" tort% 9emedies are pro'ided in proportion to t#e #arm su""ered &y t#e p$ainti""% A $ar!e part o" any tort $asuit is set side "or decidin! #ic# type o" remedy is appropriate appropriate "or t#e 'ictim% Genera$$y Genera$$y spea(in!, spea(in!, restitutionar restitutionary y and e@uita&$e remedi remedies es are not a'ai$a& a'ai$a&$e $e i" $e!a$ $e!a$ dama!es dama!es i$$ &e c$aime c$aimed d &y t#e p$aint p$ainti" i""% "% T#at T#at is, i" a monetary payment i$$ ma(e t#e p$ainti"" >#o$e?, t#en t#ere is no need "or a court to issue restitutionary or e@uita&$e remedies% 1 Kiranbala Dandpat v. Secy., Grid Corpn. Of Orissa Ltd ., AIR 1998 Ori 159. 2 Walker: The Oxford Companion to Law, Law , 1980, p.105. 3 Burke: Osborn’s on!ise "a# $i!%ionar&, 19'(, ( %) *+n., p.285 ( T#ere are main$y to (inds o" remedies "or torts, name$y, judicia$ and e)tra/judicia$% ;udicia$ remedies are remedies #ic# are a""orded &y t#e courts o" $a #i$e e)tra judicia$ remedies are t#ose #ic# are a'ai$a&$e to a party, in certain cases o" torts, &y #is on acts a$one% E)tra judicia$ remedies are e)pu$sion o" trespass, re/entry on $and, reception o" !oods, distress dama!e "easant, and a&atement o" nuisance% 8ut t#ese remedies, remedies, #ic# are in t#e nature o" se$"/#e$p, se$"/#e$p, s#ou$d not  &e norma$$y resorted to, "or t#e person resortin! to t#em may "re@uent$y e)ceed #is ri!#ts and may &e "aced it# a case ci'i$ or crimina$ a$$e!in! t#at #e too( t#e $a in #is on #ands% It may a$so create pro&$ems o" $a and order% ;udicia$ remedies are aardin! o" dama!es, !rantin! o"  injunction, and speci"ic restitution o" property% Dama!es and injunction are mere$y to di""erent "orms o" t#e remedies a!ainst t#e same ron! and t#e "acts #ic# must &e pro'ed in order to entit$e a p$ainti"" to t#e "irst o" t#ese remedies are e@ua$$y necessary in t#e second% T#ere is a ma)im ca$$ed >u&i jus i&i remedium? #ic# means #ere t#ere is a ri!#t t#ere is a remedy% It means #ene'er t#ere is an in"rin!ement o" ri!#t o" a person t#ere is some remedy #ic# i$$ &e a'ai$a&$e to #im% T#e to principa$ remedies a'ai$a&$e to t#e 'ictim o" a tort are dama!es to compensate "or t#e #arm #e #as su""ered and, #ere appropriate, an injunction to  pre'ent "uture #arm% Dama!es is t#e predominant remedy% Certain "orms o" se$"/#e$p, suc# as a&atement o" a nuisance or se$"/de"ence, can &e re!arded as remedies, &ut t#e courts do not encoura!e t#is% 9emedies are a'ai$a&$e in di""erent type $i(e t#ere is Dama!es, Injunction, +peci"ic restitution o" property, t#ey are pro'ided as per t#e situation t#at #ic# remedy i$$ &e more &ene"icia$ to t#e su""erer% 9emedies is muc# essentia$, &ecause i" t#ere i$$ &e no remedy t#en t#e su""erer i$$ $ose #is con"idence and t#e ron!doer i$$ !o easi$y and i$$ try to commit t#e same act a!ain and a!ain% #im and O*6e7ti8e T#ro!# t#is project e i$$ try /To (no a&out di""erent remedies a'ai$a&$e in tort / To (no (no #ic #ic# # rem remed edy y s#ou s#ou$d $d &e a'ai a'ai$a $a&$ &$ee in in di" di"""eren erentt situ situat atio ion n ' Met,odolog+ In t#is project doctrina$ met#od i$$ &e used in #ic# #e$p o" internet, &oo(s, and ot#er te)t i$$  &e used% "+9ot,esis 9emedies are essentia$ part o" tort, t#ey are !i'en accordin! to t#e @uantum o" dama!e or injury su""ered &y t#e person, in di""erent situations di""erent types o" remedies are a'ai$a&$e% 8 2!D#M#:ES Dama!es, #ic# #ere means un$i@uidated dama!es’ are t#e primary re$ie" in an action "or a tort% Dama!es are t#e pecuniary compensation paya&$e &y one person to anot#er "or