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Practicar Orales Eoi

1) Prepara un esquema (outline) Este esquema es muy importante porque dará forma a tu monólogo. El outline debe tener: ã ã ã Introduction: presentamos nuestro tema Body: Desarrollamos el tema Conclusions: Rematamos el tema Lo puedes esbozar en una hoja (lo mejor para practicar en casa), o pensarlo en tu cabeza. 2) Aprende de memoria el vocabulario que utilizarás Pensar en el vocabulario será complicado al principio, pero puedes ir mejorando si preparas distintos temas. Aquí tienes enlaces a




  1) Prepara un esquema (outline) Este esquema es muy importante porque dará forma a tu monólogo.El outline debe tener: ã Introduction: presentamos nuestro tema ã Body: Desarrollamos el tema ã Conclusions: Rematamos el temaLo puedes esbozar en una hoja (lo mejor para practicar en casa), o pensarlo en tucabeza. 2) Aprende de memoria el vocabulario queutilizarás Pensar en el vocabulario será complicado al principio, pero puedes ir mejorando sipreparas distintos temas.    Aquí tienes enlaces a páginas con vocabulario específicosobre distintos temas que suelen salir en los exámenes. Recuerda que siempredebes escuchar el sonido de las palabras. Si la página de donde extraes elvocabulario no tiene audio, utiliza para saber cómo suenan laspalabras. Musical instrumentsTravelHolidays- Tourism   FriendsPollutionEnvironmentEating out   EducationLeisure activitiesUseful Expressions   3) Aprende las estructuras que utilizarás   Aquí tienes ejemplos de estructuras genéricas que tienes que aprender areproducir con agilidad. IntroductionPronun.FiguradaFonéticaSignificado My name ismai neim iss maj nem z ɪ Me llamo...I’m going to talk aboutaim going tu tokabaut ajm goŋ tu tk ɪ ɒ əbawt Voy a hablar de..First of all, I’ll talk aboutferstof ol, ail tokabaut fərst əv l, ajl tk ɒ ɒ əbawt En primer lugar,hablaré...  First of all, I’m going toexplain how....ferstof ol, aimgoing tu expleinhau fərst əv l, ajm ɒ goŋ tu ksplen ɪ ɪ haw.... En primer lugar,explicaré cómo...Then, I’ll move to...den, ail muv tu ðn, ajl muv tu... ɛ Luego, hablaré de..Finally, I’m going to giveyou my opinion about...fainali aim goingto giv iu maiopinion abaut fajnəli, ajm goŋ tu ɪ gv ju maj əpnjən ɪ ɪ əbawt Finalmente, os darémi punto de vistaacerca de... Body From my point of view...from mai point of viufrəm maj pjnt əv vju ɔ Desde mi punto devista...The advantages are...di advantechss arðə ædvæntdəz r  ɪ ʒ ɑ Las ventajas son...The disavantages are...dedisavantechess ar ðə disavantages r  ɑ Las desventajasson...In my mai opinionn maj əpnjən ɪ ɪ En mi opinion...I’m sure that...aim shur datajm r ðæt  ʃʊ However, I’d like to pointout...hauever, aid laiktu point authwvər, ajd lajk tu ɑ ɛ pjnt awt ɔ No obstante, megustaría resaltar que...Nevertheless, as you seehere...neverdeless, assiu si hir nvərðəls, æz ju si ɛ ɛ hr  ɪ Sin embargo, comopodéis/pueden ver aquí...I’d like to say...aid laik tu seiajd lajk tu seMe gustaría decir....To illustrate this point..tu ilestreit dispointtu ləstret ðs pjnt ɪ ɪ ɔ Para ilustrar estepunto...I agree with the agri wiz deaidiaaj əgri w ɪ θ ðə ajdiəEstoy de acuerdocon la idea...I don’t agree with dont agri wiz deaidiaaj dont əgri w ɪ θ ðəajdiəNo estoy de acuerdocon la idea.. Conclusion To sum up...tu sam aptu səm əpPara resumir...In conclushionn kənkluən ɪ ʒ En conclusión...Let me summarise whatI’ve just talked about...let mi samaraissuat aiv chast toktabautlt mi səmarajs wət ɛ ajv dəst tkt əbawt ʒ ɒ Dejadme resumir loque acabo deexponer...   4) Practica delante del espejo, o delante de unaaudiencia Como siempre decimos, siempre es mejor con la ayuda de un profesor, pero si notienes a ese profesor, puedes utilizar el espejo, o reunirte con otros alumnos de tuclase para preparar lo que vas a decir. Pide a tus compañeros que tomen nota detus errores y opiniones sobre tu monólogo. Al acabar, debéis constratar opinionesentre todos.************* Ejemplo práctico de monólogo (El ejemplo que expongo a continuación es similar a una pregunta de monólogo denivel intermediate de un examen de la EOI de Galicia).Vamos a suponer, que la pregunta es la siguiente: Question: Look at the pictures below which show two ways of staying in touchwith friends.  - Which way of staying in touch with your friends do you prefer? Why?- How has the way of staying in touch with people changed over the years?- What are the advantanges or disvantages of each of these options? 1) Preparo mi esquema utilizando la técnica queacabo de aprender  Introduction :Who am I, what I do I do, where do I live. Body. ã I like to meet my friends in person rather than on Facebook. ã Reasons why I like to meet my friends personally ã The ways to stay in touch with people have changed because of the use of technology. We can communicate much faster, almost instantly. Another advantageis that you can even be in contact with friends who are very far away from whereyou live. ã One disadvantage is: we have become more impersonal and selective. ã One advantage of personal interaction: it is easier to find out how your friends are feeling. ã One disadvantange of personal interaction: you spend more time travelingand it's more expensive. Conclusion Nowadays, it's much easier to stay in touch with people , but it's also much easier not to make an effort to solve problems with your friends. Vocabulario : mood (estado de ánimo), stay in touch, gestures (gestos), feelings(sentimientos), on the internet, videoconference. 2) Expongo mi monólogo en dos minutos (Introduction) My name is Juan Álvarez. I'm an IT professional and I live in Valencia.I'm going totalk about how I like to stay in touch with friends. (Alternative) I'll talk to you about a), b) c) Feel free to interrupt me with questions whenever you like. Or, if you have any   questions there will be an opportunity to ask them at the end at the end of my  presentation. (Body) First of all, I would like say that I stay in touch with friends in person and on theinternet too. I prefer to see my friends in bars, pubs or at home becausecommunication with them is a lot easier. You can find out how they feel, you cansee their gestures, listen to them and check whether they are in a good or badmood.On the other hand, I don't mind staying in touch with them through Facebook or Twitter. Personally, I use Facebook to stay in touch with friends that I can't seebecause they live in another city or country.This is one of the advantages of using Facebook to stay in touch with friends. Another advantage is that communication can be instant even if your friends are indifferent cities. You can also use Facebook to share interesting information andpictures with your friends, which is always nice.Talking about disvantages; the main one for me is that it's a very impersonal way tocommunicate, you need to see your friends to know how they really feel and to askthem for advice, for example. This is easier when you see your friends in person. Another advantage of seeing yours friends in person is that you can talk for alonger time without getting tired. If you are on a social network such as Facebook,you have to be typing all the time unless you communicate by videoconference.One disadvantage of meeting yours friends personally is that it takes much longer,and sometimes it's more expensive. You have to go to a certain place to meet themand pay for the food and drinks you order. But, in my case, I don't really mindspending my money this way because for me it's always nice to see my friends.To answer the question How has the way of staying in touch with friendschanged? , I'd say that now it's much easier than in the past, because it's notnecessary to travel anywhere to know how they are doing, with a single click youcan access Facebook and see the updates they have written on Facebook, thepictures they have posted or send them an instant message.   (Conclusion) In conclusion, I'd like to say that even though nowadays it's much easier to stay intouch with your friends, it's also much easier to break up with them. All you need isto unfriend them on Facebook. That's the reason why I prefer to meet up with myfriends in a pub or bar, or even at home.