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Library Management System | Unit Testing | Oracle Database

1.1 ABOUT LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Library management System (LMS) provides a simple GUI (graphical user interface) for the Library Staff to manage the .... 4.2 DATABASE DESIGN The LMS implements Oracle as the Backend and thus the database schema is defined and modified through Oracle SQL.


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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 ABOUT LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Library management System (LMS) provides a simple GUI (graphical user interface) for the Library Staff to manage the functions of the library effectively. Usually when a book is returned or issued, it is noted down in a register after which data entry is done to update the status of the books in a moderate scale. This process takes some time and proper updation cannot be guaranteed. Such anomalies in the updation process can cause loss of books. So a more user friendly interface which could update the database instantly, has a great demand in libraries. The goal of this project is to provide simplicity as well as security and efficiency to the management. Its main objective is to provide all the functions of the library along with support of barcode reader. The contemporary system stores the database information on a local computer, which can‟t be updated and accessed on a remote computer or a computer in the library network. 1 1.2 PROBLEM DEFINITION  The Library Management System implements databases to make the existing system more efficient.  It is difficult to catch defaulters in a usual library system, but LMS solves this problem by providing messages to the administrator about the fine to be paid and books to be returned.  When a book is to be borrowed, its barcode is read and is fed to LMS.  When the administrator tries to issue a book to a member, LMS checks whether the member is allowed to borrow books respective to his limit.  LMS also checks whether the book to be issued is a reference book or not. If the book is a reference book, it cannot be issued.  If the book has no restrictions it is issued to the member, and also the member‟s details is updated with the books that he has just borrowed.  Any member can search a book with its title name, or author‟s name. 2 CHAPTER 2 SYSTEM ANALYSIS 2.1 EXISTING SYSTEM  In the existing system, the transactions of the books are recorded in a local computer and the information cannot be accessed by other members of the library  In some libraries, the transactions are recorded in a register, and then later they are fed into the computer by a Data Entry Operator.  This type of maintenance usually causes some errors due to delay in updation and mistakes during large data entry.  Basically there is no security, i.e. any person can perform transactions other than the administrator. 2.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM  In Library Management System, the processing of transactions is done with the help of computer.  LMS provides a very simple GUI.  Through LMS, updating to the database is very efficient and instantly done.  It provides a guest login for the members to view details about the available books and allows them to search for a particular book.  LMS provides security (i.e. only the administrator can update any information to the database) 3  Barcode Readers can be installed to the system and respective plug-in can be installed to the LMS for effective and easy transactions.  Error generation for Authentication purpose and also for constraints to the members on the number of books allowed for a particular member.  Member can be a Student, or Lecturer or Non teaching Staff, and respective limits for borrowing books for each type of member is set (i.e. students can borrow up to 3 books and lecturers & non-teaching staff can borrow up to 5 books).  According to update anomalies, proper errors are generated in exclamation and dialog boxes.  The data can be updated to a server on the network. There can be many clients around the library from which the users can check for books available. 4 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3.1 HARDWARE SPECIFICATION 1. Hard Disk: 20 GB and above. 2. RAM : 512 MB and above. 3. Processor: Pentium 4 and above, or any other equivalent processor. 3.2 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION 1. Operating System : Windows XP and above. 