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What Do You Do With Your Arms

Sheet music




  V&?444 SopranoPiano ÓŒ‰j I've w   p Freely œœ.œœœ.œ no ticed that a se lect few have œœœœœœœœ C C 4 /DD m7(add4) /F colla voce œœœœœ‰j got a cer tain knack, a ˙œœŒ˙œŒ C/E F 2 - - - V&? SPno. 4 œœœœœœœœ trick that speeds the way to all suc 4 ww C 2 /G œŒŒ‰j cess. No œœœœ˙˙˙˙ C G sus4 /B œœ.œœœœœœ mat ter what my o ther gifts, it's the œœœœœœœœœ C/E C 2 /D D m7(add4) /F- - - V&? SPno. 7  œœœœœ‰œœ se cret that I lack. And un 7  œœ˙œœœœ F 2 C/G C/E œœœœœ‰j til I get it right, My ww G sus4 œœœœœ ‰J life will be a mess... The .Œ..Œ G  poco rit. - - what do you do with your arms?  lyrics by  SAM CARNER  music by DEREK GREGOR if you didn't receive this sheet music from the authors and can afford it,please send $6 to our paypal account: [email protected]  V&? SPno. 10 œœœJœj  prob lem I face ev 10 .j.jœ..Jœ..J A m7  F sus2 p With A Steady Pulse q=145 jœJJŒj ry day is .œjœ˙˙.J˙œœœœœœœœ  what do I do with my arms? j‰ŒÓ J‰ŒÓ C- - V&? SPno. 13 ÓŒ U œœ They just 13   U   U œœjœj hang there, get ing in ˙.jœ˙..j A m7  F sus2 a tempo jœJœ‰œœ the way, And the .œj˙..j˙ - V&? SPno. 16  œœJœJ whole game's get ing old. 16  ˙.Jœœ.j C G sus4 ÓŒœœ If you ˙˙œœœœ˙ G œœœœjŒj ges ture too much, you .Jœ˙..jœœœ A m  F F - - V&? SPno. 19 œœœœœŒ look FREA KIN' CRA ZY! 19 œœJœ.˙j. C C/G G œœœœœœœœ Fold them: you're dis tant and cold. .Jœ˙..jœœ A m  F ˙Ó‰œœœœœœ˙‰œœœœœ G sus4  G- - - 2 what do you do with your arms? [2]  V&? SPno. 22 œœœœj. Put them in your pock ets: 22 ˙˙œœœœœ F œœœœ.œœœ now you look la zy, or like a .j˙.j˙ G œœœœœœœ  per son who'll ne ver be bold. .Jœœœœ.Jœœ A m  G F 2 subito p - - - - V&? SPno. 25 ÓŒ‰J The 25 wwwœœœJŒj neck's a cinch: look  .Jœœœ..Jœœœ C 5 /A F 5 /A œœœJŒj left or right. But .œJœœ˙˙..j˙ C sus4 /F V&? SPno. 28 œœœœœœœ what do you do with your arms? 28 j‰ŒÓj‰ŒÓ C ÓŒ‰J I Œ‰jœœœœ‰œœ‰Ó G œœœœ‰œœ  puff my chest, suck my .jœœ..Jœœœ C 5 /A V&? SPno. 31 jœJJŒj sto mach tight. But 31 .Jœ˙jœJ˙ C 5 /F C/F ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ev en my doc tor calls my .Jœ˙w C ¿¿¿¿¿¿ œ up per arm hum er us. The œŒÓ œŒÓ G- - - - - - 3 what do you do with your arms? [3]  V&? SPno. 34 œœœœjœj legs are straight for ward; I 34 .Jœ˙..jœœ A m  F œœœœœ‰œœ think we all get 'em. They can œœJœ.œœœj. C C/G G œœœœœ‰œœ stand, they can sit, they can .Jœœœœœœœœœ A m  F- - V&?444 SPno. 37  œœœœœ‰œœ skip, if you let 'em. You can 37  j œŒÓœŒŒœ G jœjjœœœ cross 'em, re cross 'em, if the ˙œœ˙˙ C 5 /E F 2 œœœœœŒ mood is right, spread 'em... ˙˙˙w G sus4  D sus4 /G- V&?444444 SPno. 40 Œ‰J But 40  ˙˙œœœœœœœœœœ what do you do with your arms? .j˙..j˙ C/F F/G Ó‰œœœ I ne ver  œœœœœœœœœ C C sus4 /D C/E G sus4 /D- V&? SPno. 43 œœœœœœœ seem to fi gure it out 43 .jœœœœœœœœ F sus2 P legato œ‰jœœ des pite the .jœœœœœœ. C/E œœœœœœœ years I've tried to re hearse. .œjœœœœœœœœœœœ F sus2 /D œŒŒœ But wœœœœ C 2 /E- - - 4 what do you do with your arms? [4]