injury, $oss or  dama!e caused &y one person to anot#er "or injury, $oss or dama!e caused &y one to t#e ot#er &y  &reac# o" $e!a$ duty or commission o" tort% T#ey are distin!uis#ed !enera$ dama!es, compensation "or t#e tort presumed to "$o "rom a &reac# o" contract or a tort, and specia$ dama!es, compensation "or particu$ar $osses not presumed &ut #ic# in "act #a'e "o$$oed in a  particu$ar case t#e $atter must &e specia$$y c$aimed and strict$y pro'ed% In simp$e ords Genera$ dama!es are t#e pecuniary reparation "or t#e dama!e #ic# is presumed to "o$$o "rom t#e injury,6 and specia$ dama!es are t#e pecuniary e@ui'a$ent o" t#e actua$ $oss sustained% Dama!es may a$so &e un$i@uidated, i%e% uncertain ti$$ "i)ed &y t#e jud!ment o" t#e court, or $i@uidated, o" a sum a!reed &y t#e parties and paya&$e in t#e e'ent o" &reac# o" duty &y t#e party in &reac#% T#e !enera$ ru$e is t#at t#e dama!es to #ic# a c$aimant is entit$ed "rom t#e de"endant in respect o" a ron!"u$ act must &e reco'ered once and "or a$$% Dama!es are o" di""erent (inds #ic# is "urt#er  discussed in t#is c#apter% T+9es T+9es o5 Damages a(Contem9t)o)s damages As t#e 'ery name su!!ests suc# dama!es are e)pressi'e o" ridicu$e or scorn t#ey consist o" #at is ca$$ed derisory amount mar(in! a disappro'a$ o" t#e p$ainti""’s conduct in !oin! to court% T#e amount aarded is 'ery tri"$in! &ecause t#e courts "orms a $o opinion o" t#e p$ainti""’s c$aim and t#in(s t#at t#e p$ainti"" a$t#ou!# #as su""ered !reater $oss, does not deser'e to &e "u$$y compensated% Dama!es o" t#is (ind may imperi$ t#e c$aimant’s c#ances o" !ettin! #is costs, "or  a$t#ou!# costs no usua$$y "o$$o t#e e'ent o" t#e action, yet t#is aard is in t#e discretion o"  t#e jud!e, and a$t#ou!# t#e insi!ni"icance o" dama!es is not &y itse$" necessari$y enou!# to 4 ew !ind"stan #an$ v %mritsar &athan$ot Transport  AIR Transport  AIR 1958 un 348 9  justi"y #im in depri'in! t#e c$aimant o" #is costs, yet it is a materia$ "actor in t#e e)ercise o" #is discretion% W#ere t#ere is a jury it is impressi&$e "or it to &e in"$uenced on t#e @uantum o"  dama!es &y t#e $i(e$y outcome as to costs and t#e jud!e s#ou$d dec$ine to anser @uestions on t#e su&ject% su&ject%7 For instance, t#e reason "or t#e de"endant’s &attery a!ainst t#e p$ainti"" is "ound to  &e some o""ensi'e remar( &y t#e p$ainti""% p$ainti""% *(Nominal Damages  Nomina$ dama!es are aarded #en t#e c$aimant’s $e!a$ ri!#t #as &een in"rin!ed, #is conduct is not open to criticism in t#e a&o'e sense, #e #as su""ered no actua$ dama!e, &ut #e sti$$ #as a comp$ete cause o" action &ecause t#e tort is actiona&$e per se, "or e)amp$e, trespass to $and, or   &ecause #is cause o" action ac tion is &reac# o" contract% T#ese dama!es represent an aard o" a tri'ia$ sum o" money, suc# as "i"ty pence, as dama!es in reco!nition o" t#e "act t#at tec#nica$$y t#ere #as &een an in"rin!ement o" a ri!#t 'ested in t#e p$ainti"" &ut a$so indicatin! t#at no discerni&$e $oss #as &een esta&$is#ed% +uc# dama!es are "re@uent$y aarded #ere t#e court or jury ta(es t#e 'ie t#at, tec#nica$$y, t#e p$ainti"" as ron!ed &ut it #as "ound a 'ery $o opinion o" #is conduct and o" t#e rea$ merits o" #is c$aim%. T#ey are !i'en #ere t#e p$ainti"" in an action "or an in'asion o" #is ri!#t esta&$is#es #is ri!#t &ut does not s#o t#at #e #as sustained any dama!e% +uc# dama!es can &e distin!uis#ed "rom contemptuous dama!es in t#at, in t#e $atter t#e p$ainti""  ou!#t ne'er to #a'e &rou!#t t#e suit, #i$e in t#e "ormer t#e suit is "i$ed "or t#e purpose o"  'indication o" one’s ri!