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Practical Accounting One.doc




PRACTICAL ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING ONE REVIEWERS / TESTBANKS 1. In an audi auditt of Selen elena a Comp Compan any y on Decem ecembe berr 31, 31, 2009 2009,, the the following information i gathered! "alance per boo# $,%00,000 Cutomer& chec# 200,000 Depoitor& note charged to account $'0,000 Cutomer& note collected by ban# 120,000 (uttanding chec# )00,000 Chec#boo# printing charge 2,000 Certified chec# included in the outtanding chec# 100,000 Depoit in tranit 1,200,000 Interet earned on depoit net of 20* final ta+   32,000 he ad-uted cah in ban# of Selena Company on December 31, 2009 i a. $,0'0,000 b. $,%00,000 c. $,000,000 d. ',300,000 "alance per boo# Cutomer& S/ chec# Depoitor& note charged to account Cutomer& r& note collected by ban# Chec#boo# printing charge Interet earned on depoit "alance per boo# $,%00,000  200,000  $'0,000 120,000  2,000 32,000 $,000,000 2. (n anuary ary 1, 2009, 09, 4erla rlating Company any purc urchaed aed erial rial bond with a face 4alue of 56,000,000 and a tated interet rate of  10* to be held to maturity. he tated interet i payable annually on December 31. he bond are ac7uired to ha4e an effecti4e yiel yield d at 12* 12*. he bond bond  matu mature re at annu annual al int intal allm lmen entt of  51,000,000 e4ery anuary 1, beginning in anuary 1, 2010 and e4ery anuary 1 thereafter. 8hat i the mar#et price of the bond in4etment on anuary 1, 2009 :ound off preent 4alue factor to 2 decimal place a. 6,000,000 d. 3,)%$,000 b. 3,%%$,000 5; of 1<1<10 cah flow 1.6= + .)9 5; of 1<1<11 cah flow 1.3= + .)0 5; of 1<1<12 cah flow 1.2= + .%1 5; of 1<1<13 cah flow 1.1= + .$6 otal c. 3,)62,000 1,26$,000 1,060,000 )'2,000 %06,000 3,)62,000 3. (n Dece Decemb mber er 31, 31, 2009, 2009, the the balan balance ce of account account  rece recei4 i4ab able le of  ale alena na Comp Compan any y wa wa 5$,0 5$,000 00,0 ,000 00 and and the the anu anuar ary y 1, 2009 2009 balance of allowance for doubtful account wa 5)00,000. he following data were gathered! Credit Sales Write offs Recoveries 200$ 9,000,000 600,000 30,000 200% 13,000,000 $00,000 %0,000 200) 1',000,000 %00,000 120,000 2009 20,000,000 $'0,000 1'0,000 Doubtful account are pro4ided for a percentage of credit ale. he accountant calculate the percentage annually by uing the e+perience of the three year prior to the current year. >pw much hou hould ld be repo report rte ed a allo allowa wanc nce e for doub doubtf tful ul acc account ount  on December 31, 2009 a. 1,100,000 b. )00,000 c. 1,300,000 d. 1,2'0,000 otal writeoff 600 ? $00 ? %00 @e! otal reco4ery 30 ? %0 ? 120 et writeoff Di4ided by total credit ale Doubtful account e+pene rate "eg. ADA 8riteoff :eco4ery DA 20= + 6*  ADA, end 1,%00,000 220,000 1,6)0,000 3%,000,000 6* )00,000  $'0,000 1'0,000 )00,000 1,100,000 a. 6,000,000 d. 3,)%$,000 b. 3,%%$,000 5; of 1<1<10 cah flow 1.6= + .)9 5; of 1<1<11 cah flow 1.3= + .)0 5; of 1<1<12 cah flow 1.2= + .%1 5; of 1<1<13 cah flow 1.1= + .$6 otal c. 3,)62,000 1,26$,000 1,060,000 )'2,000 %06,000 3,)62,000 3. (n Dece Decemb mber er 31, 31, 2009, 2009, the the balan balance ce of account account  rece recei4 i4ab able le of  ale alena na Comp Compan any y wa wa 5$,0 5$,000 00,0 ,000 00 and and the the anu anuar ary y 1, 2009 2009 balance of allowance for doubtful account wa 5)00,000. he following data were gathered! Credit Sales Write offs Recoveries 200$ 9,000,000 600,000 30,000 200% 13,000,000 $00,000 %0,000 200) 1',000,000 %00,000 120,000 2009 20,000,000 $'0,000 1'0,000 Doubtful account are pro4ided for a percentage of credit ale. he accountant calculate the percentage annually by uing the e+perience of the three year prior to the current year. >pw much hou hould ld be repo report rte ed a allo allowa wanc nce e for doub doubtf tful ul acc account ount  on December 31, 2009 a. 1,100,000 b. )00,000 c. 1,300,000 d. 1,2'0,000 otal writeoff 600 ? $00 ? %00 @e! otal reco4ery 30 ? %0 ? 120 et writeoff Di4ided by total credit ale Doubtful account e+pene rate "eg. ADA 8riteoff :eco4ery DA 20= + 6*  ADA, end 1,%00,000 220,000 1,6)0,000 3%,000,000 6* )00,000  $'0,000 1'0,000 )00,000 1,100,000 6. plan plana ade Compa mpany ell ell a 4arie riety of merchandi die to it cutomer. (n December 31, 2009, the balance of planade& ending in4entory account wa 53,000,000, and the allowance for  in4e in4ent ntor ory y write ritedo dow wn acco accoun untt befo before re any any ad-u ad-ut tme ment nt wa 51'0, 51'0,000 000.. :ele :ele4a 4ant nt info inform rmat atio ion n about about the the prope properr 4alu 4aluat atio ion n of  in4entorie and the brea#down of in4entory cot and mar#et data at December 31, 2009, are a follow! Cost Cost Rel Relace ace!e !e"t "t Cost )00,000 900,000 Sale Sales s Price NRV NRV Nor! Nor!al al Profit ''0,000 Ba#s 1,200,000 2'0,000 S$oes 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 1,100,000 1'0,000 Clot$i"#  Clot$i"#  %0 %00,000 1,000,000 1,2'0,000 9'0,000 300,000 Li"#erie '00,000 $00,000 1,000,000 3' 3'0,000 300,000 >ow much lo on in4entory writedown i included in 2009 cot of  ale a. '0,000 b. 200,000 c. 600,000 d. 2'0,000 @ower of cot or :; on item by item bai ''0 ? 1= ? %00 ? 3'0 2,$00,000 @e! otal cot 3,000,000 3,000 ,000 :e7uired allowance for in4entory writedown 600,000 @e! "eginning allowance 1'0,000 @o on writedown 2'0,000 '. /la4ia /la4ia =anufact =anufacturi uring ng began operatio operation n 3 year year ago. (n (ctobe (ctober  r  1, 2009, a fire bro#e out in the warehou houe detroy roying all all in4entorie. he information a4ailable i preented below. %a"&ar' ( Octo)er ( In4entory '00,000  Account recei4able )00,000 '00,000  Account payable 600,000 $'0,000 Collection on account recei4able, 1<1 to 10<1 $,'00,000 5ayment to upplier, 1<1 to 10<1 ',200,000 Bood out on conignment at (ctober 1, at cot 600,000 200$ 200% 200) Sale $,000,000 %,'00,000 ),000,000 Bro profit on ale 1,$'0,000 1,%2',000 2,000,000 8hat i the in4entory lo uffered a a reult of the fire a. 900,000 b. 62',000 c. 200,000 d. )2',000 Sale $,'00,000  )00,000 ? '00,000 $,200,000 5urchae ',200  600 ? $'0 ',6'0,000 B5 * 2%.'* ? 23* ?2'* < 3 or ',3%'<21,'00 2'* BAS '00,000 ? ',6'0,000 ',9'0,000 @e! timated C(S $.2= + 12'* 6,$'0,000 timated ending in4entory 1,300,000 @e! Cot of good out on conignment 600,000 timated fire lo 900,000 $. (n anuary 1, 2009, Eatherine Company purchaed 20* of the outtanding ordinary hare capital of Da4id Company for  56,000,000, of which 51,000,000 wa paid in cah and 53,000,000 payable with 12* annual interet on December 31, 2010. Eatherine alo paid 5'00,000 to a buine bro#er who helped find a uitable buine and negotiated to purchae.  At the time of the ac7uiition, the fair 4alue of Da4id& identifiable aet and liabilitie were e7ual to their carrying 4alue e+cept for  an office building which ha a fair 4alue in e+ce of boo# 4alue of  52,000,000 and an etimated life of 6 year. Da4id& hareholder& e7uity on anuary 1, 2009 wa 513,000,000. During 2009, Da4id reported net income of 5$,000,000 and paid di4idend of 56,000,000. 8hat amount hould Eatherine Company report a in4etment in aociate on December 31, 2009 a. 6,300,000 b. 6,)00,000 c. 6,900,000 d. 6,'00,000 Cot Share in net income $= + 20* Di4idend  AmortiFation Carrying amount 12<31<09 6,'00,000 1,200,000  )00,000  100,000 6,)00,000 %. During 2009, udith Company Corporation contructed a new hydro electric power plant at a cot of 52',000,000. he e+penditure for thi facility, which wa finihed late in 2009, were incurred e4enly during the year. he entity had the following loan among udith& liabilitie outtanding on December 31, 2009! 12* note to finance contruction of the hydroelectric power  plant, dated anuary 1, 2009, 510,000,000 that wa unpaid a of December 31, 2009. In4etment were made on the e+ce borrowing from thi loan and income of 5'0,000 wa realiFed from depoit and other in4etment during 2009. )*, 20year bond payable iued at face 4alue on anuary 1, 2001, 560,000,000. 1'*, 'year mortgage note payable, dated =arch 1, 200$, 510,000,000. 8hat i the amount of interet that wa capitaliFed a cot of new building a. 2,'$0,000 b. 1,3)',000 c. 1,200,000 d. 2,32',000     A4erage e+penditure 2'= < 2 12.'= Interet on "5 )* + 60= 3.2= Interet on =5 1'* + 10= 1.'= otal Di4ide by the total 5rincipal 60= ? 10= '0= CapitaliFation rate 6.%= 9.6* Specific borrowing 10= + 12*  '0,000 1,1'0,000 Beneral borrowing 23',000 otal borrowing cot eligible for capitaliFation 1,3)',000 ). (n anuary 1, 2009, Amanda Company recei4ed from a cutomer  an )month, $,000,000 note bearing an annual interet rate of  10*. he principal and the interet are payable on September 1, 2009. o obtain cah 7uic#ly, Amanda dicounted the note with at8et "an# on =arch 1, 2009. he ban# charged a dicount rate of 12*. 