2. Documentation tool: Microsoft Word 2007. 3.3 TECHNOLOGIES USED 1. Operating system: Windows XP. 2. Development Tools: Visual Basic 6.0 Oracle 9.0 for backend. 5 CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM DESIGN 4.1 INTRODUCTION LMS implements two types of users in the system. One is the administrator who has the total control over the database and the other is the guest account through which one can view the READ ONLY terminals of the database. 4.1.1 Functions given to the Administrator: 1. Administration: a) Adding a new member: The administrator can add new members to the library. He has to enter the following details. i) Patron ID ii) Patron Name iii) Designation (Student, Lecturer, Non Teaching staff) iv) Date of Joining v) Date of Expiry of membership A unique patron id is given to each member of the library b) Modifying the member details: The administrator has the option to modify the details of a member i) Name ii) Designation iii) Imposing or Clearing Fine iv) Renewing the membership c) Removing a member 6 The administrator has the rights to remove a member from the library. Most importantly LMS doesn‟t allow a member to be removed from the library if the member has books to return or fine to be paid. The member can be removed either with reference to his name or his patron id which can also be scanned from his ID card through a barcode reader. 2. Tech Processing a) Primary Catalogue This menu gives options to the administrator to add new books to the library The following details of the book are to be entered. i) Item Barcode ii) Title iii) Author iv) Physical Description (no. of pages) v) Reference or not (Reference or Ordinary) vi) ISBN b) Modify Catalogue This form displays the all the books of the library and gives the option to the administrator to modify the details of a book. The following details can be modified. i) Title ii) Author iii) Reference or not iv) ISBN v) Physical Description (no. of pages) The barcode can‟t be modified. 3. Circulation a) Check In By check in option, a book can be returned to the library. The barcode of the book is required, which can be scanned by the barcode reader. b) Check Out 7 When a book is check out request is given, LMS verifies whether the person is allowed to borrow more books or not. A student can borrow only up to 3 books, whereas a Lecturer or Non teaching Staff can borrow up to 5 books. An error is generated if the person is not allowed. 4. Queries a) Search by i) Title ii) Item Barcode iii) Patron ID This displays the books borrowed by the particular Member with reference to his Patron ID iv) Patron Name This displays the books borrowed by the particular member with reference to his name v) Books out Displays the books which are out of the library. vi) Books available Displays the books which are available for checking out. 4.1.2 Functions given to the Guest User 1) Queries a) Search by i) Title ii) Item Barcode iii) Patron ID This displays the books borrowed by the particular Member with reference to his Patron ID iv) Patron Name This displays the books borrowed by the particular member with reference to his name v) Books out 8 Displays the books which are out of the library. vi) Books available Displays the books which are available for checking out. 4.2 DATABASE DESIGN The LMS implements Oracle as the Backend and thus the database schema is defined and modified through Oracle SQL. The LMS consists of two tables to store all the information, and all the necessary information is extracted from these tables through appropriate queries in VB. The tables are BOOK and PATRON. The schemas are as follows. PATRON Name Null? Type PATRON_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(10) NAME VARCHAR2(20) DESIGN VARCHAR2(20) DOJ DATE EXPIRY DATE NOB NUMBER(1) FINE NUMBER(4) Table 4.1 PATRON Table 9 DOJ is the date of join and EXPIRY is the date of expiry of membership. NOB is the no. of books borrowed by the member. FINE represents the amount of fine imposed on the member in Rs. BOOK Name Null? Type BAR_CODE NOT NULL NUMBER(6) TITLE VARCHAR2(25) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(25) ISBN NUMBER(10) STATUS VARCHAR2(10) REF_OR_NOT VARCHAR2(10) BORROWER_ID NUMBER(10) PHYS NUMBER(4) Table 4.2 BOOK Table 10 4.3 ER DIAGRAM Patron Name Patron_ID Design DOJ Patron Expiry NOB (no. of books borrowed) Fine Borrows or Returns Membership Stores Title Library Books Bar_code ISBN Ref_or_not Author Phys(no. of pages) Borrower_ID Status Fig 4.1 ER Diagram for LMS 11 4.4 USE CASE DIAGRAM Fig 4.2 Use case diagram for LMS DESCRIPTION The use case model consist of the following actors,  Administrator  Guest account The various actions that take place in this system are, 12  Modification to the book details  Modification to the member details  Check available books  Query of member details by administrator  Database The guest user can perform various activities such as querying the database for available books and searching for books with title and author. The administrator can modify the details of either the books or the members. He can also query the database for the information regarding books and also the members. 