#t, $ea'in! aside t#e @uestion o" mone y compensation as $ess important% A important case re!ardin! nomina$ dama!e is Constantine '% Imperia$ London *ote$s Ltd%5 Constantine 8! Im9erial London "otels Ltd! 5 a-plin . */press e#spaper "%+. 1988 1 W.".R. 11(. ( Walker: Oxford Companion to Law, Law , 1980, p.883. ' Constantine v. '.L. !otels, !otels , 1944 B (93 10 &a7t/ T#e p$ainti"", a "amous West Indian cric(eter as not accommodated room #ere #e is#ed to stay% T#e de"endant t#at is t#e #ote$ aut#ority pro'ided #im it# $od!in! in anot#er o"  t#eir #ote$s% T#e p$ainti"" "i$ed a suit a!ainst t#e de"endant% Iss)e/ W#et#er t#e p$ainti""’s $e!a$ #as &een 'io$ated "eld/ It as #e$d t#at t#ou!# p$ainti"" #as su""ered no $oss, #is $e!a$ ri!#t #as &een in"rin!ed and #e as entit$ed to nomina$ dama!es o" "i'e !uineas% One more important case re$ated to nomina$ dama!es d ama!es is o" As#&y '% W#ite%0 #s,*+ 8! W,ite &a7t/ T#e returnin! o""icer #as ron!"u$$y disa$$oed a @ua$i"ied 'oter to 'ote at a par$iamentary e$ection% *oe'er t#e candidate "or #om #e anted to 'ote on t#e e$ection in spite o" t#at #e "i$ed a suit% Iss)e/ W#et#er t#e de"endant #as 'io$ated t#e p$ainti""’s ri!#t &y disa$$oin! #im to 'ote% "eld/ It as #e$d t#at t#ou!# t#e p$ainti"" did not su""ered any $oss &ecause t#e candidate "or  #om #e anted to 'ote on t#e e$ection, de"endant i$$ &e $ia&$e , irrespecti'e o" t#at% $ainti""  as aarded nomina$ dama!es% 7( Ordinar+ damages Ordinary dama!es represent actua$ $oss #et#er !reat or sma$$, as opposed to nomina$ dama!es% T#e dama!es are termed as compensatory compensatory &ecause t#e aard o" dama!es dama!es #as to &e rea$ and "air  in consideration o" t#e $oss su""ered &y t#e p$ainti""% 8ut t#e aim o" $a is compensation o" t#e $oss and not t#e restitution or restoration%3 W#en an injury is to &e compensated compensated &y dama!es, in sett$in! t#e sum o" money !i'en "or reparation or dama!es, one s#ou$d as near$y as possi&$e !et at t#at sum o" money, #ic# ou$d put t#e party injured in t#e same position as #e ou$d #a'e 8 1'03 2 "or+ Ra&a-, 938. 9 Lot"s Line(&) Ltd. *. State of +aharashtra , AIR 19(5 6 1314. 11  &een i" #e #ad sustained t#e ron! "or #ic# #e is no !ettin! t#e compensation or reparation% T#e p$ainti""’s on estimate o" t#e dama!e su""ered is recorded as t#e ma)imum $imit o" suc# compens compensati ation% on% For e)amp$e e)amp$e,, #ere #ere a sur'ey sur'eyor or ne!$i! ne!$i!ent ent$y $y sur'ey sur'eyed ed a proper property ty #ic# #ic# t#e  p$ainti"" purc#ased pu rc#ased t#e proper measure o" dama!es is t#e amount o" money #ic# i$$ put t#e  p$ainti"" into as !ood position as i" t#e sur'eyin! contract #ad &een proper$y "u$"i$$ed% In ot#er  ords t#e proper amount o" dama!es ou$d &e t#e di""erence &eteen t#e mar(et 'a$ue o" t#e  property it#out t#e de"ects and its 'a$ue it# t#e de"ects at t#e date o" purc#ase% W#en t#e  p$ainti""’s injury injury is a!!ra'ated &y t#e conduct and moti'es o" t#e de"endant, t#e dama!es may &e correspondin! increased% 8ut t#e dama!es so increased or a!!ra'ated are rea$$y compensatory and "a$$ in t#e c$ass o" ordinary dama!es% d( E;em9lar+ damages W#en t#e dama!es aarded are in e)cess o" t#e materia$ $oss su""ered &y t#e p$ainti"" it# a 'ie to pre'ent simi$ar &e#a'ior in "uture, t#e dama!es are (non as e)emp$ary dama!es% E)emp$ary dama!es are a$so (non as 'indicti'e, puniti'e, or retri&utory dama!es% T#ey are !i'en not mere$y as pecuniary compensation "or t#e $oss actua$$y sustained &y t#e p$ainti"" &ut a$so as a (ind o" punis#ment