8hat i the lo on note recei4able dicounting to be recogniFed by Amanda a. 100,000 b. 600,000 c. 3)6,000 d. )6,000 =aturity 4alue $= + 10* + )<12 $,600,000 @e! Dicount $.6= + 12* + $<12 3)6,000 5roceed $,01$,000 @e! 5rincipal and interet recei4able $= + 10* + 2<12 $,100,000 @o on dicounting  )6,000 9. =arla Company ac7uired new e7uipment on account on =arch 1, 2009 with a '* dicount if paid with in 1' day. he following information i a4ailable! @it price 3,'00,000 rade dicount 20* :emo4al of old e7uipment 100,000 Cot of intallation '0,000 Cot of redecoration of office in connection with the purchae 2'0,000 Inurance ta#en during deli4ery 20,000 :epair incurred while in tranit 10,000 ranportation cot 30,000 If the in4oice wa paid on =arch 31, 2009, what hould be the cot of e7uipment a. 2,%$0,000 b. 3,62',000 c. 2,900,000 d. 3,010,000 5urchae price net of dicount 2,)00 160 2,$$0,000 Direct cot '0 ? 20 ? 30 otal cot 100,000 2,%$0,000 10. he in4entory control account balance of @uca Company at December 31, 2009 wa 56,000,000 uing the perpetual in4entory ytem. A phyical count conducted on that day found in4entory on hand worth of 53,600,000. et realiFable 4alue for each in4entory item held for ale e+ceeded cot. An in4etigation of the dicrepancy re4ealed the following! a. Bood coting 5300,000 were old on credit to /ernando Company for 5'00,000 on December 2), 2009 /(" detination. he good were till in tranit on December 31, 2009. he ale in4oice wa raied and proceed on December 31, 2009. b. Bood coting 56'0,000 were purchaed on credit /(" detination from Eimi Company on December 29, 2009. he good were recei4ed on December 30, 2009 and included in the phyical count. he purchae in4oice wa recei4ed on anuary 2, 2010. c. Bood coting 51'0,000 were purchaed on credit from Alitair  Company on December 2%, 2009 /(" hipping point. he good were hipped on December 2), 2009 but, a they had not arri4ed by December 31, 2009, were not included in the phyical count. he purchae in4oice wa recei4ed and proceed on December 31, 2009. d. Bood worth 5200,000 held on conignment from enen Company had been included in the phyical count. e. (n December 31, 2009, @uca Company old good coting 5%'0,000 on credit /(" hipping point to :uben Company for  51,000,000. he good were dipatched from the warehoue on December 31, 2009 but the ale in4oice had not been raied at that date. f. Damaged in4entory item 4alued 53'0,000 were dico4ered during the phyical count. hee item were till recorded a of  December 31, 2009 but were omitted from the phyical count record pending their writeoff. 8hat i @uca Company& ad-uted in4entory amount a. 3,$'0,000 b. 3,$00,000 c. 6,100,000 d. 6,000,000 Gnad-uted perpetual balance 6,000,000 :ecorded good old /(" detination 300,000 Gnearned merchandie that had been recei4ed 6'0,000 Gnrecorded good old /(" hipping point  %'0,000 Damaged good  3'0,000  Ad-uted perpetual balance 3,$'0,000 Gnad-uted periodic balance 3,600,000 Gncounted good old /(" detination 300,000 Bood in tranit purchaed /(" hipping point 1'0,000 Bood held on conignment  Ad-uted periodic balance  200,000 3,$'0,000 11. @ene Company ue traight line depreciation for it property, plant and e7uipment. "alance of the property, plant and e7uipment and related accumulated depreciation account on anuary 1, 2009 are 52',000,000 and 5',000,000 and on December 31, 2009 are 520,000,000 and 5$,200,000. @ene did not purchae property, plant and e7uipment during 2009. >owe4er, machinery wa old for 53,000,000 that reulted in a 5600,000 lo. 8hat i the depreciation e+pene for 2009 a. 1,200,000 b. 2,)00,000 c. 3,$00,000 d. 2,200,000  Accum. Depn. 1<1 ',000,000  Accum. Depn. /rom old e7uipment '=  3= ? 600 1,$00,000 Depreciation e+pene SHG 2,)00,000  Accum. Depn. 12<31 $,200,000 12. During 2009, Dinara Company made the following property, plant and e7uipment e+penditure! @and and building ac7uired from Samantha Company %,000,000 :epair and reconditioning cot made to the building 2'0,000 :econtruction of idewal# and fence 100,000 Special ta+ aement '0,000 :emodeling of office pace including new partition and wall 600,000 In e+change for the land and building ac7uired from Samantha, Dinara iued '0,000 ordinary hare of it 5100 par 4alue ordinary hare. (n the date of purchae, the hare had a mar#et 4alue of 5160 per hare and the land and building had a fair 4alue of 52,000,000 and 5$,000,000 repecti4ely. During the year, Dinara alo recei4ed land from a hareholder to facilitate to relocation of it main office in the city. Dinara paid 5'0,000 for the donated land tranfer. he donated land i fairly 4alued at 51,)00,000. 8hat i the total cot of the land ac7uiition a. 6,100,000 b. 3,900,000 c. 3,)'0,000 d. 3,$00,000 /; of land ac7uired by iuing of hare 2,000,000 Special aement '0,000 /; of donated land 1,)00,000 otal cot 3,)'0,000 13. Domini#a Company purchaed another entity for 5),000,000 cah. he ac7uiree had total liabilitie of 51,'00,000. Domini#a Company& aement of the fair 4alue of the aet it obtained when it purchaed the other entity i a follow! Cah '00,000  Account recei4able  net 1,000,000 In4entory )00,000 5roperty, plant and e7uipment  net 3,000,000 Inproce reearch and de4elopment 2,000,000  Aembled wor#force 1,200,000 8hat i the goodwill ariing from the ac7uiition a. 2,200,000 b. 3,000,000 c. 1,000,000 d. %00,000  Ac7uiition cot ),000,000 @e! /; on net aet ac7uired %.3=1.'= ',)00,000 Boodwill 2,200,000 16. he following were ta#en from the incomplete financial data of  Sam Company, a calendar year merchandiing corporation! December 31, 200' December  31, 200$ rade account recei4able )60,000 %)0,000 In4entory 1,'00,000 1,000,000  Account payable 9'0,000 9)0,000  Accrued gen. J admin. e+pene 130,000   1%0,000 5repaid elling e+pene 1'0,000   130,000 55, net 1,$'0,000 1,620,000 5atent 62',000 300,000 In4etment in Aociate ''0,000 %20,000 he following additional information were made a4ailable! cah payment for elling and adminitrati4e e+pene wa 900,000, payment for purchae, net of dicount of %0,000 wa 1,'30,000. 7uipment with a boo# 4alue of 200,000 wa old for  2'0,000. here were no ac7uiition of 55 and other  tranaction affecting net income during the period . here no ac7uiition of in4etment during the year 200$. If the company reported a net income of 2%0,000, what i the amount of collection on trade recei4able in 200$ a. 2,62',000 b. 2,6%0,000 c. 3,2)',000 d. 3,6)',000 et income Bain on ale of e7uipment Income from in4etment in aociate  1%0,000 Depreciation  AmortiFation of patent Selling and Admin. e+pene 9$0,000 Bro profit Sale Cot of ale Bro profit Cot of ale! "eg. In4. 5urchae 5urchae dicount 2%0,000  '0,000 30,000 12',000 1,1$',000 3,22',000 2,0$0,000 1,1$',000 1,'00,000 1,$30,000  %0,000 nding in4entory 1,000,000 C(S  Account payable :ecei4able 1,'30,000 9'0,000 *+,-.+ %0,000 1,$30,000 9)0,000 Cah paid  Selling J Admin 900,000 5"  A   A "  A " Selling J Admin accrual   2,0$0,000 Account )60,000 3,200,000 %)0,000 1'0,000 1%0,000 130,000 130,000 9$0,000 5roperty, plant J e7uipment 1,$'0,000 200,000 old  30,000 depreciation 1,620,000 1'. he balance heet at December 31, 200$ of =all Company howed a cah balance of 591,%'0. An e+amination of the boo# dicloed the following! Cah ale of 512,000 from anuary 1 to % were predated a of  December 2), 31, 200$ and charged to the cah account. Cutomer& chec# totaling 56,'00 depoited with and returned by the ban# KS/L on December 2%, 200$ were not recorded in the boo#. Chec# of 5',$00 in payment of liabilitie were prepared before December 31, 200$ and recorded in the boo#, but withheld by the treaurer. 5otdated chec# totaling 53,600 are being held by the cahier a part of cah. he company& e+perience how that potdated chec# are e4entually realiFed. he cah account include 520,000 being re4ered for the purchaed of a minicomputer which will be deli4ered oon. 5eronal chec# officer, 52,%00 were KredeemedL on December  31, 200$, but returned to cahier on anuary 2, 200%. >ow much i the cah balance that hould be hown in the December 31, 200$ a. 91,%'0 b. $9,1'0 c. '6,%'0 d. 63,''0 "alance per boo# Cah ale for 200% dated 200$ S/ Gndeli4ered chec# 5ot dated chec# Cah et aide for computer 5eronal chec# Correct cah balance 91,%'0 12,000  6,'00 ',$00  3,600 20,000  2,%00 '6,%'0 1$. Mour client, =ill Corporation, re7uet your aitance in determining the amount of lo and in filing in inurance claim in connection with a fire on une 1', 200$ that detroyed ome of the company& in4entory and accounting record. Mou were able to obtain the following information from a4ailable record. he lat phyical in4entory wa ta#en on December 31, 200'. At the time, total at cot amounted to 5210,%)9.)0. Account payable were 5110,10$.62 on December 31, 200' and 512$,96'.3% at the time the fire occurred. 5ayment to 4endor from December 31, 200' to the date of fire totaled 5$61,)%1.'$.  All ale are on account and account recei4able were 513',009.1) at December 31, 200' to the date of fire amounted to 5)%$,19'.'0. Almot all the merchandiing item are old appro+imately 30* in e+ce of cot. A at une 1', 200$, the total cot of in4entory item not detroyed by the fire amounted to 5166,))2.33. >ow much i the lo incurred by the company a a reult of the fire a. %2,0''.23 b. 21$,93%.'$ c. 2%',$$).21 d. 630,%)'.)) "eginning in4entory 5urchae 210,%)9.)0 $'),%10.'1 BAS Cot of ale )6),331.'% < 130* timated in4entory Bood baed on counting In4entory lo  Account payable recei4able $61,)%1.'$ )%$,19'.'0     )$9,'00.31 $'2,'$2.%' 21$,93%.'$ 166,))2.33 %2,0''.23 Account 110,10$.62 13',009.1) $'),%10.'1 12$,96'.3% )6),331.'