4.5 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM Fig 4.3 Sequence Diagram for Add/Modify Book or Member 13 Description The above sequence diagram shows the sequence of activities while adding or modifying a member or books details Fig 4.4 Sequence Diagram for Querying details Description The above sequence diagram shows the sequence of activities when a guest or administrator queries for a book or a member‟s details. 14 4.6 CLASS DIAGRAM Fig 4.5 Class Diagram for LMS Description The class diagram shows all the activities of the LMS. It includes  Add or Modify a member or books details  Circulation  Queries 15 CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 5.1 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Administrator Guest Application Interface Oracle Database having the relevant tables Fig 5.1 Library Management System architecture 16 This architecture gives the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and views of the Library Management System. The main components of the system architecture: Oracle Database containing relevant tables and Application Interface, and Administrator and Guest. The Applicant interface and status interface is responsible for user experience, database takes care of storage that are required in the Library Management system. 17 CHAPTER 6 IMPLEMENTATION OF LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 6.1 SCREENSHOTS LOGIN SCREEN Fig 6.1 Login Screen for LMS Fig 6.2 Login Error 18 MAIN MENU SCREEN Fig 6.3 Main Menu Fig 6.4 Permission denied for Guest 19 ADMINISTRATION SCREEN Fig 6.5 Administration ADD NEW MEMBER SCREEN Fig 6.6 Adding New Member 20 MODIFY MEMBER SCREEN Fig 6.7 Modify member 21 REMOVE MEMBER Fig 6.8 Remove Member TECH PROCESSING MENU Fig 6.9 Tech Processing Menu 22 ADD BOOK SCREEN Fig 6.10 Add book Screen MODIFY BOOK SCREEN Fig 6.11 Modify Book Screen 23 CIRCULATION Fig 6.12 Circulation: Issue Fig 6.13 Circulation: Return 24 QUERIES Fig 6.14 Queries: Search Fig 6.15 Queries: All Books 25 ERROR SCREENS Fig 6.16 Book Out Fig 6.17 Limit reached Fig 6.18 Books to return 26 6.2 CODING 6.2.1 Code for Login Screen This form allows the user to either login to the database as an administrator or a Guest. The Administrator is given all the privileges to modify the database according to his needs. Whereas the guest is not given the privileges to alter the database in any way. However the Guest is allowed to query the database for information and is allowed to view all sorts of information. Option Explicit Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() LoginSucceeded = False Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() If txtPassword = "admin" And txtUserName = "administrator" Then Welcome.Show LoginSucceeded = True Me.Hide Else MsgBox "Invalid UserName and Password, try again!", , "Login" txtPassword.SetFocus SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End If End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Welcome.Show 27 LoginSucceeded = True Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtPassword = "" txtUserName = "" End Sub 6.2.2 Code for Welcome Screen The startup screen allows the administrator to choose from four main options. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Administration Tech Processing Circulation Queries Lock and Logout Private Sub Command1_Click() If frmLogin.txtUserName = "administrator" And frmLogin.txtPassword = "admin" Then Admin.Show Unload Me Else MsgBox "Guest User Access Denied!!!", vbExclamation End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Queries.