to t#e de"endant it# a 'ie o" pre'entin! simi$ar ron!s in "uture, as in actions "or ma$icious injuries, "raud, oppression, continuin! nuisance etc%-2 It as #e$d &y Lord De8lin t#at suc# dama!es can &e a$$oed on$y in t#e "o$$oin! t#ree cases aH W#ere t#e dama!e dama!e #as &een caused caused &y oppressi' oppressi'e, e, ar&itrary ar&itrary,, unconstitut unconstitutiona$ iona$ action action &y t#e ser'ants o" t#e !o'ernment and it did not e)tend to oppressi'e action &y pri'ate corporations or indi'idua$s  &H W#ere t#e de"endant’s conduct #as &een ca$cu$ated &y #im to ma(e a pro"it "or #imse$"  #ic# may e$$ e)ceed t#e compensation paya&$e to t#e p$ainti""% E)emp$ary dama!es can &e proper$y &e aarded #ene'er it is necessary to teac# a ron!doer t#at t#e tort does not pay% cH W#ere e)emp$a e)emp$ary ry dama!es dama!es are e)pres e)press$y s$y aut#oriBe aut#oriBed d &y t#e statut statute% e% One o" t#e "amous case re!ardin! e)emp$ary e )emp$ary dama!es is as "o$$os 10 Walker: The Oxford Companion to Law, Law , 1980,p.450. 12 B,im Sing, 8! State o5 Jamm) and Kas,mir 11 &a7t/ 8#im +in!#, a mem&er o" Le!is$ati'e Assem&$y as arrested and detained to pre'ent #im "rom attendin! t#e assem&$y session% T#e detention as c#a$$en!ed in t#e supreme court t#rou!# a rit petition &ut &y t#e time o" t#e decision, 8#im +in!# #ad &een set "ree% Iss)e/ As #e as set "ree no, s#ou$d s#ou$d #e &e aarded dama!es% "eld/ It as #e$d t#at t#ou!# t#ere as no need to order t#at #e &e set at $i&erty &ut t#e supreme court considered it to &e an appropriate case "or aardin! e)emp$ary dama!es amountin! to 9s% 72,222% dH Pros9e7ti8e damages / rospecti'e dama!es means compensation "or dama!e #ic# is @uite $i(e$y t#e resu$t o" t#e de"endant’s ron!"u$ act &ut #ic# #as not actua$$y resu$ted at t#e time o" t#e decision o" t#e case% For e)amp$e, i" a person #as &een cripp$ed in an accident, t#e dama!es to &e aarded to #im may not on$y inc$ude t#e $oss su""ered &y #im up to t#e date o" t#e action &ut a$so "uture $i(e$y dama!e to #im in respect o" t#at disa&i$ity% Cases S)*,as, C,ander 8! Ram Sing, 12 &a7t/ In t#is case t#e appe$$ant, +u&#as# C#ander, a!ed a&out 5 years, as #it &y a &us  &e$on!in! to t#e +tate o" unja& and dri'en &y & y t#e respondent, 9am +in!#% *e su""ered 'arious injuries resu$tin! in permanent disa&i$ity, as a resu$t o" #ic# #e cou$d not t#en a$( it#out a sur!ica$ s#oe% *e a$so, &ecause o" t#at disa&i$ity, cou$d not ta(e emp$oyement in certain a'enues% Iss)e/ W#et#er #e s#ou$d &e !i'en prospecti'e dama!es% 11 A.I.R. 198( 6.. 494. 12 A.I.R. 19'2 $el)i 189. 13 "eld/ T#e Motor Accidents C$aims Tri&una$ aarded #im compensation amountin! to 9s%4,222 under t#e #eadin! >pro&a&$e "uture $oss &y reason o" incapacity and diminis#ed capacity o"  or(%? T#e amount o" compensation so aarded &y t#e Tri&una$ as increased &y t#e De$#i *i!# Court to 9s%5,722% '!S! '!S! K)mar 8! K)ldi9 Sing, 13 &a7t/ T#e respondent, #o as E)cise and Ta)ation O""icer, as #it &y a motor cyc$e, resu$tin! in p#ysica$ injuries at t#e an($e% 8ecause o" t#e injuries, #e su""ered permanent disa&i$ity #ic# a""ected enjoyment o" #is norma$ $i"e% Iss)e/ W#et#er prospecti'e dama!es s#ou$d &e aarded or not% "eld/ *e as aarded compensation o" 9s%5122 ca$cu$ated at 9s%72 per mont# "or a period o"  -1 years on account o" p#ysica$ disa&i$ity and $oss o" enjoyment o" norma$ $i"e% Meas)re o5 Damages 5or Personal In6)r+ W#en t#ere is persona$ injury, compensation may &e !i'en under t#e "o$$oin! #eads-6 -Hersona$ pain and su""erin! and $oss o" enjoyment o" $i"e 1HActua$ pecuniary $oss resu$tin! in any e)penses reasona&$y incurred &y t#e p$ainti"" and 4HT#e pro&a&$e "uture $oss o" income &y & y reason o" incapacity or diminis#ed capacity "or or(% 13 A.I.R. 19'2 un7ab an+ ar&ana 32(. 