by Robin beRgeR NEW YORK — Daytime TV’s “The Rachael Ray Show” celebrated Hal-loween with a 3D extravaganza available to viewers with 3D glass-es distributed by “TV Guide” maga-zine.The entire production was shot in the 8,000 square foot studio on Sony BVP-900 and BVP-950 stan-dard definition cameras, supple-mented by outdoor shots and animation. 3-D Vision, a Westbury, NY-based provider of 3D produc-tion and conversion technology. converted the footage in the weeks leading up to the Oct. 29 broadcast.“When the idea came up, we started to look at all the different options to doing it—bringing in specialized 3D cameras or conver-sion,” said the show’s director, Gene Bernard. His team decided on con- version, due to cost, time, flexibility, and space constraints. “We decided early on that we didn’t want to do the entire show in 3D because we didn’t want to alienate viewers who might not have the glasses.”Ray’s signature cooking seg-ments ran in their standard format. 3D elements included sight gags supplied by Ray, her husband and guests Pee-Wee Herman and magi-cians Penn & Teller, plus props and an entirely new Halloween-themed set. NEW TO 3D “None of us worked in 3D before,” said Bernard. “And when we were shooting it we weren’t going to be able to by John MeRli UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIF.—“The Buried Life,” a reality TV series now in its second season on MTV, is a sort of “bucket list” for the millen-nial generation. First introduced solely online four years ago as an independently produced docu-mentary featuring four Canadian university students, the weekly series has set out to accomplish 100 things to do in life before said bucket is kicked. P h o t o b y E r i c J o h n s o n Ray, PaGE 12 3D Trcks ad Trats ‘The Rachel Ray Show’ hosts a 3D bash for Halloween Today’s ENG Advances in IP, satellite lower costs —page 8 Storage Technology Accelerating storage performance —page 24 Equipment Guide Station Automation/ Digital ContentManagement —pages 26-42 MTV’s ‘Te Buried Life’ strs (L-R), Ben Nemtin, Dve Lingwd, Dunn Penn nd Jnnie Penn MTV, PaGE 10 Technology TV BROADCAST ã PRODUCTION ã BROADBAND ã SATELLITE ã MOBILE DECEMBER 1, 2010 EDITION WWW.TVTECHNOLOGY.COM MTV Kps it ‘Ra’ Series is reality TV’s millennial version of ‘bucket list’ ➤➤➤ RF TECHNOLOGY— MOBILE DTV AT IEEE BTS FROM CAMERA TO BOOTH TO TRUCK WITH TELECAST FIBER SYSTEMS PAGE 16 Advertisement ➤ Wt te episde nline TVTEchNoLoGy.coM/12-01-10 Pee Wee hermn nd Rel R m it up fr 3D Rethink Rethink embedded audio routing Our NVISION 8500 Hybrid routers offer perfect audio processing to simplify signa management. Wit integrate e-emeing, suing, reaaway an re-emeing, a singe router can now repace many racs o signa management gear. Utra-sort eays mean you on’t nee to worry aout vieoauio timing eiter. We’re a or maing tings a it easier. BEFORE NOW TV TEchNoLoGy December, 2010 3 EQUIPMENT GUIDE 26 User Reports—Station Automation/Digital Content Management Grass Valley, Masstech, Avid, Harris, Ross, ProConsultant, Florical, Rushworks, Dalet 41 Reference Guide Newsroom Automation/Traffic & Billing 36 Product Showcase38-39 Classifieds 18 Mr. First Nighter: Theater to Video Translation Lighting Technology, Bill Klages 19 Mobile DTV at IEEE BTS RF Technology, Doug Lung 24 Accelerating Performance Storage Technology, Karl Paulsen DEcEMBER 1, 2010 ➤ TVTEchNoLoGy.coM/12-01-10 ➤ VoLUME 28, ISSUE 25 IN ThIS ISSUE NEWS 1 3D Tricks and Treats The Rachel Ray Show hosts a 3D bash for Halloween 2 MTV Keeps it ‘Real’ Series is reality TV’s millennial version of ‘bucket list’ 8 Engineering Today’s Master Control Centralizing resources and managing myriad formats are key 14 Options Expand for ENG Advances in IP, satellite lower costs 16 GTX-16 Built for the Real World F&F’s new OB does 3D … if you need it TUNE IN To TVTEchNoLoGy.coM G nline fr mre user reprts frm ur autmtin/ Digitl cntent Mngement Equipment Guide INSIGHT 4 December 1, 2010 TV TEchNoLoGy Y ou might not have noticed that TV Technology now has a new look. But looks are only the beginning.This marks the fourth redesign of TV Technology in its 27 years of ex-istence, and in many ways, this rede-sign is the boldest yet. This magazine, of course is more than just a physical object you’re holding in your hands. The TV Technology brand encom-passes the Web, including