% 10%,16'.2' 1%. =arcel Company purchaed ',000 hare of "oniface Co. par  5100 at 5120 on uly 200$. =arcel Company claified the ecuritie a a4ailable for ale. =arcel Company recei4ed a cah di4idend of 1 hare di4idend at 510 per hare on the toc# and wa granted to purchae 1 hare at 10' for e4ery 6 hare held. he hare had a mar#et 4alue e+right of 511' and the right had a 4alue of 5'. (n December 20, 200$, the company old 2,000 right at 5%.'0 and e+ercied remaining right. 8hat i the a4erage unit cot of the total in4etment a of December 31, 200$ a. 9'.)3 b. 99.'2 c. 9).%0 d. 10'.00 Gpon ac7uiition 5$00,000 ',000 Share di4idend  1,000 Share right '<20 + 5$00,000  2',000  NNNNN  "alance of original in4etment 5'%',000 $,000 Cot of new in4etment on e+ercie of right Cah paid 6,000 right < 6 + 510' 510',000 Cot of right e+ercied 6,000<$,000 + 52',000 1$,$$% Cot of new in4etment 5121,$ %$ Cost S$ares U"it cost (riginal 5'%',000 $,000 ew 121,$$% 1,000 otal $9$,$$% %,000 599.'2 1). (n anuary 1, 200$, rooper nterprie, Inc. de4eloped a new machine that reduce the time re7uired to inert the fortune into their fortune coo#ie. "ecaue the proce i conidered 4aluable to the fortune coo#ie indutry, rooper had a machine patented. he following e+pene were incurred in de4eloping and patenting the machine! :eearch and de4elopment laboratory e+pene 52'0,000 =etal ued in contruction of the machine )0,000 "lueprint e+pene to deign the machine 32,000 @egal e+pene to obtain patent 120,000 8age and employee wor# on the reearch, de4elopment, and building of the machineO $0* of the time wa pent in actual building of the machine 1'0,000 +pene of drawing re7uired by the patent office to be ubmitted with the patent application 1%,000 /ee paid to Bo4ernment patent office to proce application   26,'00 (n anuary 2, 200%, rooper nterprie, Inc. paid 53',200 in legal fee to uccefully defend the patent againt an infringement uit by Alliance Company. 8hat i the carrying 4alue of the patent in December 31, 200% a. 162,'00 b. 16',3'0 c. 1%','00 d. 1%),$9% otal cot of patent 120 ? 1% ? 26.' 51$1,'00 @e! AmortiFation for 2 year 1$1.' + 2<20 1$2'0 Carrying 4alue 516',3'0 19. 5earl Company began operation on anuary 1, 200'. (n December 31, 200', 5earl pro4ided for uncollectible account baed on 1* of annual credit ale. (n anuary 1, 200$, 5earl changed it method of determining it allowance for uncollectible account by applying certain percentage to the account recei4able aging a follow! Day pat in4oice date uncollectible 030 3190 911)0 (4er 1)0 5ercent deemed to be 1 ' 20 )0 In addition, 5earl wrote off all account recei4able that were o4er 1 year old. he following additional information relate to the year  ended December 31, 200' and 200$! -0 -. Credit ale 5$,000,000 5',$00,000 Collection ',)30,000 6,)00,000  Account written off '6,000 none :eco4ery of account pre4iouly 8ritten off 16,000 none Day pat in4oice date P 12<31 030 $00,000 '00,000 3190 1$0,000 1)0,000 911)0 120,000 90,000 (4er 1)0 '0,000 30,000 8hat i the pro4iion for uncollectible account for the year ended December 31, 200$ a. 22,000 b. $2,000 c. %$,000 d. %),000 :e7uired allowance for bad debt  200$ $00,000 + 1* Q 5 $,000 1$0,000 + '* Q ),000 120,000 + 20* Q 26,000 '0,000 + )0* Q 60,000  Account written off otal "eginning balance 1* 5',$00,000 :eco4ery 16,000 "ad debt 5 %),000 '6,000 5132,000 '$,000 %0,000 5 $2,000 Item 20 to 21! (n une 30, 2010, Cape Company purchaed 2'* of the outtanding ordinary hare of "it Co. at a total cot of  52,100,000. he boo# 4alue of "it Co.& net aet on ac7uiition date wa 5%,200,000. /or the following reaon, Cape wa willing to pay more than boo# 4alue for "it Co. toc#! "it Co. ha depreciable aet with a current fair 4alue of  51)0,000 more than their boo# 4alue. hee aet ha4e a remaining ueful life of 10 year. "it co. own a tract of land with a current fair 4alue of  5900,000 more than it carrying amount.  All other identifiable tangible and intangible aet of "it Co. ha4e current fair 4alue that are e7ual to their carrying amount. "it reported net income of 51,$20,000, earned e4enly during the current year ended December 31, 2010. Alo in the current year, it declared and paid cah di4idend of 531',000 to it ordinary hareholder. =ar#et 4alue of "it Co.& ordinary hare at December 31, 201o0 i 59 million. Cape Company& financial yearend i December 31. - - - 20. 8hat i the total amount of goodwill of "it Co. baed on the price paid by Cape Company a 5300,000 b51,0)0,000 c 5120,000 d 530,000 21. 8hat amount of in4etment re4enue hould Cape report on it income tatement for the year ended December 31, 2010 under  the e7uity method a 5202,'00 d 5123,%'0 b 5200,2'0 c 5%),%'0 22. Gnder the e7uity method, the carrying 4alue of Cape Company& in4etment in ordinary hare of "it Co. on December  31, 2010 hould be! a 52,221,'00 b 52,100,000 c 52,0%0,000 d 52,2'0,000 23.In anuary 2009, /arley Corp. ac7uired 20* of the outtanding common toc# of Da4i Co. for 5)00,000. hi in4etment ga4e /arley the ability to e+ercie ignificant influence o4er Da4i. he boo# 4alue of the ac7uired hare wa 5$00,000. he e+ce of cot o4er boo# 4alue wa attributed to an identifiable intangible aet which wa under4alued on Da4i& balance heet and which had a remaining ueful life of ten year. /or the year ended December 31, 2009, Da4i reported net income of 51)0,000 and paid cah di4idend of 560,000 on it common toc#. 8hat i the proper carrying 4alue of /arley& in4etment in Da4i at December 31, 2009 a 5%%2,000 b 5%)0,000 c 5)00,000 d 5 )0),000 (riginal in4etment )00,000 Add! Share in net income 1)0,000 +20* 3$,000 @e! AmortiFation 200,000 < 10 20,000 1$,000 otal )1$,000 @e! Di4idend 60,000 + 20* ),000 Carrying 4alue of /arley& in4etment )0),000 26.(n anuary 1, 2009, 5ie Company purchaed a4ailableforale debt ecuritie with face 4alue of 52,000,000 for 51,900,'00 including tranaction cot of 5100,'00. he bond mature on December 31, 2011 and pay interet of )* annually e4ery December 31 with a 10* effecti4e yield. (n December 31, 2009, the bond are 7uoted at 10'. 8hat amount of unrealiFed gain on thee bond hould be reported on the 2009 tatement of change in e7uity a51$9,6'0 b 5199,'00 c 5300,000 d 51%9,'00 2'.(n anuary 1, 2009, Sweet Company purchaed 'year bond with face 4alue of 5),000,000 and tated interet of 10* per year  payable emiannually anuary 1 and uly 1. he bond ac7uired to yield )*. 8hat i the purchae price of the bond a 5%,3)2,600 b 5),$1%,$00 c 5),$6),)00 d 5%,3'1,200 2$. Abe Company, leor, leae it e7uipment under an operating leae. he leae term i ' year and the leae payment are made in ad4ance on anuary 1 of each year a hown in the following chedule! anuary 1, 200' 1,000,000 anuary 1, 200$ 1,000,000 anuary 1, 200% 1,600,000 anuary 1, 200) 1,%00,000 anuary 1, 2009 1,900,000 (n December 31, 200$, Abe Company hould recogniFe rent recei4able at! a51,600,000 1)2 P,+ c 5600,000 d 5 0 A4erage rent %=< ' 51,600,000 :ent income for 200' and 200$ 1.6= + 2 52,)00,000 :ent recei4ed for 200' and 200$ 1= ? 1= 2,000,000 :ent recei4able  12<31<200$ 56,)00,000 2%. =ight Company purchaed a tractor on anuary 1, 2009 at a cot of 51,$00,000 for the purpoe of leaing it. he tractor  i etimated to ha4e a ueful life of ' year with crap of  5100,000. Depreciation i on a traight line bai. (n April 1, 2009, =ight entered into a leae contract for the leae of the tractor for a term of two year up to =arch 31, 2011. he leae fee i 5'0,000 monthly and the leee paid 5$00,000, the leae for one year. =ight paid 5120,000 commiion aociated with negotiating the leae, 51',000 minor repair, and 510,000 tranportation of the tractor to the leee during 2009. =ight Company hould report net rent re4enue for the year 2009 at! a 51$0,000 b 523',000 c 5)0,000 d 5)',000 :ental from April 1 to December 31, 2009 '0,000 + 9 Depreciation 1,$00,000  100,000<' 300,000 Commiion 120,000< 2 + 9<12 :epair ranportation et rent re4enue 56'0,000  6',000  1',000  10,000 5 )0,000 2). In the longterm liabilitie ection of it balance heet at December 31, 200), =i+ Company reported a capital leae obligation of 5%'0,000, net of current portion of 513,$3$. 5ayment of 590,000 were made on both anuary 2, 2009 and anuary 2, 2010. =i+& incremental borrowing rate on the date of leae wa 11* and the leor& implicit rate, which wa #nown to =ine, wa 10*. In it December 31, 2009 balance heet, what amount hould =i+ report a capital leae obligation, net of current portion a 5$$0,000 b 5%3',000 c 5%$3,$3$ d 5%62,'00 otal leae liability, Dec. 31, 200) %'0,000 ? 13,$3$ 5%$3,$3$ 5ayment on anuary 2, 2009 590,000 Interet for 200% 10* + %$3,$3$ %$,3$6  13,$3$ @eae liability, December 31, 2009 5%'0,000 5ayment on anuary 2, 2010 590,000 Interet for 2010 10* + %'0,000 %',000  1',000 @eae liability, December 31, 2010 5%3',000 Current portion repreented by principal payment on anuary 2, 2010 1',000 @ongterm portion remainder %3',000 otal leae liability, December 31, 2009 5%'0,000 5 29. en Company i completing the preparation of it draft financial tatement for the year ended December 31, 2009. he financial tatement are authoriFed for iue on =arch 31, 2010. (n =arch 1', 2010, a di4idend of 51,%'0,000 wa declared and a contractual profit hare payment of 53'0,000 wa made, both baed on the profit for the year ended December 31, 2009. (n /ebruary 1, 2010, a cutomer went into li7uidation ha4ing owed the entity of 5360,000 for the pat ' month. o allowance had been made againt thi debt in the draft financial tatement. (n December 30, 2010, a manufacturing plant wa detroyed by fire reulting in a financial lo of 52,$00,000. 