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() 28 If frmLogin.txtUserName = "administrator" And frmLogin.txtPassword = "admin" Then TechProc.Show Unload Me Else MsgBox "Guest User Access Denied!!!", vbExclamation End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() If frmLogin.txtUserName = "administrator" And frmLogin.txtPassword = "admin" Then Circulation.Show Unload Me Else MsgBox "Guest User Access Denied!!!", vbExclamation End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() frmLogin.txtUserName = "" frmLogin.txtPassword = "" Me.Hide frmLogin.Show End Sub Public Sub Form_Load() Me.Hide frmLogin.Show End Sub 6.2.3 Code for Administration Screen Administration is the key function of the administrator. It provides three options to the admin. a) Add member b) Modify member 29 c) Remove member Private Sub Command1_Click() Addmem.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Modifymem.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Removemem.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Welcome.Show Unload Me End Sub 6.2.4 Code for Add Member Screen Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() Admin.Show con.Close Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() con.Execute ("insert into patron values(" & Val(id.Text) & ",'" & (patron.Text) & "','" & (Combo1.Text) & "','" & (doj.Text) & "','" & (doe.Text) & "',0,0)") 30 MsgBox "Member Created" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() con.Open ("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data;Persist Security Info=True") Combo1.AddItem "Student" Combo1.AddItem "Lecturer" Combo1.AddItem "Non Teaching Staff" End Sub 6.2.5 Code for Modify Member Screen Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() Admin.Show con.Close Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Set rs = con.Execute("update patron set name='" & (Text2.Text) & "',design='" & (Combo1.Text) & "',fine=" & Val(Text3.Text) & ",expiry='" & (Text4.Text) & "' where patron_id=" & Val(Text1.Text) & "") MsgBox "Update Successfull", vbInformation End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Set rs = con.Execute("select * from patron where patron_id=" & (Text1.Text) & "") Text2.Text = rs.Fields.Item(1) Combo1.Text = rs.Fields.Item(2) Text3.Text = rs.Fields.Item(6) Text4.Text = rs.Fields.Item(4) End Sub 31 Private Sub Form_Load() con.Open ("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data;Persist Security Info=True") Combo1.AddItem "Student" Combo1.AddItem "Lecturer" Combo1.AddItem "Non Teaching Staff" Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from patron" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub 6.2.6 Code for Remove Member Screen Dim nob As Integer Dim fine As Integer Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Back_Click() Admin.Show Unload Me con.Close End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() If Option1.Value = True Then Set rs = con.Execute("select nob from patron where patron_id=" & Val(Text1.Text) & "") nob = rs.Fields.Item(0) Set rs = con.Execute("select fine from patron where patron_id=" & Val(Text1.Text) & "") fine = rs.Fields.Item(0) If nob <> 0 Or fine <> 0 Then MsgBox "I think the Member has some books to return,or fine to be paid!!!", vbExclamation GoTo x End If con.Execute ("delete from patron where patron_id= '" & (Text1.Text) & "'") 32 End If If Option2.Value = True Then Set rs = con.Execute("select nob from patron where name='" & (Text2.Text) & "'") nob = rs.Fields.Item(0) Set rs = con.Execute("select fine from patron where name='" & (Text2.Text) & "'") fine = rs.Fields.Item(0) If nob <> 0 Or fine <> 0 Then MsgBox "I think the Member has some books to return,or fine to be paid!!!", vbExclamation GoTo x End If con.Execute ("delete from patron where name= '" & (Text2.Text) & "'") End If On Error GoTo x: MsgBox "Member Has been Removed" Exit Sub x: End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() con.Open ("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data;Persist Security Info=True") End Sub 6.2.7 Code for Tech Processing Screen The tech processing menu gives the administrator three options. They are 1) Primary Catalogue Adding books to the library 2) Modify Catalogue Changing and updating the details of a book Private Sub Command1_Click() Addbook.Show 33 Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() ModifyBook.