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Shovels 1




Shovels August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 1 This presentation is about Electric Mining Shovels August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 2 This presentation is about Electric Mining Shovels August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 2 Shovels are used at both surface mines and the deeper open pit mines August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 3 The primary use for Shovels is to load material (coal, rock, ore) into haul trucks August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 4 Hydraulic Shovels are also used at mines in this presentation They are not discussed Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 5 August 2006 Front Loaders are also used. Not discussed in this presentation. August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 6 Shovel Components and Operations August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 7 Shovels are Electrically Driven August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 8 Shovel Power   Incoming AC is changed to DC by MG Sets  MG Sets deliver DC to motors that drive the Swing, Propel, Hoist and Crowd systems (On a Shovel the ³Crowd´ system is similar  to the Drag system on a Dragline)  Speed reduction is done through both enclosed gearboxes and open gears August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 9 The Bucket, usually called the ³Dipper´ August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 10 Shovel Digging Motion The August 2006 Dipper is filled by hoisting Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 11 The contents of  the Dipper are released by opening the Dipper Door August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 12 The House The August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore Dipper 13 The August 2006 Boom Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 14 The Boom Point Sheave Crawler Tracks August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 15 The House Rollers and Swing Rack on a Shovel operate in the same way as a Dragline, and are lubricated by the Multi-Service lubricant The Center Pintle is lubricated either by the Multi-Service lubricant or the bearing grease August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 16 Swing Rack  Lubricant: SurStik® August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 17 Hoist Ropes Boom Suspension Ropes (Static) August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 18 The Dipper Sticks (sometimes called Dipper Handles) 1 2 Note: There are no Drag Ropes on a Shovel August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 19 Dipper Sticks August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 20 The ³Thrust´ and ³Retract´ Motion of  Dipper Sticks is Called the ³Crowd´ Motion August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 21 P&H uses two rectangular Sticks 10/13/04 22 Bucyrus uses a single round Stick  10/13/04 23 P&H Dipper  Sticks August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 24 The ³Saddle Blocks´ are guides for the Sticks The Dipper Dipper Sticks slide against guide Stick  plates inside the Saddle Blocks SADDLE BLOCK  SADDLE BLOCK (hidden) August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 25 Multi-Service Lubricant is applied to the guide plates and Dipper Stick from Dipper Stick  Drip Tubes fitted to the Saddle Block SurStik  August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 26 August 2006 Rack gears are Crowd Rack  built into the underside of the two sticks. These Crowd Rack  are called the Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore Crowd Racks.27 Crowd Pinion is inside saddle block  August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore Crowd motion comes from the Crowd Pinion that engages with the Crowd Racks 28 Multi-Service lubricant is applied to the Crowd Rack and Pinion Note the mess created by the use of an asphaltic lubricant August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 29 The Crowd Pinion is Driven by the Crowd Motor + Enclosed Gearbox on the Boom August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 30 Bucyrus Dipper Sticks August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 31 The Bucyrus Round Dipper Stick  August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 32 The Saddle Block on a Bucyrus Shovel is circular Saddle Block  Boom Dipper Stick  August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 33 A View of the Dipper Stick in the Saddle Block  August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 34 Lubricant Ports in the Saddle Block  August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 35 Bucyrus dipper  sticks are controlled  by two sets of wire ropes that operate independently, the Hoist Cable and the Crowd Cable Both cables are driven by Drums in the House August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 36 Hoist Cable Crowd Cable Hoist Cable Crowd Cable August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 37 The Crowd Cables  perform the same function as the Crowd Rack and Pinion on a P&H Shovel, they control the Crowd Motion (Thrust and Retract) August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 38 Lubricants August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 39 Enclosed Gearbox Oil August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 40 Enclosed Gearboxes on Shovels:  Hoist enclosed gearbox  In the House. Drives the Hoist Rope Drum  Crowd enclosed gearbox  In a P&H the Crowd gearbox is located on the Boom. It drives the Crowd Pinion.  