14 Ran7i% 6in) . eena/iben, 19'2 13 ;u7. ".R. ((2 14 Dama!es are aarded "or t#e pain and su""erin! and t#e court ta(es into account t#e su""erin! in t#e past as e$$ as in t#e "uture% Dama!es under t#is #ead not on$y inc$ude p#ysica$ pain &ut a$so menta$ a!ony due to t#e p$ainti""’s (no$ed!e o" t#e "act o" t#e s#ortenin! o" #is e)pectation o"  $i"e% $i"e% I" t#e p$ainti p$ainti"" "" dies dies &e"ore &e"ore &rin!i &rin!in! n! t#e action action,, #is $e!a$ $e!a$ repres represent entati ati'e 'e can reco'er  reco'er  compensation under t#is #ead% Case La;minara+an 8! S)mitra Bai &a7t/ T#e de"endant $ured t#e p$ainti"" !ir$ to #a'e se)ua$ re$ations it# #im under t#e !ar& o"   promise to marry% marry% A"ter A"ter t#e !ir$ &ecame pre!nant, #e re"used to marry t#e !ir %$su""ered Iss)e/ W#et#er dama!es i$$ &e aarded re!ardin! ta(in! in account o" persona$ injury su""ered  &y p$ainti""% p$ainti" i""" as #e$d entit$ entit$ed ed to su&sta su&stanti ntia$ a$ dama!es dama!es on account account o" p#ysic p#ysica$ a$ pain, pain, "eld/ T#e p$aint indi!nity, c#ances o" marria!e &ecomin! dim and socia$ sti!ma% It as a$so #e$d t#at mere ac@uitta$ o" t#e &oy and ot#ers in crimina$ case do not &ar an action under $a o" torts% Damages in 7ase o5 s,ortening o5 e;9e7tation o5 li5e W#en a person’s norma$ span o" $i"e is s#ortened due to t#e ne!$i!ence o" t#e de"endant, #e can c$aim compensation "or t#e same% In case, #e dies &e"ore c$aimin! compensation under t#is #ead, t#e ri!#t ri!#t to c$aim c$aim compens compensati ation on de'o$' de'o$'es es on t#e $e!a$ $e!a$ repres represent entati ati'es 'es and t#ey can c$aim c$aim compensation on &e#a$" o" t#e deceased% T#e dama!es t#us aarded are "or $oss to t#e estate o"  t#e deceased% +uc# dama!es are "or pain and su""erin!, $oss o" earnin!s and ot#er dama!es actua$$y su""ered &y t#e 'ictim inc$udin! $oss to persona$ property and $oss o" e)pectation o" $i"e,  &eteen t#e date o" accident and t#e moment o" deat#%-7 15 A p$ainti"" is under no duty to miti!ate #is $oss, despite t#e #a&itua$ use &y t#e $ayers o" t#e duty to miti!ate’% *e is comp$ete$y "ree to act as #e jud!es to &e in #is &est interests% On t#e ot#er #and, a de"endant is not $ia&$e "or a$$ $oss su""ered &y t#e p$ainti"" in conse@uence o" #is so actin!% A de"endant is on$y $ia&$e "or suc# part o" t#e p$ainti""’s $oss as is proper$y, to &e re!arded as caused &y t#e de"endant’s &reac# o" duty%? duty%? 1( A.I.R. 19(2 6.. 1. 1( 3!In6)n7tion and S9e7i5i7 Restit)tion o5 Pro9ert+ An Injunction is >an order made &y t#e court "or&iddin! a person or c$ass o" persons "rom doin! a certain act, or acts o" a certain certain c$ass, upon pain o" !oin! to prison as contemnors o" t#e court% T#e pena$ty is not mention in t#e injunction, &ut i" (noin! o" an injunction you &rea( it, t#en t#e curt #as a $ar!e discretionary poer o" sendin! you to prison and (eepin! you t#ere?%-5T#e o&ject o&ject o" injunc injunctio tion n is usua$$ usua$$y y pre'en pre'enti' ti'e, e, rat#er rat#er t#an t#an pro#i& pro#i&it iti'e% i'e% T#e order order made made &y an injunction is more aut#oritati'e t#an a direction% ro#i&ition is #o$$y ne!ati'e and commands not to do% W#en an injunction injunction is !ranted to pre'ent a t#reatened ron!, ron!, it is ca$$ed a quia timet  injunction, injunction, i%e% pre'ention &e"ore an e'ent ta(es p$ace% To entit$e a party to an injunction #e must  pro'e eit#er dama!e or appre#ended dama!e in'o$'in! imminent dama!e o" a su&stantia$ (ind%-0 In India t#e ri!