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Rp Vs Tan Properties

Land Titles and Deeds




REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES vs.T.A.N. PROPERTIES, INC Facts:  This case originate originate !ro" !ro" an A##$ication A##$ication !or Origina$ Origina$ Registration Registration o! Tit$e %$e %$e &'  T.A.N.  T.A.N. Pro#erties, Pro#erties, Inc. Inc. covering a ().*++ ().*++ hectares hectares #arce$ #arce$ o! $ot $ocate in in San Barto$o"e, Sto. To"as, Batangas. RTC a-icate the $an in !avor o! res#onent /herein it r$e that a -riica$ #erson or a cor#oration co$ a##$' !or registration o! $an #rovie sch entit' an its #reecessors0in0interest have #ossesse the $an !or 1+ 'ears or "ore.  The CA a2r"e a2r"e in toto the tria$ tria$ cort3s 4ecision. 4ecision. ISSUES: 5hether the $an is a$iena&$e an is#osa&$e HEL4:  The #etition has has "erit. Res#onent !ai$e to #rove that the $an is a$iena&$e an is#osa&$e.  The res#onent res#onent s&"itte s&"itte t/o certi%cations certi%cations isse isse &' the 4ENR. 4ENR. The 6ne 1, 788 Certi%cation &' the Co""nit' Environ"ent an Natra$ Resorces O2ces 9CENRO, Batangas Cit', certi%e that ;$ot 7++(, Ca0*<*, Sto. To"as Caastre sitate at Baranga' San Barto$o"e, Sto. To"as, Batangas /ith an area o! (8),77) s=are "eters !a$$s /ithin the ALIENABLE AN4 4ISPOSABLE >ONE ner Pro-ect No. 1+, Lan C$assi%cation ?a# No. (@< certi%e on 17 4ece"&er 78<(.;  The secon certi%cation in the !or" o! a "e"oran" to the tria$ cort, /hich /as isse &' the Regiona$ Technica$ 4irector, Forest ?anage"ent Services o! the 4ENR 9F?S04ENR, state ;that the s&-ect area !a$$s /ithin an a$iena&$e an is#osa&$e is#osa&$e $an, Pro-ect No. 1+ o! Sto. To"as, Batangas certi%e on 4ec. 17, 78<( #er LC No. (@<.;  The certi%cations certi%cations are not not s2cient. 4ENR 4ENR A"inistrative A"inistrative Orer Orer 94AO 94AO No. <+ e$ineate the !nctions an athorities o! the o2ces /ithin the 4ENR. Uner 4AO No. <+, series o! 78@@, the CENRO isses certi%cates o! $an c$assi%cation stats !or areas &e$o/ (+ hectares. The Provincia$ Environ"ent an Natra$ Resorces O2ces 9PENRO isses certi%cate o! $an c$assi%cation stats !or $ans covering over (+ hectares. 4AO No. 1@, ate 78 A#ri$ 788+, a"ene 4AO No. <+, series o! 78@@. 4AO No. 1@, series o! 788+ retaine the athorit' o! the CENRO to isse certi%cates o! $an c$assi%cation stats !or areas &e$o/ (+ hectares, as /e$$ as the athorit' o! the PENRO to isse certi%cates o! $an c$assi%cation stats !or $ans covering over (+ hectares. In this case, res#onent a##$ie !or registration o! a $ot over (+ . The CENRO certi%cate is &e'on the athorit' o! the CENRO to certi!' as a$iena&$e an is#osa&$e.  The Regiona$ Technica$ 4irector, F?S04ENR, has no athorit' ner 4AO Nos. <+ an 1@ to isse certi%cates o! $an c$assi%cation. Uner 4AO No. <+, the Regiona$  Technica$ 4irector, F?S04ENR: 7. Isses origina$ an rene/a$ o! orinar' "inor #rocts 9O? #er"its ece#t rattanD <. A##roves rene/a$ o! resa/"ini0sa/"i$$ #er"itsD 1. A##roves rene/a$ o! s#ecia$ se #er"its covering over %ve hectares !or #&$ic in!rastrctre #ro-ectsD an *. Isses rene/a$ o! certi%cates o! registration !or $ogs, #o$es, #i$es, an $"&er ea$ers. Uner 4AO No. 1@, the Regiona$ Technica$ 4irector, F?S04ENR: 7. Isses origina$ an rene/a$ o! orinar' "inor #rocts 9O? #er"its ece#t rattanD <. Isses rene/a$ o! certi%cate o! registration !or $ogs, #o$es, an #i$es an $"&er ea$ersD 1. A##roves rene/a$ o! resa/"ini0sa/"i$$ #er"itsD *. Isses #&$ic gratitos #er"its !or <+ to (+ c&ic "eters /ithin ca$a"it' ec$are areas !or #&$ic in!rastrctre #ro-ectsD an (. A##roves origina$ an rene/a$ o! s#ecia$ se #er"its covering over %ve hectares !or #&$ic in!rastrctre #ro-ects. Hence, the certi%cation isse &' the Regiona$ Technica$ 4irector, F?S04ENR, in the !or" o! a "e"oran" to the tria$ cort, has no #ro&ative va$e. Frther, it is not enogh !or the PENRO or CENRO to certi!' that a $an is a$iena&$e an is#osa&$e. The a##$icant !or $an registration "st #rove that the 4ENR Secretar' ha a##rove the $an c$assi%cation an re$ease the $an o! the #&$ic o"ain as a$iena&$e an is#osa&$e, an that the $an s&-ect o! the a##$ication !or registration !a$$s /ithin the a##rove area #er veri%cation throgh srve' &' the PENRO or CENRO. In aition, the a##$icant !or $an registration "st #resent a co#' o! the origina$ c$assi%cation a##rove &' the 4ENR Secretar' an certi%e as a tre co#' &' the $ega$ cstoian o! the o2cia$ recors. These !acts "st &e esta&$ishe to #rove that the $an is a$iena&$e an is#osa&$e. Res#onent !ai$e to o so &ecase the certi%cations #resente &' res#onent o not, &' the"se$ves, #rove that the $an is a$iena&$e an is#osa&$e.