MultimodalClass 1 ã This CLASS 1 consists of two parts:A. Getting to know our classroom B. What is MULTIMODALITY? All tasks from part 1 and part 2 should be completed by OCTOBER 19th, so ... let put pen to paper! PART A : GETTING TO KNOW OUR CLASSROOM For this part of the class we invite you to download the documents below, read them and carry out the tasks for this first class. The Course Schedule and Course Contents files can also be found in the tab: BIBLIOGRAPHY. PART B: What is MULTIMODALITY? “When students invoke more than one sense [or modality], simultaneously or overa period of time, they tend to interact with the material more intensely and therebyretain what they have learned for longer periods of time” (Baines, 2008). In this part of the class we will work with an introduction to the concept of MULTIMODALITY in general and we will think about multimodal texts and listening comprehension. o Un recorrido por el aula de abc Campus Virtual Archivo o Course Contents Archivo o Course Schedule 3C Archivo o Tasks for class 1 Archivo o WHAT IS MULTIMODALITY? 3C Foro o Any ICT problems? 3C ForoClass 2 ã English highlights the importance of using multimodal texts in ourclassrooms to allow children to connect with and appreciate literature. Picturebooks provide students with opportunities to interpret and evaluate texts and then to create their own multimodal texts. This link between reading and writing can be highlighted through the use of a mentor text and when children begin to read like writers and have a choice around what they read and write, it becomes a powerful motivator.Bull & nstey note that students are being asked to interpret linguistic, visual, auditory, spatial, and gestural semiotic systems that are becoming increasingly popular in new forms of text !#$#%. Typography, the design of typefaces and the way that text is laid out on a page, is also a feature worth considering. Through the use of picturebooks , children are able to critically engage in the authors message and consider what it will mean for their own texts. From “Using Picturebooks to Empower and Inspire Readers and Writers in the Upper Primary Classroom” by Kelly Booker in Practical Strategies Literacy Learning: the Middle Years Volume 20 - Number 2 - June 2012 But what should we do with picturebooks? In this class we are goingto carry out 3 tasks to explore different ways in which we can help our students develop their multimodal literacy in English, the literacy that is needed in contemporary times for reading, viewing, responding to and producing multimodal and digital texts.Shall we start? Check our course schedule: the tasks for thisclass should be completed by OCTOBER 26TH o TASK 1 'et(s start by reviewing the meaning of MULTIMODALITY ) you might want to revisit class $ to refresh what we read and listen to about this concept. This is *ust to activate our background knowledge+ o TASK 2 f we, English language teachers can acknowledge and promote mul-timodal literacies in our classrooms, children will be more apt to become involved in the learning process. ow useful are picturebooks for that purpose/ 0hat might we do with them/ 'et(s participate in the forum below and find out) o PICTUREBOOKS 3C Foro o TASK 3 1ow it(s time for us to come up with our own practical ideas. 2ou should participate in the forum below by designing a task . 3eady/ 4o+ o Designing a TASK 3C Foro