#t to an injunction is !o'erned ! o'erned &y t#e +peci"ic 9e$ie" Act, -3.4, +ection 4. to 61% Classi5i7ation o5 In6)n7tion Injunctions may &e c$assi"ied in re$ation to t#e sta!e at #ic# t#ey are !ranted 1' +aitland Lect"res on -"ity , p.318. 18 a)a+o . ara&an Rao7i Rao, 1904 ( Bo- "R 123. 1' &inal Fina$ injunctions can &e !ranted at t#e end o" a "u$$ tria$ and #earin! in t#e matter% matter% Interim Interim injunctions may may &e !ranted &e"ore t#e end o" a "u$$ tria$ and #earin! and e'en &e"ore  proceedin!s #a'e proper$y commenced% In order "or an interim injunction to &e & e !ranted t#e court must "ind t#at t#e &a$ance o" con'enience con'enience is satis"ied satis"ied Jit ou$d #arm t#e c$aimant more to !o on it#out t#e injunction t#an it ou$d #arm t#e de"endant to !rant itH% Wit,o)t noti7e In e)treme emer!encies t#e c$aimant may app$y "or a s#ort temporary temporary injunction J$astin! a "e daysH it#out in"ormin! t#e ot#er side% A "u$$ #earin! i$$ &e #e$d &e"ore t#e injunction ends, so t#e court may #ear t#e ar!uments% Wit, noti7e  A c$aimant must !i'e t#e ot#er side is !i'en notice o" an app$ication &ein! made to o&tain an injunction and &ot# parties i$$ &e #eard at t#e #earin!% In6)n7tions 7an *e 5)rt,er di8ided into di55erent t+9es> Pro,i*itor+ T#e court order "or&ids t#e de"endant "rom continuin! to act in a particu$ar ay% a y% Mandator+ T#e court order re@uires t#e de"endant to ta(e action to recti"y t#e conse@uences o" t#eir act% ?)ia timet T#e court order aims to pre'ent an appre#ended $e!a$ ron!% T#ese are 'ery unusua$ and re@uire t#e c$aimant to pro'e t#at t#e dama!e is near certain to occur, t#e dama!e is imminent and t#at t#e de"endant i$$ not &e restrained it#out t#e court order% S9e7i5i7 Restit)tion o5 Pro9ert+ 18 W#en t#e p$ainti"" #as &een ron!"u$$y dispossessed o" #is mo'a&$e or immo'a&$e property, t#e court may order t#at t#e speci"ic property s#ou$d &e restored &ac( to t#e p$ainti""% For t#is  purpose t#e pro'isions o" +ections . and 5 o" t#e +peci"ic 9e$ie" Act, Act, -3.4 may &e re"erred% a( #7tio #7tion n 5or 5or e6e7t e6e7tme ment nt +ection . and 5 o" t#e +peci"ic 9e$ie" Act pro'ide a speedy and summary remedy t#rou!# t#e ci'i$ court "or restoration o" possession to t#e dispossessed% T#e +upreme Court o" India #as $aid don-3 t#at in a suit under t#is section t#e p$ainti"" cou$d maintain a suit &ased on prior   possession it#out proo" o" #is tit$e tit$e and cou$d eject t#e trespasser%  &H#7tion 5or detention +ection 5 is "or reco'ery o" speci"ic mo'a&$e property% In re!ard to mo'a&$e property or  !oods !oods t#ere t#ere are t#ree torts torts trespass trespass,, detent detention ion and con'ers con'ersion ion%% Detenti Detention on is a (ind (ind o"  con'ersion consistin! in ron!"u$$y detainin! "rom t#e p$ainti"" !oods to t#e immediate  possession o" #ic# #e is entit$ed% An action in detention12 ou$d $ie on$y "or suc# speci"ic artic$e o" mo'a&$e property capa&$e o" &ein! reco'ered in specie and o" &ein! seiBed and de$i'ered up to t#e innin! party% 19 air 6eri!e 6o!ie%& "%+. . .. Ale/an+er, A.I.R. 19(8 6 11(5. 20 Bansi . ;oar+)an, A.I.R. 19'(  125. 19 @!CONSTITUTION#L #ND EATR# JUDICI#L REMEDIES  Constit)tional Remedies T#e Constitution o" India em&odies a num&er o" "undamenta$ ri!#ts in art 4% For 'io$ation o"  t#ese "undamenta$ ri!