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Welcome.Show Unload Me End Sub 6.2.8 Code for Add Book Screen Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() con.Execute ("insert into book values(" & Val(Text1.Text) & ",'" & (Text3.Text) & "','" & (Text2.Text) & "'," & Val(Text4.Text) & ",'IN','" & (Combo1.Text) & "',NULL," & Val(Text5.Text) & ")") MsgBox "New Book Added!", vbInformation End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() TechProc.Show con.Close Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() con.Open ("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data;Persist Security Info=True") Combo1.AddItem "Reference" Combo1.AddItem "Ordinary" End Sub 34 6.2.9 Code for Modify Book Screen Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() con.Execute ("update book set title='" & (Text3.Text) & "',author = '" & (Text2.Text) & "',isbn= " & Val(Text4.Text) & ",phys=" & (Text5.Text) & ",ref_or_not='" & (Combo1.Text) & "' where bar_code=" & (Text1.Text) & " ") MsgBox "Details have been Modified", vbInformation End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() TechProc.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Set rs = con.Execute("select * from book where bar_code=" & (Text1.Text) & "") Text3.Text = rs.Fields.Item(1) Text2.Text = rs.Fields.Item(2) Text4.Text = rs.Fields.Item(3) Text4.Text = rs.Fields.Item(4) Combo1.Text = rs.Fields.Item(5) Text5.Text = rs.Fields.Item(7) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() con.Open ("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data;Persist Security Info=True") Combo1.AddItem "Ordinary" Combo1.AddItem "Reference" End Sub 35 6.2.10 Code for Circulation Screen Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim ref As String Dim stat As String Dim design As String Dim c As Integer 'to check whether book is reference or nt and available or not Set rs = con.Execute("select ref_or_not,status from book where bar_code=" & Val(Text2.Text) & "") ref = rs.Fields.Item(0) stat = rs.Fields.Item(1) If Option1.Value = True Then Set rs = con.Execute("select nob,design from patron where patron_id = " & Val(Text1.Text) & " ") temp.Text = rs.Fields.Item(0) design = rs.Fields.Item(1) c = Val(temp.Text) „To check whether the student has reached his limit of borrowing books (i.e. 3 books) If design = "Student" Then If c >= 3 Then MsgBox "This member can't borrow more books!!" GoTo x End If c=c+1 temp.Text = c con.Execute ("update patron set nob= " & Val(temp.Text) & " where patron_id= " & Val(Text1.Text) & "") End If 36 If design = "Lecturer" Or design = "Non Teaching Staff" Then „To check whether the Staff has reached his limit of borrowing books (i.e. 5 books) If c >= 5 Then MsgBox "This member can't borrow more books!!" GoTo x End If c=c+1 temp.Text = c con.Execute ("update patron set nob= " & Val(temp.Text) & " where patron_id= " & Val(Text1.Text) & "") End If End If If Option2.Value = True Then Set rs = con.Execute("select nob,design from patron where name = '" & (Text1.Text) & "' ") temp.Text = rs.Fields.Item(0) design = rs.Fields.Item(1) c = Val(temp.Text) If design = "Student" Then If c >= 3 Then MsgBox "This member can't borrow more books!!" GoTo x End If c=c+1 temp.Text = c con.Execute ("update patron set nob= " & Val(temp.Text) & " where name= '" & (Text1.Text) & "'") End If If design = "Lecturer" Or design = "Non Teaching Staff" Then If c >= 5 Then MsgBox "This member can't borrow more books!!" GoTo x 37 End If c=c+1 temp.Text = c con.Execute ("update patron set nob= " & Val(temp.Text) & " where patron_id= " & Val(Text1.Text) & "") End If End If If ref = "Reference" Then MsgBox "The book cannot be checked out, It is a reference book." GoTo x End If If stat = "OUT" Then MsgBox "The book is already out" GoTo x: End If If Option1.Value = True Then con.Execute ("update book set status='OUT', borrower_id=" & Val(Text1.Text) & " where bar_code = " & Val(Text2.Text) & "") MsgBox "Successfully Checked Out!" End If If Option2.Value = True Then con.Execute ("update book set status='OUT', borrower_id=(select patron_id from patron where name ='" & (Text1.Text) & "') where bar_code = " & Val(Text2.Text) & "") MsgBox "Successfully Checked Out!" End If x: End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() 'to check in the book con.Execute ("update book set status='IN', borrower_id=NULL where bar_code = " & Val(Text2.Text) & "") MsgBox "Successfully Checked In" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Welcome.Show con.Close Unload Me 38 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() con.Open ("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data;Persist Security Info=True") End Sub 6.2.11 Code for Queries Screen „Only this Screen can be accessed by a guest login. Other screens cannot be accessed by the „guest. Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() Welcome.Show con.Close Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() If Combo1.Text = "Books Out" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from book where status = 'OUT'" Adodc1.Refresh End If If Combo1.Text = "Books Available" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from book where status = 'IN'" Adodc1.Refresh End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from book " Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from patron" 39 Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() con.Open ("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data;Persist Security Info=True") Combo1.AddItem "Title" Combo1.AddItem "Item Bar Code" Combo1.AddItem "Patron ID" Combo1.AddItem "Patron Name" Combo1.AddItem "Books Out" Combo1.AddItem "Books Available" End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() If Combo1.Text = "Title" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from book where title like '" & (Text1.Text) & "%'" Adodc1.Refresh End If If Combo1.Text = "Item Bar Code" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from book where bar_code like '" & (Text1.Text) & "%'" Adodc1.Refresh End If If Combo1.Text = "Patron ID" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from book where borrower_id like '" & (Text1.Text) & "%'" Adodc1.Refresh End If If Combo1.Text = "Patron Name" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = " select * from book where borrower_id =(select patron_id from patron where name= '" & (Text1.Text) & "')" Adodc1.Refresh End If End Sub 40 CHAPTER 7 SYSTEM TESTING Testing is one of the important steps in the software development phase. Testing is performed to identify errors and is an integral part of the entire development and maintenance process. The Library Management System has been put under rigorous testing so as ensure the correctness of its design. The two basic testing strategies that were used: 1. Unit Testing. 2. Integration Testing. 7.1 UNIT TESTING Unit testing was conducted to verify the functional performance of each modular component of the software. Unit testing focuses on the smallest unit of software design i.e. the module. White-box testing were heavily employed for unit testing. 7.1.1 Login Screen Step Test Step No 1 Expected Actual Result Result Test Result Enter a An error Nothing actually popped up username and showing and the authentication seemed password (a “Username succesful. correct & password password but mismatch wrong username 41 FAIL 2 Click on the A pop up Guest Login should button to appear login with when gng less to admin privileges. screen PASS Tabel 7.1 Login Test Case 7.2 INTEGRATION TESTING “Unit testing” focuses on testing a unit of the code.“Integration testing” is the next level of testing. This „level of testing‟ focuses on testing the integration of “units of code” or components. The Library Management System was tested as a whole. 7.2.1 Circulation and Remove Member Screen Step Test Step No 1 Expected Actual Result Result Test Result Check out a It must display Nothing was displayed and the book when that “The book was checked out. the student member can‟t has already borrow more borrowed books”. FAIL three books. 2 Member Should display with fine “The member tried to be has books to removed return or fine to pay” Table 7.2 Circulation and Remove Member Test Case 42 PASS CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION LMS simplifies the manual work load and is helpful in the effective transactions of the library. The work load of the administrator is reduced to a great extent by computerized transactions and instant information about the books in the library. The members of the library are provided a very interactive interface to search for the books by title as well as author. The administrator can instantly make changes to the database. LMS provides messages whenever required viz. limit reached of member to borrow books, error when trying to remove member who still has to pay fine. Thus the mini project LMS by implementing VB as front end and Oracle as back end was achieved and tested accordingly. 43 REFERENCES [1] Wallace Wang “Visual Basic 6 Programming For Dummies” IDG Books India [2] Gary Cornell, “Visual basic 6: from the GROUND UP” Build windows and web applications step by step, pp. 950-1000 [3] Kevin Loney, “Oracle 10g: The complete reference”, Master the revolutionary features of oracle, pp. 940-950, 2004 [4] Steven Holzner, “Visual Basic black book”, Comprehensive problem solver, pp. 1050-1100, 1998. [5] [6] [7] 44