8hat total amount hould be recogniFed in profit or lo for the year ended December 31, 2009 to reflect ad-uting e4ent after  the end of reporting period a51,%'0,000 b 53,290,000 c 52,$00,000 d 5$90,000 Contractual profit hare payment 3'0,000 "ad debt lo 360,000 @o due to fire 2,$00,000 otal ad-uting entrie 3,290,000 30. >eidi ue the direct method to prepare it cah flow tatement. 5ertinent account balance are! 2009 200) 5repaid interet e+pene 200,000 '0,000 5roperty, plant and e7uipment ',000,000 6,'00,000 GnamortiFed bond dicount 2'0,000 300,000 Selling e+pene %,200,000 ),$00,000 Beneral and adminitrati4e e+pene $,)'0,000 %,'$',000 Interet e+pene )00,000 1'0,000 Income ta+ e+pene 1,000,000 3,000,000 Allowance for uncollectible account $',000 '',000 Accumulated depreciation 900,000 %'0,000 Income ta+ payable 1,100,000 1,300,000 Deferred income ta+ liability 200,000 600,000 Accrued interet payable 300,000 '00,000 >eidi purchaed 5'00,000 in e7uipment during 2009. >eidi allocated onethird of it depreciation to elling and the remainder  to adminitrati4e. 8hat amount hould >eidi report in it 2009 cah flow tatement a cah paid for interet a 51,100,000 b 51,1'0,000 c 51,200,000 d 5%'0,000 A Interet e+pene )00,000 Add! 5repaid interet, end. 200,000 Interet payable, beg. '00,000 %00,000 otal 1,'00,000 @e! 5repaid interet, beg. '0,000 Interet payable, end. 300,000  AmortiFation of bond dic. '0,000 600,000 Interet paid 1,100,000 31. +cel reported 5%0,000 of in4entory on December 31, 2009, baed on phyical count. Additional information wa gi4en a follow! a. Included in the phyical count were mall e7uipment billed to a cutomer, /(" hipping point, on December 31, 2009. he mall e7uipment had a cot of 53,000 had been billed at 5',000. he hipment i ready for pic#up by the deli4ery contractor. b. Bood were in tranit from a 4endor. he in4oice cot wa 5),000 and good were hipped /(" hipping point on December 31, 2009. c. 8or# in proce coting 5'00 wa ent to an outide proceor for finihing on December 30, 2009. d. Bood out on conignment amounted to 56,$00 ale priceO hipping cot, 5120 mar#up i 1'* on cot. he correct amount of in4entory on December 31, 2009 i! a 5)',$20 b 5)','00 c 5)2,$20 d 5)2,'00 C In4entory per count, an. 1, 2009 5%0,000 Bood in tranit, hipped /(" hipping point ),000 8or# in proce -ob out for finihing '00 Bood out on conignment R6,$00< 1.1' ? 120   6,120 In4entory a ad-uted, Dec. 31 2009 5)2,$20 32. he balance in :eed Company& account payable account at December 31, 2009 wa 51,22',000 before the following information wa conidered! - Bood hipped /(" detination on December 21, 2009 from a 4endor to :eed were lot in tranit. he in4oice cot of  56',000 wa recorded by :eed. (n December 2), 2009, :eed notified the 4endor of the lot hipment. - Bood were in tranit from a 4endor to :eed on December 31, 2009. he in4oice cot wa 5$0,000 and the good were hipped /(" hipping point on December 2), 2009. :eed recei4ed the good on anuary $, 2010. - Bood hipped to :eed, /(" hipping point on December 20, 2009 from a 4endor were lot in tranit. he in4oice price wa 5'0,000. (n anuary ', 2010, :eed filed a 5'0,000 claim againt the common carrier. - (n December 2%, 2009, a 4endor authoriFed :eed to return, for  full credit, good hipped and billed at 53',000 on December  20, 2009. he returned good were hipped by :eed on December 2%, 2009. A 53',000 credit memo wa recei4ed and recorded by :eed on anuary $, 2010. 8hat amount hould :eed report a account payable in it December 31, 2009 tatement of financial poition a 51,300,000 b 51,36',000 c 51,2'',000 d 51,2'0,000 C Account payable per boo# 51,22',000 A  6',000 " $0,000 C '0,000 D  3',000 Ad-uted account payable 51,2'',000 33. /ollowing data reelected information on =arbel Company for the year 2009! Cah balance, anuary 1 130,000  Account recei4able, anuary 1 190,000 Collection from cutomer 2,100,000 Stoc#holder& e7uity, anuary 1 3)0,000 otal aet, anuary 1 %'0,000 otal aet, December 31 ))0,000 Cah balance, December 31 1$0,000  Account recei4able, December 31 3$0,000 otal liabilitie, December 31 390,000 he net income of =arbel for 2009 i! a5690,000 b 51'0,000 c 5110,000 d 5%0,000 C otal aet  December 31 otal liabilitie  December 31 Stoc#holder& e7uity  December 31 Stoc#holder& e7uity  anuary 1 et income ))0,000 390,000 690,000 3)0,000 110,000 Since there are no di4idend declared and iuance of capital toc# during the year, the net increae in toc#holder& e7uity i already the net income for the year. 36. If a petty cah fund i etablihed in the amount of 52'0, and contain 51'0 in cah and 59' in receipt for  diburement when it i replenihed, the -ournal entry to record replenihment hould include credit  to the following account ! a petty cah, 5%' c cah, 59'O cah hort and o4er, 5' b petty cah, 5100 d cah, 5100 D +pene 100  ' Cah hort and o4er 100  9' Cah 2'0  1'0 59' ' 5100 3'. Eayumanggi Company& unad-uted trial balance on December 31, 2012 appear below. he company ue the perpetual method to record in4entory tranaction. Bro Sale %,'00,000 Sale return 200,000 Cot of good old ','00,000 In4entory loe 120,000 In4entory 2,)00,000 In4entory on hand, determined by phyical count, had a cot of 3,000,000 and a net realiFable 4alue of 2,%00,000. o in4entory writedown ha been recorded for the year. (n December 1', 2012, Eayumanggi recorded a 200,000 credit ale of good coting 1'0,000. hee good were old on /(" detination term and were in tranit on December 31, 2012. he good were included in the phyical count. >ow much hould be reported a cot of good old for 2012 a. ','00,000 b. ',%20,000 c. ',%00,000 d3 .+0-+ 3$. =ari#it#a Corporation accounting record how the following number below at the end of each year! 2012 2011 "orrowing 3,000,000 )00,000 Share capital 6,000,000 2,000,000 :etained earning 1,000,000 )00,000 (ld debt of '00,000 were repaid during 2012 and new borrowing include 300,000 4endor financing ariing on the ac7uiition of a property. he mo4ement in hare capital aroe from iuance of hare capital for cah during the year. here wa no di4idend declared at the beginning and end of the current year. et change in retained earning comprie profit for 2012 of 900,000, net of di4idend of %00,000. >ow much i the financing net cah inflow that hould be reported in the 2012 Cah /low tatement a. )3 c. d. 3,900,000 *+-+ 3,600,000 6,100,000 3%. =irageme >olding, Inc. pro4ided the following number for the preparation of the 2012 financial tatement. December 31 anuary 1 /i+ed Aet 1,200,000 1,0'0,000  Accumulated depreciation 300,000 6'0,000 he company purchaed new e7uipment during the year. Alo during the year, an e7uipment with original cot of 5300,000 wa dipoed of for a gain of 5'0,000. Depreciation charged for the current year wa 5200,000. he company ha a policy to depreciate all their aet in ' year. 8hat i the amount of newly ac7uired fi+ed aet during the year a. )3 c. d. 600,000 4.+ 1'0,000 '00,000 3). =a#iig Corporation ha an account recei4able and allowance for doubtful account balance of 1),000,000 and '00,000 repecti4ely a of December 31, 2012 prior to any yearend ad-utment. Sale in for the year 2012 totaled 120,000,000 10* of which are by way of cah ale. In the ame year, the Company management decided to write off cutomer account amounting to 200,000.  Allowance for doubtful account are etimated to be 2* of account recei4able and i only ta#en up a an ad-utment at year end. 8hat i the balance in the Allowance for doubtful account on anuary 1, 2012 a. b. c. d3 %2',000 '60,000 '2',000 5+ 39. =aginoo Corporation had 4ery ri#y buine operation that tarted on anuary 1, 2012. (n uly 1, 2012, the Company decided to pay in ad4ance premium on annual inurance policy for fi+ed aet amounting to 5620,000. he inurance premium wa a ta+ deductible e+pene in the Company& 2012 cah bai ta+ return. Should the accrual bai be ued for the preparation of the income tatement, the Company will report a 5210,000 inurance e+pene in 2012 and 2013. he corporate income ta+ rate i 3'*. (n the December 31, 2012 balance heet, how much hould be reported a deferred ta+ liability related to the prepaid inurance a3 b. c. d. 5*+. 16%,000 3$,%'0 0 43 (n =arch 2012, Dynamo :eearch, Inc. ha de4eloped another brea#through product which entail it to incur reearch and de4elopment cot amounting to 12$,000 relating to an in4ention the patent of which wa granted on une 1, 2012. he patent right wa granted to the company for 20 year, and it etimated economic life i 10 year. he a4erage patent life for the company i 1' year. he total cot of regitering the patent amounted to '6,000. In it December 31, 2012 balance heet, Dynamo :eearch hould report net patent at a. b. c3 d. 1%1,000 1$9,'00 .+,. '1,300 61. 8owowee Corporation 2nd year in buine poted a net income of %0,000,000 for the year ended December 31, 2012. he following data are e+tracted from the boo# of account! Depreciation 32,000,000 Decreae in account payable 3,600,000 Increae in prepaid e+pene 1,'00,000 /ore+ @o 22,600,000 Di4idend paid 2','00,000 he Company hould report a cah pro4ided by operation in it cah flow tatement for the year ended December 31, 2012 at a. 100,100,000 )3 c. d. ((6+.