online news and opinion, a wide range of e-mail newsletters, webinars, virtual tradeshows, and conferences. And that’s because you, our loyal readers, get your news and information in so many more ways today. First of all, the look. As television people, we’re visually oriented and this new redesign offers a bolder, sharper look with more and larger graphics, news briefs and variety of content. And then there’s the Web. Ten years after the last redesign of the magazine, the Web has become an increasingly im-portant resource for all of us and we’ve designed the new look to bring the print publication and online closer together. Ev-ery issue from now on will have its own online index (with an easy to remember URL) to provide readers with a source of additional news and information. Want to check out a white paper about a product you read about in these pages? Want a list of all that advanced gear installed in the latest expando that you read about here? Want to see video clips of a program pro-filed in this issue? All of the elements mentioned above are offered in this issue in an online index (at 10 )—all designed to make it easier to bring you the valuable content you need to help keep you informed, and to foster a closer relationship with our readers. Want even faster updates and more variety of content? Join our growing community on Twitter (@TVTechnology) and on Facebook. And although we’ve redesigned the look, our mission is the same. Broad-cast and video production technology has rapidly advanced over the almost three decades of our existence. These pages have chronicled the transition to HD, digital, online, mobile (next up, 3D?) and we’re ready to bring the best our industry has to offer in the com-ing decades, whether in person, print, or online. We’re eager to know what you think of our new look! Drop me an e-mail at
[email protected] or share your thoughts online in our forum and blogs. A new look 4 TOM BUTTS
[email protected] FRoM ThE EDIToR
[email protected] T: (703) 852-4600 n F: (703) 852-4585 The staff can be contacted via e-mail using first initial, last name EDITORIALEditor-in-Chief: Tom Butts Executive Editor: Deborah D. McAdams Managing Editor: Terry Hanley Technology Editor: James E. O’Neal News Correspondents: Susan Ashworth, Robin Berger, Steve Harvey, Craig Johnston, Claudia Kienzle, Bob Kovacs, Ian MacSpadden, John Merli, and Mark A. Smith SALESPublisher: Eric Trabb, 212-378-0400 ext 532 Associate Publisher: Vytas Urbonas Ad Coordinator: Caroline Freeland CIRCULATION Associate Circulation Director, Audience Development: Tracey Dwyer Circulation Manager: Kwentin Keenan Circulation Coordinator: Michele Fonville SUBSCRIPTIONS TV Technology, P.O. Box 848, Lowell, MA 01853 T: 888-266-5828 (USA only 8:30 a.m .-5 p.m. EST)978-667-0352 (Outside the US)F: 978-671-0460E-mail:
[email protected] NEWBAY MEDIA CORPORATEPresident and CEO: Steve Palm Chief Financial Officer: Paul Mastronardi Controller: Jack Liedke Group Circulation Director: Denise Robbins VP, Web Development: Joe Ferrick NEWBAY MEDIA VIDEO/ BROADCAST GROUPExecutive Vice President: Carmel King Vice President Sales, Group Publisher: Eric Trabb Editorial Director: T. Carter Ross Production Director: Davis White Publication Coordinator: Carolina Schierholz TV Technology Founded by Stevan B. Dana TV Technology (ISSN: 0887-1701) is published semi-monthly with additional issues in April and May by NewBay Media LLC, 810 Seventh Avenue, 27th Floor, New York, NY 10019. Phone: 703-852-4600. FAX:703-852-4583. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY 10199 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TV Technology, P.O. Box 848, Lowell, MA 01853. Copyright 2010 by NewBay Media LLC. All rights reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome for review; send to the attention of the appropriate editor. REPRINTS: Reprints of all articles in this issue are available. Call or write Caroline Freeland, 5285 Shawnee Rd., Ste. 100, Alexandria, VA 22312. (703) 852-4610 Fax: (703) 852-4583. Member, BPA International. Technology TV DECEMBER 1, 2010 ➤ VOL 28, NO 25 Taste of NAB Founder Larry Bloomfield Dies at 72 On Nov. 8, Larry Bloomfield, a long time veteran of the broadcast engineering community, died of a heart attack at the age of 72. Larry was a well known figure in our industry, and