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What Is The Difference Between Javascript Jquery And Ajax ...

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log in | careers | chat | meta | about | faq Questions Tags Users Badges search Unanswered Ask Question What is the difference between Javascript,Jquery and Ajax programming? Hello World! 7 Hey I am new to javascript, Ajax and Jquery.. What are the difference in these programming. It seems Ajax and Jquery are using javascript. so what is the basic difference between these programming languages? javascript 2 jquery ajax link | improve this question This is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required. about » asked Jun 27 '10 at 16:14 Jay 76 1 4 75% accept rate tagged javascript jquery ajax This question seems appropriate, so many do not relate JavaScript with jQuery. – ChaosPandion Jun 27 '10 at 16:49 feedback 5 Answers active oldest jQuery is a library/framework built with Javascript. It is very popular because it (nearly universally) abstracts away cross-browser compatibility issues and it emphasises unobtrusive and callbackdriven Javascript programming. AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript XML) is a method to dynamically update parts of the UI without having to reload the page - to make the experience more similar to a desktop application. × 181436 × 37879 asked 1 year ago viewed 1,008 times active 1 year ago Get the weekly newsletter! Top questions and answers Important announcements Unanswered questions Sign up for the newsletter see an example newsletter EDIT: It sounds like you're new to this. I would seriously recommend you check out to get started. It's what I used to learn javascript and it's done incredibly well. link | improve this answer × 210499 votes Javascript, for the purposes of this question, is a client-side (in the browser) scripting language. 6 faq » answered Jun 27 '10 at 16:20 Tyler 1,014 1 6 26 hi i have go through the stuff you gave for jquery. i found the basic's it was easy. but is there any other website for learning jquery from basic level to next level – Jay Jul 13 '10 at 14:19 Well at this point I would recommend you pick a project you want to work on and do it. The best way to learn 'advanced' jQuery is to use it in practice. That's the way I learned. Also, if you like my answer the best, you can click the check box to accept it :) – Tyler Jul 13 '10 at 23:28 Linked JavaScript: Public methods and prototypes Difference between ajax and javascript Related jQuery ajax calling javascript function what is the difference between ajax and jquery and which one is better? jQuery Ajax JavaScript Execution What is the difference between jQuery and JavaScript? feedback Javascript JQUERY AJAX: When Are These Implemented 18 Of the three only javascript is a programming language. jQuery is a framework that is based on javascript and that simplifies some tedious tasks like manipulating the DOM, adding some effects and animations and most importantly doing it in a cross browser fashion. One of the tasks that is simplified by jQuery is AJAX which is a concept allowing a browser to send an asynchronous request to a web server allowing for richer web applications. JavaScript: What is AJAX? What is jQuery? link | improve this answer jQuery's AJAX call to a javascript class method feedback answered Jun 27 '10 at 16:16 Darin Dimitrov 315k 21 385 591 jquery - loading inline javascript via AJAX Help me choose between Javascript, jQuery, or AJAX difference between json and ajax? when should what be used? feedback Loading Javascript through an AJAX load through jQuery? Javascript difference between eval() and appending script tags Actually only one of them is a programming language. 3 Javascript is a programming language which is used mainly in webpages for making websites interactive. When a webpage is parsed by the browser, it creates an in-memory representation of the page. It is a tree structure, which contains all elements on the page. So there is a root element, which contains the head and the body elements, which contain other elements, which contain other elements. So it looks like a tree basically. Now with javascript you can manipulate elements in the page using this tree. You can pick elements by their id (getElementsById), or their tag name (getElementsByTagName), or by simply going through the tree (parentNode, firstChild, lastChild, nextSibling, previousSibling, etc.). Once you have element(s) to work with you can modify them by changing their look, content or position on the page. This interface is also known as the DOM (Document Object Model). So you can do everything with Javascript that another programming language can do, and by using it embedded into wepages you also get an in-memory Object of the current webpage by which you can make changes to the page interactively. AJAX is a technique of communication between the browser and the server within a page. Chat is a good example. You write a message, send a message and recive other messages without leaving the page. You can manage this interaction with Javascript on the client side, using an XMLHTTP Object provided by the browser. jQuery is a library which aims to simplify client side web development in general (the two other above). It creates a layer of abstracion so you can reuse common languages like CSS and HTML in Javascript. It also includes functions which can be used to communicate with servers very easily (AJAX). It is written in Javascript, and will not do everything for you, only makes common tasks easier. It also hides some of the misconceptions and bugs of browsers. Javascript is a programming language (objects, array, numbers, strings, calculations) AJAX and jQuery uses Javascript jQuery is for simplifing common tasks with AJAX and page manipulation (style, animation, etc.) Finally, an example just to see some syntax: // page manipulation in javascript var el = document.getElementById("box"); = "#000"; var new_el = document.createElement("div"); el.innerHTML = "

some content

"; el.appendChild(new_el); // and how you would do it in jQuery $("#box") .css({ "background-color": "#000" }) .append("

some content

"); edited Jul 4 '10 at 22:46 answered Jun 28 '10 at 15:03 galambalazs 16.5k 1 22 38 feedback 1 AJAX is a way to talk to the server in the background. JavaScript is a language that the browser understands. jQuery is a JavaScript framework that makes life easier for people who want to program for the browser. link | improve this answer answered Jun 27 '10 at 16:44 Void 306 2 8 feedback 1 Javascript/JQuery ajax help needed difference between Javascript and Jquery difference between ajax and jquery? jQuery ajax request and inline javascript Javascript array to php with jQuery ajax Difference between ajax and javascript jQuery + Javascript: Consolidate duplicate functions between document.ready and ajax load What is the difference between JSON and AJAX with jQuery? jQuery - Difference between replaceWith making ajax call or vice versa Difference between reverse ajax and normal ajax To sum up: link | improve this answer What's the difference between jQuery and JavaScript? AJAX is a method to do an XMLHttpRequest from a web page to the server and send/retrieve data to be used on the web page. It stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. It uses javascript to construct an XMLHttpRequest(varies between browsers). jQuery is a javascript framework that can be used to manipulate the DOM (search and interact with the DOM). jQuery implements a high-level interface to do AJAX requests abstractly thereby giving multi-browser support in making the request. What's wrong with this jQuery AJAX request? What is the difference between form data and request payload? So, Ajax is a technology paradigm, whereas jquery is a library so can't compare them. link | improve this answer answered Jun 27 '10 at 16:46 CodeToGlory 8,065 3 14 52 feedback Your Answer Name log in Email or Home Page Post Your Answer Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged javascript jquery ajax or ask your own question. question feed about | faq | blog | chat | data | podcast | shop | legal | advertising info | mobile | contact us | feedback ■ ■ api/apps ■ careers ■ ■ ■ meta ■ area 51 ■ webapps ■ gaming ■ ubuntu ■ webmasters ■ cooking ■ game development ■ math ■ photography ■ stats ■ tex ■ english ■ theoretical cs ■ programmers ■ unix ■ apple ■ wordpress ■ physics ■ home improvement ■ gis ■ electronics ■ android ■ security ■ bicycles ■ dba ■ drupal ■ sharepoint ■ scifi & fantasy ■ user experience ■ skeptics ■ rpg ■ judaism site design / logo © 2012 stack exchange inc; user contributions licensed under cc-wiki with attribution required rev 2012.5.14.2564