+ 100,600,000 12$,300,000 62. Carino =illing Corporation Tthe CompanyT operate a huge rice mill operation. A at December 31, 2012, following are the liabilitie of  the Company! 5romiory note, $* due 6<1<2013, 16,000,000O Deferred ta+ liability, 900,000O  Account payable, 1,)'0,000O Contingent liability, 51',000,000O "ond 5ayable, )* due '<31<2013, 32,'00,000O  Accrued e+pene, 1,6'0,000. he contingent liability repreent the accrual for poible loe on a legal uit filed by =atoda Corp. againt the Company for damage in the amount of 1',000,000. he legal counel of the Company e+pect that the litigation hall be ettled in 2013, with the Company paying 1',000,000 for damage. Alo, recent de4elopment ugget that the deferred ta+ liability will be re4ered ne+t year. In the December 31, 2012 financial tatement, the amount that hould be reported by the Company under current liabilitie hall be a. b. c3 d. $6,)00,000 1),200,000 46+,+ 32,300,000 63. Cebu /antatic Company would li#e to #now the amount of it preta+ financial income for the current year by ta#ing ad-utment to ta+able income a per companyU income ta+ return. he ta+ return how a ta+able income of 5',000,000, with ta+ payable of 51,%'0,000 ha been reported. he following are ad-utment to the amount of ta+able income! Straightline depreciation on thee aet i 5)00,000 and accelerated depreciation for income ta+ purpoe wa 51,000,000. Boodwill impairment lo of 5'00,000 may be deducted in the income tatement but wa not included a a deduction in the ta+ return. During the year, 5)00,000 wa recei4ed on interet on treaury bill that were not included in the income ta+ return. Cebu /antatic U financial income ub-ect to ta+ for the year hould amount to! a. b. c. d3 6,%00,000 ',100,000 ','00,000 .+-+ 443 he following account came from the ad-uted trial balance of Da4ao 5acific Company at December 31, 2012! Cah %'0,000, Account recei4able, net 1,)00,000, 5repa id ta+e 600,000 (ther Aet 110,000 Account payable 160,000 During the year, the company granted pecial payment term to a cutomer that re7uire the latter to pay e7ual emi annual intallment of 1'0,000 for a $00,000 worth of good and er4ice. Intallment date are due e4ery =arch 1 and September 1 tarting year 2013. timated corporate ta+ payable of 600,000 wa charged to prepaid ta+e during the year. he corporate ta+ rate i 3'*. here were no ad-utment between financial and ta+able income. 8hat i the amount of current aet that company hould how in the financial tatement a. )3 2,''0,000 -+-.+ c. d. 2,9'0,000 3,0$0,00 6'. he following account came from the ad-uted trial balance of Iloilo @ine Company at December 31, 2012! Capital Stoc# %00,000O 5remium on Capital Stoc# 3'0,000O :etained earning $'0,000O :e4enue from Sale of Bood 6,000,000O Interet Income from DepoitO 90,000O Cot of Bood Sold 2,200,000O (perating +pene )00,000O Accumulated Depreciation 1'0,000O timated corporate ta+ payable of wa charged to prepaid ta+e during the year. he corporate ta+ rate i 3'*. here were no ad-utment between financial and ta+able income. 8hat i the amount of retained earning that the Company hould report a of December 31, 2012 a. )3 c. d. 1,293,'00 (+-*.+ 1,13%,'00 1,19$,000 6$. he following account were e+tracted from the boo# of Camarine Bood Company for the year ended December 31, 2012! @egal and audit fee 1,)00,000 :ent for office pace 1,%00,000 :ent for plant operation 2,300,000 Interet on ban# loan 2,100,000 @o on in4entory hortage and pilferage 3'0,000 he Company& top (peration =anager and /inance department hare e7ually in the ue of office pace. @i#ewie, @ogitic and the ret of the (peration department hare in the plant operation pace. 8hat i the amount of general and adminitrati4e e+pene that hould be reflected in the income tatement of Camarine Bood a3 b. c. d. -+0.+ 3,'00,000 ',)00,000 3,)00,000 6%. he following information i a4ailable from "ulacan Cripy CompanyU accounting record for the current year! 5urchae 6,%00,000 5urchae dicount 1'0,000 "eginning in4entory 1,6'0,000 nding in4entory 1,$'0,000 /reight out 600,000 he company gi4e out ale dicount to long term cutomer. Sale dicount granted for the year amounted to 2'0,000. Sale return increaed thi year to 2* of ale or 300,000 in 4alue. he Company& cot of good old for the current year i a. b. c3 d. 6,0'0,000 6,100,000 4+*.+ 3,)00,000 6). =abili Corp. pro4ided the following information on December 31,2012! Capital Stoc# ',000,000 5remium on Capital Stoc# 3,$00,000 Cumulati4e tranlation ad-utment e7uity reduction 2,000,000 Cumulati4e unrealiFed gain on a4ailable for ale ecuritie $00,000 reaury hare, at cot %00,000 :etained earning pot cloing or ending 1,'00,000 >ow much i the contributed capital that hould be reported on the financial tatement a of December 31, 2012 a. b. c. d3 9,200,000 9,300,000 %,300,000 ,+0+ Receiva)les 463 =arilag Company tart the year with an allowance for doubtful account balance of 9,000 credit. During the year, 1',000 in recei4able are written off a uncollectible, bad debt e+pene of 2$,000 i recogniFed, and a 2,000 account pre4iouly written off a uncollectible i actually collected. 8hat i the ending Allowance for Doubtful Account account balance at the end of the year a. )3 c. d. 1),000 Credit balance --+ Credit )ala"ce Anwer not gi4en 20,000 Credit balance '0. A company tart the current year with a 1),000 credit balance in it Allowance for Doubtful Account account. During the year, recei4able of 20,000 are written off a uncollectible. /or monthly reporting purpoe, bad debt e+pene i recogniFed baed on 3* of credit ale. otal credit ale for the year were )00,000. At the end of the year, for financial tatement purpoe, the Allowance for Doubtful Account account i ad-uted baed on anetimated rate of 6* of ending recei4able. he Account :ecei4able account at the end of the year wa $00,000. a. b. c3 d. 26,000 20,000 -0+ 22,000 '1. (n December 31, 20VV, a company ha the following balance in the boo#! Sale 600,000  Account recei4able 300,000  Allowance for Doubtful Account account unad-uted with a 2,000 credit balance. he company etimate that 6* of ale for the year will be bad. Bi4en the abo4e, how much bad debt e+pene hould the company recogniFe at the end of the year a. b. c. d3 12,000 16,000 1),000 (0+ '2. A company report Sale of 300,000, Account recei4able of 200,000, and an Allowance for Doubtful Account account of 6,000 credit balance unad-uted a of the end of the year. "aed on e+perience, the company etimate that 10* of it account recei4able will be uncollectible. >ow much bad debt e+pene hould the company recogniFe at the end of the year a. )3 c. d. 20,000 (0+ 26,000 2$,000 '3. =abili company ha a beginning Account recei4able balance of %00,000. During the year, the company generated credit ale amounting to 2.)= with 100,000 ale return and write off of '0,000. During the year, the company collected a total of 2.2=.  At the end of the year, the company etimated future ale return at '0,000 and uncollectible account of 100,000. 8hat amount hould the company report for gro Account :ecei4able balance at year end a3 b. c. d. (+(+ 1,000,000 1,1'0,000 1,0'0,000 '6. =atipid company ha an Account recei4able beginning balance of 1,200,000 with a correponding Allowance for doubtful account of $0,000. During the year, the company e+tended credit to cutomer amounting to '.3= while collecting 3.9= of it. At the end of the year, the company ha written off 100,000 worth of recei4able already and etimated the uncollectible account per recei4able aging report of 120,000. >ow much i the Allowance for doubtful account balance a of the end of year a. b. c. d3 $0,000 1)0,000 220,000 (-+ ..3 =a#unat company ha an Account recei4able beginning balance of 1.'= with it correponding Allowance for doubtful account of 130,000. During the year, the company e+tended credit to cutomer amounting to '.3= and collected 3.9= of it. At the end of the year, the company ha written off already 200,000 and etimated the uncollectible account per recei4able aging report of 100,000. he ending balance of Account recei4able before allowance for doubtful account hould be a. b. c. d3 2,)00,000 2,900,000 2,$00,000 -+5+ .03 =abait Corporation factored )= of it Account :ecei4able to =aduga Corporation. =aduga accepted and too# o4er the recei4able ub-ect to recoure for nonpayment. It i etimated that the fair 4alue of the recoure obligation i $26,000. he weighted a4erage time to maturity of the recei4able i computed at %3 day. (ther information include! /actoring fee 2* >oldbac# ;alue 6* Interet Charge 11* >ow much cah hould =abait e+pect from the factoring tranaction a. b. c3 d. %,'20,000 $,%20,000 5+*44+ %,$9$,000 '%. =alupeet Corporation factored )= of it Account :ecei4able to =aduga Corporation. =aduga accepted and too# o4er the recei4able ub-ect to recoure for nonpayment. It i etimated that the fair 4alue of the recoure obligation i 260,000. (ther information include! /actoring fee 2* >oldbac# ;alue 6* Calculate the lo of =abait in thi factoring tranaction! a. '$0,000 )3 c. d. 5-+ 6)0,000 ))0,000 '). he company record howed the following balance and tranaction at year end! Collection recei4ed 3,6'0,000 ote gi4en to creditor 2'0,000 =erchandie returned to upplier %0,000 5ayment on note payable '0,000 Dicount gi4en to cutomer 2',000 Sale on account 6,'00,000 5ro4iion for doubtful account 90,000 "ad debt written off '0,000 5urchae on account 3,900,000 5ayment to creditor 3,200,000 Dicount allowed by creditor 2$0,000 =erchandie returned by cutomer 2',000 Compute the et Account :ecei4able at year end! a. b. c. d3 ))0,000 1,000,000 900,000 6.