his dedication was perhaps best illustrated by his annual “Taste of NAB” traveling roadshows that started in 2002. The show ran from May through September, offering a review of notable products introduced at the spring broadcast show for those who could not attend the annual Las Vegas event, (the revue was not affiliated with The NAB Show). Although Larry was dedicated to the concept of the “Taste of NAB,” he always emphasized that the traveling roadshow was no substitution for being there. “There are very few opportunities for engineers to see, first-hand, what’s new and to have the chance to keep up with the latest ‘whatevers,’” Larry wrote on his Web site. “Not sending at least one engineer to NAB is tantamount to stifling your engineering departments technical education and preventing the facility from keep abreast of what’s going in the wonderful world of television and broadcasting in general. How utterly stupid!” Larry and his staff traveled more than 143,000 miles to communities as large as Philadelphia and as small as Bozeman, Montana. Larry and his volunteer crew made presentations to more than 11,000 attendees over the past 8 years. Several of our online readers shared their memories of Larry: “My former company was a sponsor of Larry’s show and I had the pleasure of working a few stops with Larry during two summers in the Southeast. I brought my son on a road trip to help and Larry spent a great deal of time teaching him the ropes. Larry enjoyed teaching and he will be missed. We had some good times.” “Sorry to hear of Larry’s passing. His effort to create and continue “Taste of NAB” were both a service to broadcasters and a testament to “keep on going” in spite of various health issues. Seeing Larry scooting around the show and at stops on Taste through the years always made me smile, and be pleased that he was not letting unanticipated situations get in the way of living life to the fullest extent possible. I hope that the folks who helped make “Taste of NAB”—his colleagues and sponsors—will keep the show going on.” Heard on the Web Fllw Tm Butts via is blg atTVTEchNoLoGy.coM/BLoGS BYROBINBERGER NEWYORK — DaytimeTV’s“TheRachaelRayShow”celebratedHal-loweenwitha3Dextravaganza availabletoviewerswith3Dglass-esdistributedby“TVGuide”maga-zine.Theentireproductionwasshot inthe8,000squarefootstudioonSonyBVP-900andBVP-950stan-darddefinitioncameras,supple-mentedbyoutdoorshotsand animation.3-DVision,aWestbury,NY-basedproviderof3Dproduc-tionandconversiontechnology.convertedthefootageintheweeksleadinguptotheOct.29broadcast.“Whentheideacameup,westartedtolookatallthedifferent optionstodoingit—bringinginspecialized3Dcamerasorconver-sion,”saidtheshow’sdirector,GeneBernard.Histeamdecidedoncon- version,duetocost,time,flexibility,andspaceconstraints.“Wedecided earlyonthatwedidn’twanttodotheentireshowin3Dbecausewedidn’twanttoalienateviewers whomightnothavetheglasses.”Ray’ssignaturecookingseg-mentsranintheirstandardformat.3DelementsincludedsightgagssuppliedbyRay,herhusbandand guestsPee-WeeHermanandmagi-ciansPenn&Teller,pluspropsand anentirelynewHalloween-themedset. NEWTO3D “Noneofusworkedin3D before,”saidBernard. “And whenwewereshootingitwe weren’tgoingtobeableto BYJOHNMERLI UNIVERSALCITY,CALIF.—“TheBuried Life,”a reality TV seriesnow initssecond seasononMTV,isa sort of “bucket list”forthemillen-nial generation.First introduced solely onlinefouryearsagoasanindependently produced docu-mentary featuring fourCanadianuniversity students,theweekly serieshasset out toaccomplish 100 thingstodoinlifebeforesaid bucket iskicked. RAY,PAGE 12 3D Tricks and Treats ‘The Rachel Ray Show’ hosts a 3D bash for Halloween Today’sENG Advances in IP,satellite lower costs —page 8 Storage Technology Accelerating storageperformance —page 24 Equipment Guide Station Automation/ Digital ContentManagement —pages 26-42 MTV’s ‘TheBuriedLife’ stars (L-R),BenNemtin,DaveLingwood,DuncanPennandJonniePenn MTV,PAGE 10 Technology TV BROADCAST ã PRODUCTION ã BROADBAND ã SATELLITE ã MOBILE DECEMBER1, 2010 EDITION WWW.TVTECHNOLOGY.COM MTV Keeps It ‘Real’ Series is reality TV’s millennial version of ‘bucket list’ ➤➤➤ RF TECHNOLOGY— MOBILE DTV AT IEEE BTS FROMCAMERATOBOOTHTOTRUCK WITHTELECASTFIBERSYSTEMS PAGE 16 Advertisement ➤ Watchtheepisodeonline TVTECHNOLOGY.COM/12-01-10 PeeWeeHermanandRachel Ray ham itupfor3D 06N.indd //0 3:0 PM