#ts, t#e constitution !uarantees a remedy1- and conse@uent$y t#e ri!#t to mo'e t#e court itse$" #as &ecome a "undamenta$ ri!#t% T#e +upreme Court and ot#er courts empoered in t#is &e#a$" 11 s#a$$ #a'e t#e poers to issue directions or orders or rits inc$udin! t#e rits in t#e nature o" habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and warranto and certiorari , #ic#e'er may &e appropriate, "or t#e en"orcement o" any o" t#e a&o'e/ mentioned ri!#ts%14 T#e ri!#ts !uaranteed &y t#is artic$e s#a$$ not &e suspended e)cept as ot#erise pro'ided "or &y t#e constitution% 21 Ar%. 321 22 Ar%. 323 an+ 22( 23 Ar%.322 20 E;tra J)di7ial Remedies E)tra $e!a$ remedies are remedies it#out t#e ordinary course o" judicia$ proceedin!s or  remedies out o" re!u$ar course o" $e!a$ procedure somet#in! #ic# is done it#out judicia$  proceedin!s% In a$$ cases o" ron!s committed or t#reatened a!ainst a person it is not necessary "or #im to approac# t#e court in order to see( protection or redress% La !rants a person $i&erty to sa'e #imse$" &y #is on acts and stren!t#% At times it is not  possi&$e to #a'e recourse to courts cou rts o" $a &ecause t#ere is practica$$y no time $e"t "or doin! so, t#e dama!e in"$icted or t#reatened to &e imposed is so immediate and serious in nature t#at t#ere is no a$ternati'e $e"t to a person on t#e spot #o ou$d &e t#e 'ictim o" t#e situation i" #e remains a mere passi'e percei'er and does not act, or does not ta(e t#e $a in #and &y &ecomin! #is on jud!e% W#en t#e $a t#us a$$os a person to &e #is on jud!e and to act, #e may act to stop t#e dama!e% *e is to de"end #is $i"e, $i&erty or property e'en &y usin! "orce proportionate and necessary to t#e occasion% a(Sel5- ,el9 It is p$ain common sense t#at e'eryone #as a ri!#t to de"end one on’s person and property #en attac(ed &y ron!doer% T#is ri!#t o" se$"/ #e$p may &e distin!uis#ed "rom t#e ri!#t o"   pri'ate de"ence% +e$"/ #e$p is a$$oed or permitted in order to put an end to t#e circumstance or  state o" a""airs in #ic# a person #as &een p$aced #ere #as pri'ate de"ence is a$$oed "or t#e  pre'ention o" a ron!% *oe'er, it must &e noted no ted t#at t#e $imitation p$aced in &ot# t#e cases so "ar as use o" "orce is concerned is t#e same, and it is, t#at t#e "orce used must not &e J-Hnnecessary or J1Hdisproportionate to t#e situation or pro'ocation%  &HE;9)lsion o5 tres9asser I" a person enters t#e $and o" anot#er it#out t#e oner’s consent, a!ainst #is i$$, &y "orce and 'io$ence #e may &e immediate$y repe$$ed and turned out o" t#e $and &y t#e oner &y 21 "orce it#out a prior re@uest &y #im%16 8ut i" t#e t#e entry is peace"u$$y made, a prior re@uest to to $ea'e is a must &e"ore t#e oner o ner $ays #is #ands on t#e trespasser% A person in e""ecti'e possession o" t#e premises t#ou!# #e may not &e a true oner can a'ai$ o" t#is remedy o" "orci&$y e)pu$sion o" a trespasser% cHRe-entr+ on land An oner dispossessed "rom #is $and or property may re/enter t#e same i" #e can do so it#out "orce and peace"u$$y% In 'ie o" +ection -27 o" t#e Indian ena$ Code de"ence o"   pri'ate property is a'ai$a&$e &ut it does not a$$o re/entry on $and a"ter t#e trespasser #as comp$eted #is act o" trespass% dHRe7a9tion o5 goods A person dispossess dispossessed ed o" #is c#atte$ may in'o(e #is pri'i$e!e pri'i$e!e o" recapturin! recapturin! it and may not resort to judicia$ proceedin!s% *e may "or t#is purpose enter t#e $and o" t#e oner or  occupier occupier "or reception o" t#e same i" t#e same is t#ere &rou!