+ Cas$ .63 "ayani Corp ha the following information relating to cah at December 31, 2011! "an# tatement balance 2,'00,000 Chec#boo# balance 2,$00,000 Depoit in tranit %00,000 (uttanding chec# 200,000 "ayaniU December 31, 2011 "alance Sheet hould report cah a! a. b. c. d3 3,600,000 3,'00,000 3,100,000 *++ 03 he petty cah fund account of =agiting Company howed the following! Coin and currency ','00 5aid 4oucher! ranportation 200 Baoline 1'0 (ffice upplie 2'0 5otage tamp 200 Due from employee 1,200 Digging deeper into the record, you realiFed that there i a =anagerU chec# returned by ban# mar#ed TS/T for 1,000. here i alo a chec# drawn by company to the order of petty cah cutodian amounting to 3,'00. 8hat i the amount of the petty cah fund for balance heet purpoe a. )3 c. d. 10,000 6+ 11,000 ',)00 $1. he current aet ection of the balance heet of Bregorio Corporation conit of! "ond in#ing fund cah 1,'00,000 Chec#ing account in >S"C 3,2$',000 Currency and coin awaiting depoit 1.$3',000 Depoit in a ban# cloed by "S5 '00,000 5etty cah fund of which 100,000 in i the form of paid 4oucher '0,000  Ad4ance to officer and employee 200,000 he >S"C chec#ing account ha 2'0,000 chec# till outtanding per ban# tatement. he petty cah fund ha ',000 worth of paid 4oucher. he correct cah balance that hould be hown in the balance heet i a. b. c. d3 6,9'0,000 6,$00,000 6,'9',000 4+64.+ 0-3 Diego "andido CompanyU accounting data howed the following information a of December 31,2011! 5etty cah fund of 20,000 and undepoited receipt amounting to 1,600,000. he undepoited collection include a potdated cutomer chec# for '0,000. Cah in =etroban# a per ban# tatement of 2,3'0,000 with a chec# for 30,000 till outtanding a of balance heet date. here wa a "ond in#ing fund amounting to 900,000. Gnrecorded 4oucher paid out of collection and I(G igned by employee ta#en alo from collection amounted to 60,000 and 10,000 repecti4ely. Bi4en the abo4e data, what amount hould cah on hand and in ban# that hould be reported on the December 31, 2011 balance heet a. b. c3 d. 3,%60,000 6,$%0,000 *+06+ 3,%%0,000 Solution 5etty cah fund 20,000 Gndepoited receipt 1,600,000  '0,000 1,3'0,000 Cah in =etroban# 2,3'0,000  30,000 2,320,000 otal cah on hand and in ban# 3,$90,000 WWWhe potdated cutomer chec# of '0,000 hould not be included a cah and hould be treated a account recei4able. he outtanding chec# of 30,000 i deducted from the cah in =etro"an# becaue the cah balance gi4en i per ban# tatement. he bond in#ing fund hould be hown a noncurrent in4etment. he 4oucher paid hould be recorded a e+pene and the I(G hould be hown a ad4ance to employee. $3. =al4ar Eni4e Company had the following cah balance a of December 31, 2011, Cah in ban# >S"C 2,600,000 5etty cah fund '0,000 :e4ol4ing fund 100,000 ime depoit due /ebruary 1, 200' '00,000 here wa a compenating balance of '00,000 on the >S"C account maintained againt a hort term borrowing arrangement made at the end of the year. Gntil the hort term loan i ettled the company cannot withdraw the compenating balance. ime depoit i due on anuary 1, 200' coming from a half year term. 5etty cah fund wa all dibured out by the end of the year including a 10,000 cah ad4ance to employee coming of the re4ol4ing fund. 8hat total amount hould be reported a cah a of December 31, 2011 a. )3 c. d. 2,'60,000 -+.+ 2,''0,000 2,060,000 Solution Cah in ban# 2,600,000  '00,000 1,900,000 5etty cah fund '0,000 :e4ol4ing fund 100,000 otal cah 2,0'0,000 WWWSince the compenating balance i not withdrawable, it i not included in the cah balance. he compenating balance hould be hown a Tcah held a compenating balanceT a a current aet becaue the related loan i hortterm. he term of the time depoit i gi4en a $ month hence it i not included in the computation a well. erm of three month or le i needed for thi to be included a cah. he 10,000 cah ad4ance i already ta#en up o thi i -ut a nuiance data that hould not be included in the computation. $6. 5laridel 5ublihing Company had the following trial balance at December 31,2011! Cah in Citi 3,'00,000 Cah on hand 2'0,000 reaury "ill '00,000 Special ime Depoit '00,000 Cah in ban# include 5'00,000 of compenating balance againt hortterm borrowing arrangement which i not legally retricted a to withdrawal by the company. Alo, the pecial depoit account pertain to cah legally retricted for machinery upgrade that i e+pected to be dibured in 2012. In the current aet ection of CompanyU December 31, 2011 balance heet, the total cah and cah e7ui4alent hould be a. b. c. d3 3,%'0,000 3,2'0,000 6,%'0,000 4+-.+ Solution Cah in Citi 3,'00,000 Cah on hand 2'0,000 reaury bill '00,000 otal cah and cah e7ui4alent 6,2'0,000 WWWA compenating balance i the ban#U minimum balance re7uirement that mut be maintained in the companyU ban# account for er4icing a chec#ing or demand depoit account or in connection with a borrowing arrangement with the ban#. It hould be part of cah if not legally retricted. (therwie, it hould be treated a other current or noncurrent aet depending on the loan or ban# er4ice it i related. here wa no mention of any contrary tatement for the reaury bill o it hould be aumed a maturing within 90 day. $'. he accountant of "onifacio >olding preented the following account balance a of December 31,2011! Cah in ban#  Chec#ing 2,$00,000 Cah in ban#  Sa4ing %00,000 Cah on hand 300,000 Cah in ban#  retricted 2,000,000 reaury bill 3,000,000 he retricted cah in ban# account i opened pecifically for building contruction e+pected to be dibured in H1 2012. he cah on hand include a 5100,000 chec# payable to "onifacio, dated anuary ', 2012. he reaury bill are purchaed December 1, 2011 and due on /ebruary 2), 2012. If you are the Accountant of "onifacio >olding, what amount of Tcah and cah e7ui4alentT hould be reported a of December 31, 2011 a. )3 c. d. $,300,000 0+.+ $,$00,000 ),%00,000 Solution Cah in ban#  Chec#ing 2,$00,000 Cah in ban#  Sa4ing %00,000 Cah on hand 300,000100,000 200,000 reaury bill 3,000,000 otal cah and cah e7ui4alent $,'00,000 WWWhe cah in ban# et aide for payroll i included in cah becaue it i for the payment of current liability. Cah on hand hould be reduced by the potdated chec#. he 5DC amount hould be conidered till a account recei4able. reaury bill are claified a cah e7ui4alent becaue the term i within the 90day rule. An in4etment 7ualifie a a cah e7ui4alent only when it ha a hort maturity of three month or le from the date of ac7uiition. he cah in ban# retricted for building contruction hould be claified a a noncurrent in4etment hence not included in the computation. $$. he Accounting Department produced the following data for  Aguinaldo Company a of December 31, 2011! Chec#boo# balance 9'0,000 Collectible balance 1,000,000 Cah in in#ing fund 1,000,000 5etty cah fund balance 10,000 here wa alo a chec# drawn on horU account, payable to upplier  amounting to 20,000, dated and recorded on December 31, 2006, but wa mailed only on anuary 1', 2012. (n December 31, 2011, how much hould be reported a Tcah and cah e7ui4alentT a. )3 c. d. 1,9)0,000 6,+ 1,9$0,000 9$0,000 Solution Chec#boo# balance 9'0,000  Add! Gndeli4ered che7ue balance 20,000 5etty Cah fund 10,000  Ad-uted cah balance 9)0,000 WWWGndeli4ered che7ue a of cloing date hould be retored to the cah balance by debiting cah and crediting account payable. he cah in in#ing fund hould be conidered aa noncurrent in4etment becaue it i et aide for the payment of noncurrent liability. $%. (n December 31, 2011, =abini 8heelchair, Inc. had the following data related to it cah poition! Chec#ing Account "alance 6,'00,000 5etty cah fund '0,000 ime depoit 6,000,000 Sa4ing depoit 1,000,000 he time depoit i held for one year and i maturing on =arch 1',2012. here wa a chec# amounting to 5'0,000 dated anuary 1',2012 in payment of account payable that wa recorded and mailed on December 31, 2011. 8hat amount hould be reported a Tcah and cah e7ui4alentT at the end of the year a. b. c. d3 9,''0,000 9,6'0,000 ',6'0,000 .+.+ Solution Chec#ing Account 6,'00,000 ? '0,000 6,6'0,000 5etty cah fund '0,000 Sa4ing depoit 1,000,000 otal cah and cah e7ui4alent ','00,000 WWWMou ha4e to catch the chec# of 5'0,000 i added bac# to chec#ing account becaue it i a potdated chec# to a upplier deli4ered only on December 31. he time depoit i a noncah e7ui4alent becaue the term i one year and becaue of that, it i claified eparately in the current aet a mar#etable ecuritie. Should the original term i 90 day or le, it hould be treated a cah e7ui4alent. In thi cae, although the time depoit i due within 90 day from balance heet date, you hould remember that the point of rec#oning i the original maturity period which i, in thi cae, 1 year. $). (n December 31,2011, the trial balance of Diego "antay Company re4eal the following account balance! 