In a Bucyrus the Crowd gearbox is located in the house. It drives the Crowd Rope Drum.  Swing enclosed gearbox  In the House. Turns the House  Propel enclosed gearbox August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 41 Recommended Products  Whitmore recommends Paragon for  Shovel gearboxes  Choose viscosity based on the OEM recommendations and the climate, or  consult Whitmore Technical Services Dept.  Where synthetic oil is required, use Decathlon HD series  Where a Flender-approved oil is needed, use Decathlon F August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 42 Grease August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 43 Bearings  Many customers use Whitmore¶s SurStik Multi-Service lubricant in the automatic system for lubricating bearings  Whitmore greases used on Shovels:  ± Omnilith 360 EP 1  ± DuraFilm EP 1  ± Matrix® EP 1  ± Legacy M EP 1  ± Based on synthetic oil  ± Used year round in very cold conditions August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 44 Multi-Service Lubricant Applied by automatic lubrication system August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 45 Multi-Service Lubricant Applications  Hoist: Open Gear on Hoist Rope Drum  Crowd:  ± P&H: Crowd Rack and Pinion (on the Dipper Stick)  ± Bucyrus: Open Gear on Crowd Rope Drum  Dipper Stick (and Saddle Block)  Swing Rack and Pinion  Circle Rail and Rollers  SurStik Multi-Service lubricant may be used in bearings (except electric motor bearings) August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 46 Because it Performs Exceptionally Well on Dipper Sticks, Whitmore Recommends SurStik MultiService Lubricant for use on Shovels August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 47 SurStik on Dipper Sticks  SurStik does not make the Dipper Stick   prone to contamination by dust  Easy to maintain a good coating using SurStik  On Bucyrus machines SurStik spreads easily around the Stick to form a black   protective coating  SurStik will not flake off in freezing conditions August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 48 Choosing the Grade of SurStik  Choose the grade based on the climate   ± Use SurStik Extra Heavy: -7°C to 110°C ± Use SurStik Summer: -12°C to 110°C ± Use SurStik Winter: -35°C to 25°C  Distributors report that the best results are obtained using the heaviest possible grade for  the climate conditions August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 49 Whitmore Lubricants for Wire Ropes  Sam amee as as fo for Dra Dragl glin ines es  Wire Ropes:  ± Whi Whitm tmore¶ ore¶ss Wire Wire Rope Lubric Lubricant ant,, or   ± Rene Renew® w® 20 20 or 30 (uses recycl recycled ed oil oil), ), or   ± WRWR-5 5 (cont (contain ainss a solvent solvent)) August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 50 Motor Couplings  Us Usee Wh Whit itm mor ore¶ e¶ss Vo Vort rtex ex   Sp Spec ecia ially lly de desi sign gned ed for for use use in in coup couplin lings gs  Extremely ta tacky  Very Very low ble bleed ed on on the the K3 K36 6 Cent Centrif rifuga ugall bleed bleed test  Shell Coupli Coupling ng Grease: Grease: 1.87% loss after after 24 24 hours  Whit Whitmore¶s more¶s Vortex Vortex: : 0.94% loss after 24 hours August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 51 Shovel Models August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 52 Bucyrus (formerly Bucyrus Erie, now Bucyrus International) August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 53 Bucyrus 195B Shovels Dipper capacities: 9.2 to 23.9 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 54 Bucyrus 295B Shovels Dipper capacities: 18.48 to 39.27 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 55 Bucyrus 395B Shovels Dipper capacities: 26.7 to 53.5 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 56 Bucyrus 495B Shovels Dipper capacities: 30.6 to 61.2 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 57 Bucyrus 595B Shovels Dipper capacities: 24.5 to 64.3 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 58 Marion Marion is now part of Bucyrus August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 59 Marion 182-M Dipper capacities: 5.7 to 17.6 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 60 P&H August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 61 P&H 2800XPB Dipper capacities: 25.2 to 53.5 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 62 P&H 4100BOSS Dipper capacities: 30.6 to 61.2 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 63 P&H 4100XPB Dipper capacities: 35.9 to 76.5 m3 August 2006 Whitmore's: ShovelsWhitmore 64