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Regional Planning (improved Version With Document Map)

This class notes was originally uploaded in Scribd on 1.8.2008 just as a trial.It had some 7000 reads and more than 800 downloads. Seeing the interest shown by the readers I wanted to improve it, but I could not do it due to my inability to retrieve the user name and pass word.The improved document is republished in Scribd's cdmissmdu pages with some editings and full document map as a MSWord document




  138 S.Rengasamy. Regional Planning & Development. Madurai Institute of Social Sciences REGIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT-- SYLLABUS Concept of region-- Functional and formal regions --Techniques of regional delimitation.Classification and hierarchy of regions Regionalization in India) -- Concept of rural-urban continuum.Definition. Scope and content of regional planning-- Regional imbalances andinequalities in India Methods and techniques of regional analysis and development.Export Base Model. Neo-classical Model. Input –output Analysis. Central Place Theory.Growth Pole Hypothesis. Myrdal’s Theory of Cumulative Causation,Directions in regional planning. Town and Country Planning. River Valley Planning.Resource Planning. Multi –level Planning. Need and Methods of Micro-level Planing.Relevance of micro-level planning in community development.Tamilnadu . Planning regions in Tamilnadu. Regional planning in Tamilnadu. Resourcesof Tamilnadu. Rural and urban development with reference to Tamilnadu.  138 S.Rengasamy. Regional Planning & Development. Madurai Institute of Social Sciences  138 S.Rengasamy. Regional Planning & Development. Madurai Institute of Social Sciences UNIT I - Concept and Meaning of RegionRegion means a tract of land; any area; a portion of earth’s surface.There are two aspects of Region1) Spatial dimension-objective reality2) Non spatial dimension-subjective idea-mental construct-spaceless   Region -area larger than the community Three locality groups1. Neighborhood A group of people experiencing socialinteraction with in a localized area with oneor two social institutions as the local pointor means by which the area can beidentified physically is thus aneighborhood. 2. Community Community is the first social group inmodern life that approaches self sufficiency(a group is self sufficient when it possessmost of the (important) major socialinstitutions. 3. RegionUse of the concept 1. To divide the space into relatively homogeneous units2. To further our analysis and understanding of specific studies Purpose of the concept 1. Delineation of the space into homogenous units2. To study the human association with in a specific regional environment3. To facilitate comparison Definition of region is limited by the purpose A large tract of land; a country; a more or less defined portion of earth’s surface, asdistinguished by certain natural features, climatic conditions, a special fauna and flora or the like.  138 S.Rengasamy. Regional Planning & Development. Madurai Institute of Social Sciences  An area, space, or place of more or less definite extent or character.  Any portion of space considered as possessing certain characteristics-Mill  An area of earth’s surface differentiated (from adjoining areas) by one or morefeatures or characteristics which give it a measure of unity, According to the criteriaemployed in differentiating regions are termed as physiographic regions, politicalregions and economic regions.  An area homogenous with respect to certain announced criteria-James  Any portion of earth’s surface where physical conditions are homogeneous can beconsidered to be a region in the geographic sense-Joerg  A region is a complex of land, water, air, plant, animal and human beings, havingspatial relationship, which constitute a definite portion of earth’s surface-Herbertsor   An area with in which historical and environmental factors have combined to createrelatively homogeneous social structure and a conciseness of individually. Identification of regions Special Regions (each one being unique)Generic Regions (containing a number of similarities)Synthetic Regions (made up of a number of contrasting though related parts) Homogenous Regions- based on the similarity of one or two or combination of  phenomena, alike in all its parts; emphasis similarity-formal regions Nodal Regions -based on the centrality-emphasis interdependence-functional regions Programming/ Planning Regions -based on administrative convenience-emphasisuniformity and convenience, Planning and Programming Regions HomogeneousRegionsNodal RegionsAdministrativeRegions Formal RegionSingle Factor RegionHeterogeneous RegionsFunctional RegionsPlanning / Programming RegionsGeographical area which ishomogeneous in terms selectedcriteria Geographical criteria(topography, soil, climate)Functional regions emphasisinterdependence. It composed of heterogeneous units such ascities, towns and villages whichare functionally inter relatedA combination of homogeneity,nodality and administrativeconvenienceEconomic criteria (per capitaincome, similar productionstyles, consum- ption patterns,uniform unemploymentThe functional relationship isusually revealed in flows of  people, factors, services,commodities andcommunicationLarge enough to make substantialinvestment decisions, but smallenough to comprehend the problemas a wholeSocial/ political criteria (partyallegiance)Distribution area of retail andhousehold goods Freight and passenger movementTelephone commun icationdensity News paper circulation areasDomiciliary srcin of students ineducational institutionsLabor catchment areasContiguous areaSocio-cultural homogeneitySpecial data collection unitOne administrative agencyOptimum size Narrow disparityConsensus in defining problem andsolving itEnable direct peoples participationShould have a growth point