5etty cah fund  /inance 60,000 :e4ol4ing fund  (peration 20,000 Current account  Citiban# 3,000,000 Current account  >S"C o4erdraft 2'0,000 =oney mar#et placement  5 =organ 2,000,000 ime depoit  Duetche "an# 2,000,000 ote that the petty cah fund include unreplenihed December 2011 petty cah e+pene 4oucher for 510,000 and an employee chec# for  5',000 dated anuary 31, 2012. hereU a chec# for 56',000 that wa drawn againt Citi"an# current account dated and recorded December 29, 2006 but deli4ered to payee on anuary 1', 200'. And latly, the Duetche "an# time depoit i et aide for plant e+panion in /ebruary 2012. he December 31, 2011 balance heet hould report Tcah and cah e7ui4alentT at a. )3 c. d. 3,090,000 .+6+ ',09',000 3,0$0,000 Solution 5etty cah fund 60,000  10,000  ',000 2',000 :e4ol4ing fund 20,000 Current account  Citiban# 3,000,000 ? 6',000 3,06',000 =oney mar#et placement 5 =organ 2,000,000 otal cah and cah e7ui4alent ',090,000 WWWhe ban# o4erdraft in the >S"C i hould be claified a current liability. ote that money mar#et placement i included. >ere i a tip. If there i no contrary tatement regarding money mar#et placement, time depoit and treaury bill in the problem gi4en, they are to be conidered a hortterm in4etment of three month or le. Duetche "an# time depoit hould be noncurrent aet becaue it i et aide for plant e+panion on a future date. CAS7 8LOWS $9. (n the tatement of cah flow in which the operating acti4itie ection i prepared under the indirect method, depreciation i treated a an ad-utment to reported net earning becaue depreciation a. I a direct inflow of cah from in4eting acti4itie. b. :educe reported net earning and in4ol4e an inflow of cah. c3 Red&ces reorted "et ear"i"#s )&t does "ot i"volve a" o&tflo9 of cas$3 d. I an inflow of cah to a reer4e account for replacement of aet. WWWDepreciation i deducted in the calculation of net earningO howe4er, it i a noncah e+pene item and a uch doe not affect cah. herefore, it would be added bac# in to net earning on the tatement of cah flow when uing the indirect method. %0. he amortiFation of bond premium on longterm debt hould be preented in a tatement of cah flow uing indirect approach for operating acti4itie a an a. )3 c. d. Addition to to ne net income. :ed&ctio" fro! "et i"co!e3 In4eting acti4ity. /inancing acti4ity. WWWIf bond are old at a dicount or premium, the interet e+pene for  the period will differ from the change in cah reulting from payment of interet e+pene. 8hen the premium i amortiFed, the interet e+pene included in income determination i not a large a the interet paid or becoming payable in the period. "ecaue the cah outflow i larger than the deduction in arri4ing at net income, a deduction from net income i neceary to determine cah pro4ided by operating acti4itie when uing the indirect approach of preenting cah flow from operating acti4itie. %1. A lo on the ale of machinery in the ordinary coure of buine hould be preented in a tatement of cah flow uing indirect approach for operating acti4itie a an a. )3 c. d. (utflow of cah. Additio" to "et i"co!e. Deduction from ne net income. Inflow and outflow of cah. WWWhe lo decreae net income, but doe not reduce cah. herefore, the lo mut be added bac# to net income to determine cah flow from operating acti4itie. %2. 8ould the following be added bac# to net income when reporting operating acti4itie& cah flow by the indirect method .......+ce of treaury toc# ac7uiition cot o4er ale proceed cot method ................... "ond dicount amortiFation  A. .............M .............Me ................................ ................................................ ............................M ............Me e ". .............o .............o ................................ .............................................. .............................. ................o o C. .............o ............... ............................. ............................... ................................. ................M Me D. .............Me .............Me ................................ .............................................. ............................. ...............o o WWWGnder the indirect method of reporting cah flow from operation, income from continuing operation i ad-uted for change in operatingrelated account and noncah e+pene, re4enue, loe, and gain. oncah item that were ubtracted in determining net income mut be added bac#, including amortiFation of bond dicount ince it i a charge againt income but doe not increae cah. he e+ce of treaury toc# ac7uiition cot would not be added bac# to net income when determining operating acti4itieU cah flow becaue it repreent a financing acti4ity. acti4ity. %3. In a tatement of cah flow in which the operating acti4itie ection i prepared under the indirect method, a gain on the ale of an in4etment in a4ailableforale ecuritie hould be preented a an a. b. c. d3 Inflow and outflow of cah. (utflow of cah. Addition to net income. :ed&ctio" fro! "et i"co!e3 WWWAny gain on the ale of an in4etment other than trading ecuritie hould be included a part of the total proceed reported in in4eting acti4itie. >owe4er, thi gain ha been included in net income. Gnder the indirect method, net income i ad-uted for item which affect income but not cah. herefore, the amount of the gain mut be deducted from net income to remo4e the boo# gain from the cah flow from operating acti4itie, thereby a4oiding double counting the gain. 543 In a tatement of cah flow, interet payment to lender and other creditor hould be claified a cah outflow for a. b. c. d3 /inancing acti4itie. @ending acti4itie. "orrowing ac acti4itie. Oerati"# activities3 WWWInteret payment to lender and other creditor are e+pene of the companyO hence, they are categoriFed a cah flow from operating acti4itie. 5.3 In a tatement of cah flow, payment to ac7uire debt intrument of other entitie other than cah e7ui4alent which will be held until maturity hould be claified a cah outflow for a. )3 c. d. @ending acti4itie. I"vesti"# activities3 (perating ac acti4itie. /inancing acti4itie. WWWIn4eting acti4itie include ma#ing and collecting loan and ac7uiring and dipoing of debt or e7uity intrument and property, plant, and e7uipment. Cah flow from tranaction in heldto maturity and a4ailableforale ecuritie are to be claified a cah flow from in4eting acti4itie. Con4erely, Con4erely, amount related to ecuritie held for trading are claified a operating acti4itie. %$. Cheeeca#e =anufacturing Co. purchaed a 3month reaury bill. In preparing Cheeeca#e& tatement of cah flow, thi purchae would a3 b. c. d. 7ave "o effect3 "e trea treate ted d a a an an out outfl flow ow from from fina financ ncin ing g act acti4 i4it itie ie. . "e trea treate ted d a a an outf outflo low w from from lend lendin ing g act acti4 i4it itie ie. . "e trea treate ted d a a an an out outfl flow ow from from in4e in4et tin ing g act acti4 i4it itie ie. . WWW(n the tatement of cah flow, the purchae of a 3month reaury bill i an ac7uiition of a ecurityO howe4er, it i conidered a cah e7ui4alent and thu would not be included in in4eting acti4itie. a#e note that the e+change of cah for cah e7ui4alent would reult in no net change in cah and cah e7ui4alent. %%. In a tatement of cah flow, receipt from ale of property, plant, and e7uipment and other producti4e aet hould generally be claified a cah inflow from a. )3 c. d. (perating acti4itie. I"vesti"# activities3 /inancing acti4itie. Selling acti4itie. WWWIn4ol4ed here i 55, which i a noncurrent aet. :eceipt from ale of property, plant, and e7uipment and other producti4e aet are categoriFed a cah flow from in4eting acti4itie. %). he purchae for cah of treaury toc# hould be preented in a tatement of cah flow a an ..... In4eting acti4ity ... /inancing acti4ity  A. ............. o ..................... o ". ............. o ..................... Me C. ............. Me .................... o D. ............. Me .................... Me WWWranaction which in4ol4e either an outlay of cah for treaury toc# or an inflow of cah from the reiue of treaury toc# hall be reported a a financing acti4ity. he purchae of treaury toc# would not be claified a an in4eting acti4ity becaue treaury toc# i a S> item. In4eting acti4itie include ma#ing and collecting loan, a well a ac7uiring and dipoing of debt or e7uity intrument of other entitie, property, plant, and e7uipment and other producti4e aet. %9. In a tatement of cah flow, proceed from iuing e7uity intrument hould be claified a cah inflow from a. b. c3 d. @ending acti4itie. (perating acti4itie. 8i"a"ci"# activities3 In4eting acti4itie. WWWA S> item... /inancing acti4itie include obtaining reource from owner and pro4iding them with a return on, and a return of, their in4etment. 5roceed from iuing e7uity intrument are pecifically identified a cah inflow from financing acti4itie. )0. In a tatement of cah flow, which of the following item i reported a a cah outflow from financing acti4itie I. 5ayment to retire mortgage note. II. Interet payment on mortgage note. III. Di4idend payment. a. )3 c. d. I, II, and III. I a"d III3 I only. II and III. WWW=ortgage ote i a long term liability, while di4idend payment affect S>. Interet payment on mortgage i an e+pene hence operating. WWW5ayment to retire mortgage note are conidered cah outflow from financing acti4itie. Interet payment on mortgage note are included in cah outflow from operating acti4itie becaue thee payment are e+pene and included in the determination of net income. Di4idend payment are included in cah outflow from financing acti4itie. )1. he retirement of longterm debt by the iuance of common toc# hould be preented in a tatement of cah flow a a ... /inancing acti4ity ... In4eting acti4ity  A. ...... Me ......................... o ". ...... o ......................... Me C. ...... o ......................... o D. ...... Me ......................... Me D. MS and MS  A. MS and ( C3 NO a"d NO ". ( and MS WWW/inancing and in4eting acti4itie which ha4e no effect on cah flow hall be hown either in a eparate chedule of noncah financing and in4eting acti4itie or in narrati4e form in the footnote, not in the body of the tatement. )2. he following information i a4ailable from Sand Corp.