#t or p$aced eit#er &y desi!n or   &y accident% T#e sur'i'a$ o" t#is mode o" se$"/redress as as due to t#e common $a’s disa&i$ity disa&i$ity to compe$ speci"ic restitution% T#ere is no dou&t a&out t#is pri'i$e!e and t#e use o" #ate'er  "orce t#at is reasona&$y necessary to rest contro$ "rom t#e ron!doer% T#ere s#ou$d not &e a consi conside dera ra&$ &$ee time time/$ /$a! a! in purs pursui uin! n! t#is t#is reme remedy dy%% T#e T#e one onerr must must act prom prompt pt$y $y a"te a"ter  r  dispossession% eHDistress damage 5easant Distress is a summary remedy &y #ic# a person may, it#out $e!a$ process, ta(e possession o" t#e persona$ c#atte$s o" anot#er and #o$d t#em to compe$ t#e per"ormance o" a duty, t#e satis"action o" a de&t or demand, or t#e payment o" dama!es "or catt$e/trespass% Distress dama!e "easant is a common $a remedy "or t#e reco'ery o" compensation "or trespass &y anima$s ta(en #i$e doin! t#e dama!e% 24 ra%ap $a7i . B.B. = .I. Rl&., 18'5 1 Bo- 52. 22 "H#*atement In many respects it resem&$es t#e pri'i$e!e o" "orci&$y resistin! trespassory in'asion o" $and and sti$$ "inds some justi"ication in t#e "act t#at many minor annoyances suc# as encroac#in!  &ranc#es and roots are more e)pedient$y remo'ed &y se$" #e$p, and t#at on ot#er occasions security o" $i"e and property re@uires a speedy remedy it#out time to ca$$ on a cu$prit or  resort to $a% !CONCLUSION A"ter !oin! t#rou!# t#is project, e !et su""icient in"ormation a&out di""erent remedies a'ai$a&$e in di""erent situation o" any o""ence created under t#e domain o" torts% Any person #ose ri!#t #as &een 'io$ated i$$ &e met it# su""icient remedy as per situation and !ra'ity o" t#e o""ence% 9emedi 9emedies es are a'ai$a a'ai$a&$e &$e in "orm "orm o" compens compensati ation on as e$$ e$$ as it#out it#out compensat compensation ion $i(e $i(e injunction, speci"ic restitution o" property etc% In some case compensation to &e pro'ided #ere as in some cases it is $o% In some cases dama!es or compensation are a$so reduced i"  t#ere is some "au$t "rom t#e p$ainti""’s side% $ainti"" in some cases can a$so a'ai$ t#e remedy it#out !oin! to t#e court $i(e a&atement o" nuisance% 9emedies are pro'ided so t#at t#e su""erer does not $ose #is con"idence in $a% It is t#e &eauty o" $a t#at no o""ender s#ou$d &e spared and su""erer i$$ &e met it# some sort o" remedy/ i" a man !i'es anot#er a cu"" on 23 t#e year, t#ou!# it costs #im not#in!, yet #e s#a$$ #a'e #is action &ecause it is a persona$ injury% In case o" tort, remedy #ic# is to &e !i'en to p$ainti"" are not predetermined, in case #ere dama!es are to &e aarded, it is $e"t to t#e discretion o" t#e court% From t#is project e can conc$ude t#at main aim o" tort $a is to pro'ide t#e p$ainti"" it# su""icient remedy, so t#at person can &e in t#at situation i" #e ou$d #a'e not su""er "rom t#e act o" de"endant% 24 BIBLIO:R#P"' -% +in!# +%% +%%, La o" Tort Tort,, Ne De$#i, ni'ersa ni'ersa$$ La u&$is#in! u&$is#in! Co% 't% Ltd%, Ltd%, 12-2J7t# ed%H% 1% Gand#i 8%M%, 8%M%, La o" Torts, Torts, Luc(no Luc(no,, Eastern Eastern 8oo( Company Company,, 122.J4 122.J4rd ed%H% 4% 8urros 8urros Andre Andre,, 9emedies 9emedies "or Tort Tort and 8reac# 8reac# o" Contract, Contract, O)"ord ni'ersi ni'ersity ty ress, ress, 1226% 6% i$$ai i$$ai %+%A%, %+%A%, La o" Tort, Tort, Luc(no, Luc(no, Eastern Eastern 8oo( Company, Company, 12-2J9eprint 12-2J9eprintH% H% 7% 8an!ia 9%K%, 9%K%, La o" Torts, Torts, A$$a#a&ad A$$a#a&ad La La A!ency A!ency,, 12-2% Wad#a and Company Na!pur, 122.J17t# ed%H% (. 9atan$a$ and D#iraj$a$, T#e La o" Torts, Wad#a 25