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Women In Politics

Abstract In modern era, Women’s political empowerments are the center stage of all the discourses on international scenes. Many people still find it difficult to believe that some women possessed the mental capacity to lead millions of people than men and therefore, strongly oppose women’s right to political participation. To eliminate such sociological perceptions against women, international instruments like United Nations and Inter-Parliamentary union have put a system in place to ensure that every member’s states comply with the provisions laid down during 2011 UN General Assembly for resolution on women’s political participation and the 136th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Despite United Nations and inter-parliamentary union affords to empower women on the political field there have been many other organizations established to advocates for women’s empowerment. The purpose of my research is to highlight on the progress being made in advocating for women’s political participation and how they have been weakly responding to those issues by proving their low performance in exercising good leadership and thus prioritizing family affairs over state’s welfares. Keywords: Leadership, Political, Women, Participation, United Nations, Nobel Peace Prize, Empowerment.




    Abstract In modern era, Women’s political empowerments are the center stage of all the discourses on international scenes. Many people still find it difficult to believe that some women possessed the mental capacity to lead millions of people than men and therefore, strongly oppose women’s right to political participation. To eliminate such sociological perceptions against women, international instruments like nited !ations and Inter #arliamentary union have put a system in place to ensure that every member’s states comply with the  provisions laid down during $%&& ! 'eneral Assembly for resolution on women’s political participation and the &()th Assembly of the Inter #arliamentary nion. *espite nited !ations and inter parliamentary union affords to empower women on the political field there have been many other organi+ations established to advocates for women’s empowerment. The purpose of my research is to highlight on the progress being made in advocating for women’s political participation and how they have been weakly responding to those issues by  proving their low performance in eercising good leadership and thus prioriti+ing family affairs over state’s welfares. -eywords /eadership, #olitical, Women, #articipation, nited !ations, !obel #eace #ri+e, 0mpowerment. Topic : WOMEN IN POLITICS   Date : May 20, 2016 MUSA M. KAMARA    CONTENTS   Acknowledgement 1111111111111111111111111 & Introduction1111111111111111111111111111.$ Advocacy for women’s political empowerment11111111111111..( 2uccessful women in politics with special emphasis on11111111111..3 0llen 4ohnson 2irleaf in /iberia 1111111111111115 Theresa May in 6ritain 111111111111111111...5. Aung 2an 2un -yi in Myanmar 1111111111111111) Women proves to be non political materials with special emphasis on111111.) Aung 2un -yi in Myanmar 1............................................... 1111.7 0llen 4ohnson 2irleaf in /iberia 111111111111111.8 #ark 'eun hye in 2outh -orea11..111111111111119 :onclusion 1111111111111111111111111111119 ;eference 111111111111111111111111111111..%     1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  I would like to etend my profound thanks and appreciations to #rofessor #elin Akkurt for giving me the opportunity to research on my desirable topic and share my views on issues regarding global politics. <er ways of approaches toward discussing and eplaining topics relating to our faculty is indeed eplicit, etensive, elaborative and understandable. If this research work is to be a successful one, all credit is due to her for her professionalism. =f course I won’t be able to share my views on the aforementioned sub topics listed in the table of contents without being regular in class to follow her instructions. !ot to forget my first year introduction to politics  professor *r. '>li+ *?!@ who is very elouent and epert on her field and to whom I considered as an engineer to  building my understanding in history and politics.