& accounting record for the year ended December 31, 2009! Cah recei4ed from cutomer ............... 5)%0,000 :ent recei4ed ......................................... 10,000 Cah paid to upplier and employee .. '10,000 a+e paid ............................................. 110,000 Cah di4idend paid .............................. 30,000 et cah flow pro4ided by operation for 200) wa a3 b. c. d. P-0+ 52'0,000 5230,000 5220,000 Solution! Cah recei4ed from cutomer ............... 5)%0,000  AddDeduct :ent recei4ed ......................................... 10,000 Cah paid to upplier and employee .. '10,000 a+e paid ............................................. 110,000 WWWhe anwer i 2$0,000. Di4idend payment i not included becaue it i a S> item and therefore included under financing acti4itie. )3. =ademoielle Co. ha pro4ided the following 2009 current account balance for the preparation of the annual tatement of cah flow!  ACC(GS .................. anuary 1 ........ December 31  Account recei4able ...... 511,'00 .......... 516,'00  Allowance for Gollyfield Corp. he building cot 5100,000 and had depreciated 4alue of 56),000 at the time of the lo. >ollyfield recei4ed a cah ettlement from the inurance company and reported an e+traordinary lo of 521,000. In >ollyfield& 2010 cah flow tatement, the net change reported in the cah flow from in4eting acti4itie ection hould be a a. b. c. d3 510,000 increae 521,000 decreae 5'2,000 decreae P*(+ i"crease "uilding Cot...............................................100,000  Accumulated Depreciation.............................6),000 et boo# 4alue.............................................'2,000 +traordinary lo reported.........................21,000 et cah flow from in4eting acti4itie i 31,000. ,53 @a0 Fe Co. had net cah pro4ided by operating acti4itie of 53'1,000O net cah ued by in4eting acti4itie of 5620,000O and cah pro4ided by financing acti4itie of 52'0,000. @a0 Fe& cah balance wa 52%,000 on anuary 1. During the year, there wa a ale of land that reulted in a gain of 52',000 and proceed of 560,000 were recei4ed from the ale. 8hat wa @a0 Fe& cah balance at the end of the year  Anwer! 520),000 o calculate the cah balance at the end of the year, you hould combine the effect of the change in operating, in4eting, and financing acti4itie, and add the beginning cah balance. et Cah pro4ided from (perating Acti4itie.........53'1,000 et Cah ued from in4eting acti4itie...............5620,000 et cah pro4ided by financing acti4itie..............52'0,000  et change in cah...............................................51)1,000  Add! "eginning cah balance..................................52%,000  nding Cah "alance.............................................520),000 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ )). During 2012, 5ampanga& Bood, Inc. engaged in the following related party tranaction! Sale to affiliated companie XX 3,'$0,%30 op management peronnel compenation XX 2,22','10 8hich of the two tranaction would be dicloed a related party tranaction in the Company& 2012 financial tatement a. ) c. d. he Eey management compenation tranaction only Bot$ tra"sactio"s he Sale to Affiliated Companie tranaction only either tranaction )9. he following unad-uted account balance ha4e been reported on the financial tatement by arlac ruc#ing Company on December 31, 2012! Cah in ban# X 6,000,000O 5etty cah fund X %0,000O ote recei4able X 3,000,000O Account recei4able X ',000,000O In4entory X 2,000,000O Deferred charge X 3'0,000O Cah in ban# i net of a chec#ing account& ban# o4erdraft amounting 2'0,000. 5etty cah e+pene ha4e not been replenihed for 20,000. ote recei4able include dicounted note of )00,000 while Account recei4able balance i net of account with credit balance of $'0,000. he total current aet for the "alance Sheet a of December 31, 2012 hould be a. )3 c. d. 12,9'0,000 (4+(.+ 12,)'0,000 13,200,000 90. he following unad-uted account balance ha4e been reported on the financial tatement by =arilag "icuit Company on December  31, 2012! Cah in ban# 6,000,000O ote recei4able 3,000,000O  Account recei4able ',000,000O In4entory 2,000,000O Deferred charge 3'0,000O Account payable 2,'00,000O ote payable 6,000,000O Accrual 1,'00,000O Cah in ban# i net of a chec#ing account& ban# o4erdraft amounting 2'0,000. ote recei4able include dicounted note of )00,000 while Account recei4able balance i net of account with credit balance of $'0,000. Account payable i alo net of account with debit balance of '00,000. he total current liabilitie to be reported a of December 31, 2012 hould be a. b. c. d3 ),900,000 ),'00,000 ),000,000 6+4+ 6(3 he following information i e+tracted from the accounting record of Breat Mear CompanyU in the computation of cot of good old! In4entory, anuary 1 ',$00,000 5urchae %,600,000 @o on in4entory writedown 1,900,000 In4entory, December 31 1,%00,000 here wa une+pected in4entory obolecence of recently purchaed toc# due to technological ad4ance that prompted the Company to writedown ome of it in4entorie. 8hat amount hould the Company report a cot of good old on it year end Income Statement a3 b. c. d. ((+*+ %,'00,000 13,200,000 9,600,000 6-3 (n anuary 1, 2012, the management of =ilan Company determined that a re4iion in the etimate aociated with the depreciation of plant facilitie wa neceary. he facilitie, purchaed on anuary 1, 2010, for %,'00,000, had been depreciated uing the traightline method with an etimated reidual 4alue of '00,000 and an etimated ueful life of 1' year. =anagement ha determined from recent appraial report that the e+pected remaining ueful life of the facilitie i only 10 year and the etimated reidual 4alue hould be increaed by 200,000. 8hat i the depreciation e+pene that hould be recogniFed for the year 2012 a. b. c. d3 '3$,$$% $33,333 293,333 .,0+005 6*3 =arangal /urniture Corporation wa incorporated on anuary 1, 2009. In it audited financial tatement for the year ended December  31, 2011, the Company ued the following original cot and ueful li4e for it property plant and e7uipment. "uilding 12,000,000 12 year =achinery 9,000,000 10 year /urniture 3,000,000 $ year (n anuary 1, 2012 the company decided to re4iew the ueful li4e of  the property, plant and e7uipment and cone7uently hired independent 4aluation e+pert who can certify the remaining ueful li4e of the property, plant and e7uipment. he reult are a follow! "uilding 10 year =achinery % year /urniture 6 year he Company ue the traight line method of depreciation. 8hat i the amount of depreciation e+pene for 2012 a. )3 c. d. 2,600,000 -+(5.+ 2,'2),'%1 ',%62,)'% 9%. Selected information from the accounting record of =abini Company i a follow!  Account recei4able at anuary 1 1,200,000  Account recei4able at December 31 1,100,000  Account recei4able turno4er $ to 1 In4entory at anuary 1 )00,000 In4entory at December 31 1,600,000 In4entory turno4er ' to 1 8hat wa the gro margin for end of year a3 b. c. d. (+4+ 1,300,000 1,200,000 1,'00,000 9). Euliglig Company pro4ided the following income tatement information relating to the current year! et income 6,200,000 GnrealiFed gain on a4ailable for ale ecuritie 3'0,000 Debit balance foreign currency tranlation ad-utment %',000 Surplu on re4aluation 1,0'0,000 he amount of recogniFed gain and loe for the current year hould how net amount at a. b. ',2'0,000 6,6%',000 c3 d. .+.-.+ ',$%',000 99. =adel Corporation wa etablihed on anuary 1, 2009. (n anuary 1, 2011, the Company purchaed plant e7uipment at a cot of 3,'00,000 for it e+panding pro4incial operation. It i the Company policy that thi e7uipment hould be depreciated on the traight line method o4er a fi4eyear period with no reidual 4alue. In the year 2011, the newly hired accountant made an error not to recogniFe depreciation in the Company& financial tatement. During the preparation of the Company& 2012 financial tatement, the error  wa dico4ered by the auditor. 8hat hould be the Depreciation e+pene on thi machine for the year 2012 a. b. c. d3 3'0,000 2,100,000 1,600,000 5+ 100.Eaperahan Corporation had the following account balance on December 31, 2012! Cah in ban#  current account 6,000,000 Cah in ban#  payroll account 2,000,000 Cah on hand  600,000 Cah in ban#  reer4ed 2,000,000 reaury bill 2,'00,000 he cah on hand include a 100,000 chec# payable to the Company, dated anuary 2, 2013. he cah in ban# reer4ed i etablihed for the purchae of cutommade e7uipment that i e+pected to be conummated in 2012. reaury bill were purchaed on o4ember 30, 2012 and are due on =arch 1, 2013. 8hat amount hould be reported a Tcah and cah e7ui4alentT on December 31, 2012